Hassan gets raped
(Winter of 1975)
After Hassan goes to search for the blue kite, Amir goes out to look for him, but ends up fiding "Hassan [was] standing at the blind end of the alley in a defiant stance: fist curled, legs slightly apart" (71). Hassan's rape is a major event in the book because it changes the way Amir acts around his friend. After the event, Amir's personality changes the way he carries himself around Hassan and the way he treats him. -
Ali and Hassan leave
After Amir hid his birthday money under Hassan's pillow, Hassan takes the blame for his actions knowing Baba would question Hassan's actions. Ali ends up telling Baba they can no longer work for him. Amir recalls, "maybe it would be for the best. Lessen his suffering. And mine too. Either way, this mych has become clear: One of us had to go" ((Hosseini, 102). Amir's plannec actions are a driving forces that not only ends his friendship with Hassam, but with Baba and Ali as well. -
Amir and Baba move to America
The date is not apecific (but is in the year of 1980s).
Baba and Amir where living in Fremont, California in the 1980s. Amir says that his father "loved the idea of living in America" and "it was living in America that gave him an ulcer" (125). Amir how America is a "savior" (125) for them and is a country where there is good in it. America opens up more opportunities for Amir and generates a stronger bond for Amir and his father. -
Baba and Amir escape Kabul
In March 1981, Baba and Amir leaves Kabul to go to Pakistan. Amir mentions in the text, "He was taking us to Jalalabad, about 170 kilometers southeast of Kaubul..." (111). Their move is important to Baba and Amir because this was when the Soviets were invading their country. Their move also shows a sense of danger because Russian soldiers almost shoots/harms Baba and his friends. -
Amir Graduates Highschool
In the summer of 1983, Amir "graudated from high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day" (131). During this event, it shows the Baba was proud of his son for his achievement. This event demonstartes the growing relationship that Baba and Amir are creating due to their move to America. -
Baba's death
January 1985
A month after Amir's and Soraya's wedding, the two of them tucked Baba into his bed. Soraya "pulled up his blanket. We [they] closed the door. Baba never woke up" (Hosseini, 173). The death of Baba inflicted much pain not only to Amir and Soraya, but his friends as well. His death demonstartes the true reality of life and how everything will always come to an end at one point. -
Amir meets Soraya
May 1985
Soraya's and Amir's relationship grows gradually . For example, the two of them, "Soraya and I [Amir] were alone at their booth, talking. She was tell me [him] about school, how she to was working on her general education class..." (150). Soraya potentially becomes an imporant person in Amir's life, but in order for that to happen, their relationships starts off somewhere. The quote shows the developement of their ever growing relationship -
Baba is informed he has cancer
(Summer 1985)
In the summer of 1985, Baba is informed he has a type of cancer called "Oat Cell Carcinoma." (156) and Baba tells Amir, "but no chemo medication for me" (156). This turn of events affect Amir because Baba refuses to recieve treatment. Although Baba has the choice of receiving chemo, he does not take the treatment. Although it may seem foolish, Baba's act emphasizes the risk and bravery he shows for himself and Amir. -
Period: to
Amir Receives Permission to ask Soraya to marry her
Early in the year of 1986, Amir asks Baba if he could ask General Taheri for Amir's hand in marriage for Soraya. Amir asks his father, "I want you to go khastegari. I want you to ask Gerneral Taheri for his daughter's hand." (161) Amir asks Baba for this favor as a final wish. Though this may seem selfish, Baba agrees to help his son showing another act of love for him. -
Amir publishes his first novel
Amir mentions, "In the dummer of 1988, about six months before the Soviets withdrew from Afganistan, I finished my first novel..." ((Hosseini, 182). This accomplishment creates a feeling of something he believes he is right. Though Baba didn't believe in Amir to pursue his dream of becoming an author, Amir feels content because it is something he loves. -
Amir and Soraya try to make a baby
Soraya and Amir try to concieve a baby, but are unfortunately failing. Amir blames this for "karma" bitting him back and says, "We had our reasons for not adopting. Soraya had hers, the general his, and I had this: that perhaps something, someone, somewhere, had decided to deny me fatherhood for the things I had done" (188). Amir blames himself for the sins he had created. This forshadows the fact that Amir will soon learn that Hassan has a child and will have to take responsiblity for him. -
Hassan and Farzana are killed
Rahim tells Amir "...order him to kneel--...and shot him in the back of the head--...Faranza came screaming and attacked them--...shot her too. Self-defense, the claimed later..." ((Hosseini, 219). Althoug Amir has not kept in touch with Hassan, his reaction shows he still cares deeply for Hassan. He also learns that Hassan is his brother which intensifies the emotion towards his brother. -
Rahim Khan asks Amir to visit him
When Rahim Khan turns very ill he asks Amir to visit him in Pakistan. Amir ends up learning a lot of information about himself and Hassan that he never knew about. Amir is told, "'She left him childless after three years and married a man in Khost. She bore him three daughters. That's whay I am trying to tell you" ((Hosseini, 222). This information takes a turn and Amir and causes confliction and betrayal. It represents the betrayal he feels for Baba because he hides vital information from him. -
Assef and Amir fight
After Assef beats Amir dry, Amir describes his body as "boken--just how badly I wouldn't find out until later--but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed" ((Hosseini, 289). All of the guilt that Amir accumulated over a majority of his life causes him to fell as if he is finally paying for his actions he created. This is also another moment where Sohrab is scared for Amir and show emotion towards him. -
Sohrab Smiles
After Amir taught Hassan his father's old kite-running trick, Amir wittnesses Sohrab smiling. He says, "I looked down at Sohrab. One corner of his mouth had curled up just so. A smile. Lopsided. Hardly there. But there" ((Hosseini, 371). Their exchange causes Amir to finally feel as ig he had atoned for all his actions he made from the winter of 1975. This was one of the only times he felt cared free. This shows that though Hassan is no longer there, he will be there both spirtually and mentally -
Amir and Sohrab fly a kite
Amir notices children flying a kite which reminds him of his childhood with Hassan and the kite running competition. He describes Sohrab having a "glassy, vacant look in his eyes was gone. His gaze flitted between our kite and the green one. His face was a little flushed, his eyes suddenly alert. Awake. Alive" ((Hosseini, 369). This is heartwarming for Amir because it generate hope for the two of them. Their bond strenghtens showing Sohrab is slowly gaining trust of Amir.