Kite Runner & The History of Afghanistan

  • The Night of Kites

    In the beginning of the book, Amir said, "[He] became what [he is] today at the age of twelve, on a frigid overcast day in the winter of 1975." (Hosseini 1) That was the night when he won the kite flying competition and made Baba proud. Unfortunately, it was also the night of when he didn't stand up for Hassan.
  • Amir's 13th Birthday

    The year Hassan and Ali left, Amir thought, "I turned thirteen that summer of 1976, Afghanistan's next to last summer of peace and anonymity." (Hosseini 93) This was the time of when Amir framed Hassan for stealing his stuff. Amir thought that he would get rid of his guilt or things would be peaceful if he or Hassan left.
  • The Future

    Amir was talking about his servant, Jalauddin, and how in the mornings he would, "probably think we’d gone out for a stroll or a drive.” (Hosseini 112) Amir was referring to this servant as if it would happen in the future. This is how he thought it would go when they would move to America.
  • Amir's Graduation

    In the book, Amir said, "That summer of 1983, I graduated from high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field that day." (Hosseini 131) Amir graduated high school which soon led him into thinking about his future. Amir wanted his new career to be a writer/author and according to what he said in the book, he's doing fine with that.
  • New Car

    In the summer of 1984 when Amir turned 21, "Baba sold his Buick and bought a dilapidated ’71 Volkswagen bus for $550 from an old Afghan acquaintance who’d been a high-school science teacher in Kabul.” (Hosseini 137) This is the beginning of Amir becoming an adult. It starts with Graduation, then a car for a graduation gift and then the next part of his life is meeting the love of his life.
  • Falling in Love

    Amir fell in love with General Taheri's daughter Soraya. One of the first times they were together without Soraya's father was at a flea market. Amir started a conversation by asking Soraya, "Would you like to read one of my stories?" (Hosseini 147) Soraya said that she would like to hear one of his stories. That was a moment that led up to what they are now.
  • Baba's Death and Amir's Marriage

    Unfortunately, after Amir and Soraya's wedding, Baba passed away. Right after Baba passed away, "Soraya and [Amir] moved into a one-bedroom apartment in Fremont, just a few blocks away from the gerneral and Khala Jamila's house." (Hosseini 180) Amir's life shifted from living with his father to living with his wife. He bega to adjust to living with Soraya as husband and wife.
  • Amir Finishes His First Book

    It took some time, but eventually, "Six weeks later, a man named Martin Greenwalt called from New York and offered to represent me." (Hossieni 183) When Amir finished his first book and gets it published 1989 it had his career taking off. Amir felt really good about himself when he got his book published.
  • Unsuccesful

    Amir and Soraya try to have a baby, but fail to do so. Soraya's mother told her daughter, "God knows best bachem, Maybe it wasn't meant to be." (Hosseini 186) Soraya's mother is trying to comfort Soraya because she is upset over this. She also explains to Soraya that God has a plan and maybe there is a reason why Amir and her are unable to have a baby.
  • Rahim Khan's Call

    Amir recieves a phone call from Rahim Khan saying that he is very ill and that he would like for Amir to visit him. On the plane, "[Amir] rested [his] head against the window. Waited, in vain, for sleep." (Hosseini 194) After the phone call, Amir's thoughts of Pakistan and his past keep him up at night. A lot of events have taken place in Afghanistan and he needed to see Rahim Khan; however he did not want to go to the place where he made a lot of mistakes.
  • Amir's Brother

    Amir finds all these letters from Hassan to him, 20 years later. In Hassan's letter, he wrote, "and I dream that someday you will return to Kabul to revisit the land our childhood. If you do, you will find an old faithful friend waiting for you" (Hosseini 218) Later in the story, Amir finds out that Hassan is his half-brother. Once he had time to cool down about Baba lying to him, he wants to take care of Hassan's son Sohrab.
  • Sohrab

    When Amir visits Pakistan, Rahim Khan tells him about Hassan's son, Sohrab. Amir says, "They named him Sohrab, after Hassan’s favorite hero from the Shahnamah, as you know, Amir jan” (Hosseini 211) Amir probably thought that he would never meet Sohrab since he was in an orphanage. He wanted to atone for everything he did wrong to Hassan by taking care of Sohrab for him.
  • The Karzai Government

    In the month of December of 2001, Mohammad Zahir Shah's relative Hamid Karzai, "was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country." (The New York Times 3)