Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • hassan is harassed by soldiers (KR)

    Hassan's mother, who left him as birth had a reputation of being a bit of a flirt. This comes back to harm Hassan when soldiers harass him about this, "What a tight little sugary cunt she had" (pg. 7) This really effected Hassan but amir just told him to forget about it and keep walking.
  • kite runner tournament begins (KR)

    In Afghanistan a yearly kite runner tournament is held. This event is a major event throughout all the districts, which all the kids come together to fly kites. The winner is very well known throughout the town and is congratulated. "Up and down the streets, kite runners were returning triumphantly, their captured kites held high." (Hosseini 63) In these tournament kites are released and all the participants try to catch the landing kites. It is a major event throughout Afghanistan.
  • amir won kite tournament (KR)

    In Afghanistan a yearly event know as the "Kite Tournament" takes place in each district of Afghanistan. In the winter of 1975 it was going to the biggest tournament in 25 years, held in Kabul, Amirs hometown. Amir being an avid winner in this yearly event won, "I begun to pull my kite back as people rushed to congratulate me." (pg. 67) Although this day was thought to be one of the best Amir would ever have it all took a change moments after.
  • hassan is raped (KR)

    A major event in the Kite Runner was Hassan being raped. During the kite runner tournament he was beat up in an ally by Assef and his crew changing him forever, "Hassan was standing at the blind end of the alley in a defiant stance: fits curled, legs slightly apart." (Hosseini 71) This quote being in Amirs perspective shows the terror Hassan had to face and how this put a wall in between there friendship.
  • soviet army invades

    Through Afghanistan's history the government style has changed frequently based on the ruler. Specifically, in 1978 the government was communist based which is where the state plans and controls the economy. According to BBC the "Soviet Army invades and props up communist government." (BBC news 2)
  • amir and baba move to america (KR)

    After the Taliban Amir and baba just needed to leave Afghanistan, Baba was very happy about this idea, "Baba loved the idea of america. " (Hosseini 125) it was just the part about getting there safely that stressed him out. Baba was woried about the Taliban when crossing.
  • US supplies missils

    In Afghanistan the mujahideen's are guerrilla fighters in islamic countries, such as Afghanistan. Back in 1986 the us provided these fighters with missiles intended to shoot down the soviets helicopter gunships. As said by BBC news "US begins supplying mujahideen with Stinger missiles, enabling them to shoot down Soviet helicopter gunships." (BBC news)
  • hassan dies (KR)

    Hassan, one of the main characters strongly shaped the plot. When he was living in Babas the Taliban took over and "shot him in the back of the head." (Hosseini 219) This event demonstrates how ruthless the Taliban is. Without thought they shot Hassan right outside of his house.
  • amir frames hassan (KR)

    After Amir had been trying to cope with the guilt of what he did to Hassan he had had enough and decided they had to leave. The only way he though of was framing them, "I lifted Hassan's mattress and planted my new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it." (Hosseini 104) Amir thought that he would be doing everyone a favor by framing Hassan so Baba would fire them and amir wouldn't have to wake up to his guilt everyday.
  • amir publishes his first novel (KR)

    Amirs childhood dream has always been to publish a novel, which he accomplished in the summer of 1988, "I finished my first novel, a father- son story set in Kabul." (Hosseini 182) Amirs first novel has a sentimental value because it was based on him and his father. Especially considering Baba, Amirs father never supported him in his desire to be a writer.
  • peace treaty signed

    The "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" or also know as the USSR along with US and Pakistan signed a peace treaty with the soviet union in 1988. According to bbc news they benifeted becuase the soviet union began to pull troops, "sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops." (BBc news 1)
  • amir marrys soraya (KR)

    During amirs search he came across assef, the bully from kabul. When trying to take sohrab away from the orphanage assef beat him up, "his brass knuckles flashing in the afternoon light: how cold they felt." (Hosseini 288) Even with all the pain Amir felt by being beat up he experienced a sick joy that he was fianly getting the pain he wanted for what he did to amir back in the winter of 1975.
  • civil war continues

    In 1989 there was a very large civil war in Afghanistan. In 1989 it continues, but the last soviet troops leave, but the "mujahideen push to overthrow Najibullah." (BBC news 2)
  • Us launches missiles

    After the US suspects bases of militant Osama bin Laden the US "launches missile strikes at suspected bases of militant Osama bin Laden" (BBC news 3)
  • baba dies (KR)

    In Afghanistan a yearly event know as the "Kite Tournament" takes place in each district of Afghanistan. In the winter of 1975 it was going to the biggest tournament in 25 years, held in Kabul, Amirs hometown. Amir being an avid winner in this yearly event won, "I begun to pull my kite back as people rushed to congratulate me." (pg. 67) Although this day was thought to be one of the best Amir would ever have it all took a change moments after.
  • amir discovers his half brother, hassan (KR)

    During amirs search he came across assef, the bully from kabul. When trying to take sohrab away from the orphanage assef beat him up, "his brass knuckles flashing in the afternoon light: how cold they felt." (Hosseini 288) Even with all the pain Amir felt by being beat up he experienced a sick joy that he was fianly getting the pain he wanted for what he did to amir back in the winter of 1975.
  • amir rescues Sohrab (KR) incomplete

    After Sohrab discovered his father had died and the only family he had left was amir he couldnt take it anymore and "slit his wrists with a razor blade." (Hosseini 294) Sohrab didn't couldnt find a reason to live anymore so he thought his only way out was to kill himself.
  • amir gets beat up by assef (KR)

    During amirs search he came across assef, the bully from kabul. When trying to take sohrab away from the orphanage assef beat him up, "his brass knuckles flashing in the afternoon light: how cold they felt." (Hosseini 288) Even with all the pain Amir felt by being beat up he experienced a sick joy that he was fianly getting the pain he wanted for what he did to amir back in the winter of 1975.
  • amirs runs kite w/sohrab (KR)

    After Amir growing up with flying kites it had a personal connection to him and Hassan. Amir came up with the idea of teaching Sohrab one of Hassans tricks to help him with missing him. "I'm going to show you one of your father's favorite tricks, the old lift-and-dive." This really helped Hassan after him being in shock for so long after attempting suicide.
  • Taliban seize control of kabul

    The Taliban, a "Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan" is very well known in Afghanistan as a threatening group known for their very harsh actions. Specifically in 1996 the Taliban "Taliban seize control of Kabul and introduce hard-line version of Islam, banning women from work, and introducing Islamic punishments, which include stoning to death and amputations." (bbc news 2)
  • sohrad attempts suicide (KR)

    After Sohrab discovered his father had died and the only family he had left was amir he couldnt take it anymore and "slit his wrists with a razor blade." (Hosseini 294) Sohrab didn't couldnt find a reason to live anymore so he thought his only way out was to kill himself.
  • Taliban controls 2/3 of Afghanistan

    The Taliban, being very powerful has a large control over Afghanistan. After seizing control of Afghanistan in 1996 in 1997 the Taliban "control about two-thirds of country." (bbc news 2)
  • US anti-Taliban forces enter Afghanistan

    After the very harsh attacks in September 11, 2001 the US "US-led bombing of Afghanistan begins following the September 11 attacks on the United States. Anti-Taliban Northern Alliance forces enter Kabul shortly afterwards." (BBC news 3)
  • new constitution

    Afghanistan went in and out of many presidents. Which resulted in many new policies. According to BBC news, "Loya Jirga adopts new constitution which provides for strong presidency." (BBC news 2)
  • parliamentary elections

    In Afghanistan for more than 30 years voting wasn't available, "Afghans vote in first parliamentary elections in more than 30 years." (BBC news 4)