Kite runner & the history of Afghanistan

  • Period: to

    Kite runner & the history of Afghanistan

  • Hassan stands up for Amir

    Hassan stands up for Amir
    Amir was being threatened by Assef and Hassan saw and took a slingshot and pointed it directly at Assef's eye. Assef got scared and left Amir alone for a while. This is a big part of the story because it shows how Hassan always stands up for Amir no matter the outcome.
  • Zahir Shah becomes king

    Zahir Shah becomes king
    Zahir Shah becomes king. The new king brings a semblance of stability to the country and he rules for the next 40 years.
  • Khan overthrows Mohamed Zahir

    when this happened, this creates a democratic party
  • Assef rapes Hassan

    It's the summer of 1975 and the kite flying event was happening when Amir wins for the first time, and Amir lost Hassan and Hassan ends up getting raped by Assef, which is the main topic of the book
  • Women's rights

    Women's rights
    Khan proposes a new constitution that gives women rights
  • tanks appear on Amir and Hassans street

    Amir remembers back to the time when "Hassan and I played, bring the death to Afghanistan" which was trouble t their neighboorhood
  • Afganistan is invaded

    Afganistan is invaded
    In December the USSR invaded Afghanistan in order to strength the faltering Communist
  • Amir and Baba leave Afghanistan

    In 1979, five year after the incident at the kite tournament, Baba and air leave Kabul, due to danger
  • Afgan's are feeing

    some 2.8million Afghans have fled from the war to Pakistan, and another 1.5 million have fled from iran
  • Amir graduates

    In the summer of 1983, Amir graduates high school as the oldest senior(20 years old).
  • Amir and Soraya get married

    Amir and his girlfriend, Soraya get married. Baba is very proud that Amir is marrying someone of the same race. "Baba spent 35,000, nearly the balance of his life savings... [for the]wedding ceremony" (169).
  • Amir finds out Ali is dead

    From Rahim Khan, Amir learns that "Ali... had been killed by a land mine two yearsbefowre..."(206).
  • Amir writes his first novel

    In the summer of 1988, Amir writes his first novel.
  • Sanubar takes Sorhab to the orphanage

    "It was Sanabar who delivered Hassans son that winter of 1990"(211).
  • The Taliban publicly executes Najibullah

    The Taliban publicly executes Najibullah
    Ethnic groups in the north, under Masood's Northern Alliance, and the south, aided in part by Hamid Karzai.