Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • The Raping of Hassan

    As Amir debated within himself, he thought "I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan--- the way he'd stood up for me all those times in the past---- and accept whatever would happen to me" (Hosseini 77). This event in the book completely effected the relationship of Hassan and Amir later on. The idea of friendship was broken to Amir after this and the guilt built inside of him grew every day.
  • Kite Running Winner

    As the last two kites were in the sky, Amir closed his eyes and then opened them to see, "... the blue kite spinning wildly like a tire come loose from a speeding car" (Hosseini 66). This moment gave Amir that satisfaction that he had pleased his father by winning. Although it was a happy moment for Amir, that day changed his whole entire life around.
  • General Daud is overthrown/killed

    After the murder os General Daud, "The PDP (People's Democratic Party) comes to power." (
  • Soviet Army Invades

    The Soviet Army invades which "... props up a communist government" (
  • Escape from Afghanistan

    Amir thinks tiredly, "My innards had been roiling since we'd left Kabul just after two in the morning" (Hosseini 110). Baba and Amir's escape from Kabul changed their lives. Without it, they would've never had a stronger relationship, their environment wouldn't have been safe and he wouldn't have met the love of his life. America built the dream that Amir had as a great life.
  • Graduation of Amir

    Amir announces proudly that, "I graduated from high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior..." (Hosseini 131). Amir truly found out his passion which was writing. He knew that after graduating high school, he could finally go to college and pursue his dreams as a writer.
  • The Death of Ali

    As Rahim Kahn entered the house, Hassan explained that, "he had been killed by a land mine two years beforem just outside the Bamiyan" (Hosseini 206). The death of Ali effected how Hassan felt. Although Baba was his real father, Ali raised him to be the peaceful and loyal person he was. His death was the loss of a father, a role model, and a friend.
  • Mujahideen & Pakistan Join

    As the Mujahideen and Pakistan come together "They come together to form an alliance against the Soviet forces. Half of the Afghanistan population went fleeing to neighboring Iran and Pakistan"
  • The Visit to Hassan

    As Rahim Kahn lived lonely in Baba's house, he decided that, "I fueled up the Buick and drove up to Hazarajat" (Hosseini 204). Hassan's new home in Hazarajat was filled with peace. Rahim Kahn wanted company in the empty house, so he decided to invite Hassan and his family to live there.
  • Baba's Cancer

    The doctor explained as Amir's reaction was, "'A spot?' I said, the room suddenly too small. 'Cancer?' Baba added casually" (Hosseini 154). The new medical information effected what Baba could do for the rest of his life. He didn't have much time to really live so Amir would have to make the most of it.
  • Signing Peace Accords

    As the war continues, "Afghanistan, USSR, the US, and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union starts to pull out troops"
  • Engagment

    As they yelped in happiness, Soraya said " I'm happy too, Amir. I... can't believe this is happening" (Hosseini 164). This engagement showed how Amir feels love. Later on, as he goes to Kabul, he always remembers in the back of his head that he has a family at home and they will be there, waiting. He always needs to look back at those people and remember the forever.
  • Civil War Continues

    As the Civil War continues, the "Mujahideen push to overthrow Najibullah as the last Soviet troops leave" (
  • The Newborn Baby of Hassan-Sohrab

    After losing a baby, "In early 1990, Farzana became pregnant again" (Hosseini 209). Sohrab is a very important character in the book. Later on, he will save a life and start a new one with Amir. His presence is like having Hassan there.
  • The Return of Sanaubar

    As Sanaubar lay weak after collapsing she said, "You smiles coming out of me, did anyone ever tell you? And I wouldn't even hold you, Allah forgive me, I wouldn't even hold you" (Hosseini 210). She had returned even though she abandoned Hassan as a baby. She effects the life that Hassan lives and also Sohrab. Hassan learns to forgive and love, even though she did an awful thing. Sohrab looks up to her and is devastated with she passes.
  • Shorawi Defeated

    Rahim Kahn explained that "... the Shorawi were defeated and long gone and Kabul belonged to Massoud, Rabbani, and the Mujahedin" (Hosseini 212). Hassan, his family, and Rahim Kahn for able to survive longer because their neighbor hood wasn't being used as a war zone. They were lucky to still be alive for a good amount of time.
  • Banning Kite Fighting

    Rahim Kahn told Amir that, "... the Taliban banned kite fighting" (Hosseini 213). The kite running was a very important thing to Amir. He was able to gain respect and happiness from his father, but also was the reason for Assef raping Hassan after not handing over his kite.
  • Taliban seize control of Kabul

    The new ways of the Taliban are brought in. According to BBC, "The Taliban introduce a hard line version of Islam. It bands women from work and introduces Islamic punishments, including stoning to death and amputations" (
  • Taliban Rulers

    After the Taliban won, "The Taliban were recognized as the real rulers by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. They control about two-thirds of the country" (
  • The Taliban and the Soccer Game

    As Rahim Kahn sat in the stadium for a soccer game, a young man yelled loudly because a goal was shot. As the Taliban guard heard a yell from the stands, "... he walked up to me and struck me on the forehead with the butt of his Kalashnikov" (Hosseini 199). At this time, Rahim Kahn could've been mistaken as a grandpa, but even though he didn't make a sound, the man struck him with no respect for the elderly. The environment of Afghanistan had changed drastically.
  • Hazara Massacre

    In a depressing tone, Rahim Kahn said, "... they massacred the Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif" (Hosseini 213) This moment was very big because Amir found out that Hassan and his wife were killed. Amir had to live with the guilt in his heart that he was never able to apologize for what he did. He would never relieve the guilt inside of him that he left Hassan for his own selfish reasons.
  • US Bombing Afghanistan

    Before the bombing of Afghanistan, I was known that,"... the attacks on September 11th on the US made a devastating impact"
  • Interim Government

    As the government is decided, "Hamid Karzai is sworn in as the head of an interim power sharing government. This was decided by the Afghanistan groups in Bonn, Germany"
  • Return of the King

    People are alerted when the "Former kind Zahir Shah returns, but doesn't try to claim the thrown. He eventually passes in 2007" (
  • Attempt to Suicide

    As Amir screamed in joy after getting a visa for Sohrab, he entered the bathroom and "Suddenly I was on my knees, screaming..." (Hosseini 343). Sohrab had tried to commit suicide while taking his bath. Amir before had said he would have to go to an orphanage and broke the promise he made. Like how he broke the friendship between Hassan and himself, he had now broken any possible relationship with Sohrab.
  • Presidential Elections

    After a long election battle, "Hamid Karzai is declared the winner of the Presidential Elections after running October through November"
  • Parliamentary Elections

    As the parliament is opened to the public, the "Afghans vote in first parliamentary elections in more than 30 years. The parliament opens with warlords and strongmen in most of the seats from September to December" (
  • Boosting Troops/Suicide Attack

    With all the problems going on, "US President Obama decides to boost US troop numbers in Afghanistan by 30,000, bringing total to 100,000. He says US will begin withdrawing its forces by 2011. An Al-Qaeda double agent kills seven CIA agents in a suicide attack on a US base in Khost" (
  • Peace Agreement Currently

    Currently, after all the fighting,"The Afghan government signs a peace agreement with the militant group Hezb-e-Islami which grants immunity to the group's leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar"