Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Mohammed Daoud Khan Resigns as Prime Minister of Afghanistan

  • The Afghan Communist Party Secretly Forms

  • Baba Got Hassan Surgery to Fix His Cleft Lip

    As a gift for Hassan's birthday, Baba, "summoned Dr. Kumar from New Delhi," to perform surgery on Hassan to repair his cleft lip (Hosseini 45). Neither Hassan nor Amir were too pleased with the gift. Amir was especially unhappy with Baba for showing affection to Hassan and giving him such a sentimental gift.
  • Hassan Gets Raped

    The winter of 1975 was extremely hard on Amir and he, "became what I am [he was] today at the age of twelve" (Hosseini 1). The specific night that changed him as a person entirely was the day of the kite fighting and running competitions, and also the day of Hassan's rape. This day completely and utterly changed the whole course of the story ans effected several relationships throughout the story.
  • Amir Wins the Kite Fighting Competition

    As Amir was battling his last opponent in the kite fighting competition, he, "closed my [his] eyes and loosened my [his] grip on the string. It sliced my [his] fingers again as the wind dragged it. And then... I[he] didn't need to heat the crowd's roar to know," he had cut the opposing kite and won(Hosseini 65-66). Amir's victory caused him and Baba to start to develop a heathier and more understanding relationship. Thus showing Baba's primary interests consist of success and material things.
  • Ali and Hassan Leave/Quit

    Due to the server guilt Amir is experiencing, he places the watch and some money he received for his birthday under Hassan mattress in hopes to get him fired. Hassan does get caught, but Baba does not get mad, in fact he insists for him and Ali to stay. Though, Ali explains that, "life here [there] is impossible for us [them] now" (Hosseini 106). Ali and Hassan have their bags packed and leave right away. Baba is beside himself and don't understand why they are leaving.
  • Soviet Army Invades and Forces Communist Government

  • Babrak Karmal Becomes President with the Soviet Union Supporting

  • Baba and Amir Flee Kabul

    Baba and Amir flee Kabul with desire to attain the, "relative safety of Pakistan, " in 1981(Hosseini 111). To reach Pakistan, they must cross the border illegally. Their journey's mission has good intentions though, to find safety from the harsh and dangerous conditions of Afghanistan.
  • Amir and Baba Move to America

    Baba loved living in American, let alone, "the idea of America" (Hosseini 125). He and Amir specifically moved to Fremont, California for most of the 80's. Neither of the two had issues with living there, in fact they were both pleased to live in Fremont.
  • Amir Graduates from High School

    In the, "summer of 1983, I [Amir] graduated from high school at the age of twenty" (Hosseini 131). Amir felt self-conscious on this day because he was obviously the oldest one graduating. Although, he was extremely proud of himself for completing twelve years of education.
  • Baba Buys Amir a Car

    The summer following Amir's graduation, he and Baba went out to celebrate. When they were leaving and they were driving away, Baba told Amir to, "keep driving to the end of the block" (Hosseini 133). To Amir's surprise, Baba pointed out a Ford Gran Torino parked on the side of the road that was meant for him. Amir was completly shock by this and became teary eyed with joy.
  • Baba Dies

    As the days went on, Baba became more sick and more weak. One night he had asked Amir and Soraya to assist him in to bed, but , "Baba never woke up," that morning. (Hosseini 173). Amir was beside himself because of Baba's death. He and Baba were just starting to connect with each other and truly understand the other.
  • Amir Asks to Marry Soraya

    Amir and Baba go to the General's house to ask permission of both the General and Soraya. Soraya explains to them her past so that Amir know the truth, but Amir explains that, "Nothing you[she]said changes anything. I[Amir]was us to marry."(Hosseini 165). The wedding is not to long after this and this make Amir happy because his father was able to see him get married because of his diagnosis. Both Soraya and Amir pleased with the marriage and are delighted with the way everything turned out
  • Amir Finishes his First Novel

    A little after Baba's death, Amir finishes his, "first novel, a father-son story set in Kabul" (Hosseini 182). Through the subject of Amir's novel, it is implied that Amir had a strong connection with his father. This shows that Baba was able to atone for not giving much effection to Amir when he was little.
  • Afghan Fighters Drive Out the Last of the Soviets

  • Abdul Ali Mazari, Leader of the Hazara People, is Tortured and Killed by the Taliban

  • Monhammad Najibullah is Publicly Executed by the Taliban

  • Taliban Seize Control of Kabul

  • The U.S. Missile Strikes a Terrorist Training Complex Said to be Funded by Osama bin Laden

  • Rahim Khan Calls Amir

    In the summer of 2001, Amir gets an unexpected call from Rahim Khan telling him to return to Afghanistan and that, "there is a way to be good again." (Hosseini 192). Amir follows Rahim Khan's order and returns to his home land. Here, he catches up with Rahim Khan and is asked to help recover Hassan's orphaned son.
  • Sohrab's Suicide Attempt

    After Amir had woken up from a nap, he found Sohrad in the bathtub with his wrists slit. Amir immediately rushed him to the nearest hospital. When Sohrab finally woke up, he explained to Amir that he was just, "tired of everything, ". He went on the further explain that he wished Amir had just left him in the tub so he would have to deal with any of the pain. Amir then told Sohrab he will never go back on his promise of putting him in an orphanage.
  • Amir Bring Sohrab Back to America with Him

    After Sohrab recovered from his suicide attempt, Amir is able to take him, "home...on a warm day in August 2001" (Hosseini 375). Since then, Sohrab has recovered nicely, but is still healing metal. Sohrab has become mute because of all of the horrific things he encountered in the past.
  • Fall of the Taliban

  • Sohrab Finally Starts to Become Comfortable in America

    Amir, Soraya, and Sohrab went to Lake Elizabeth to celebrate Afghan New Year. There, many people are flying kites which brings back memories to Amir about when he was little and he would fight kites. Amir told Sohrab to watch him do one of his, "father's favorite tricks, the old lift-and-dive" (Hosseini 369). Sohrab watch in suspense as Amir was doing the trick and when he cut the other kite, he gave a slight smile. This shows that Sohrab is becoming more comfortable in American and with Amir
  • Period: to

    The Kite Runner 1975-present day

    History Of Afghanistan and The Kite Runner