Zahir Shah Reign And Ali's New Home
In the year 1993, "Baba was born and Zahir Shah began his forty-year reign of Afghanistan" (Hosseini 24). Along with Baba's birth and the new commander-in-chief Ali was became an orphan. Two wealthy brothers got behind a wheel and crashed into Ali's parents. Ali parent's death led to Ali becoming the new addition to Baba's family. -
The Orphanage
Baba drew the blueprints for the orphanage, without any architectural experience, and everyone "urged him to stop his foolishness" (Hosseini 13). Around 1963 the orphanage was finally built, it took 3 years to be completed. When it was finished the people who doubted Baba were surprised and shocked. Baba knew that if he did not give up, the orphanage would be built. He did not listen to the people's criticism, instead he listened to himself and he succeeded. -
Amir's And Hassan's Birth
Amir was born in 1963 while, "Hassan was born in the winter of 1964" (Hosseini 6). Amir is about one year older than Hassan. Coincidentally, they both lost their mothers around the time they were born. Amir's mother died while giving birth to him and Hassan's mother "ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers" (Hosseini 6), five days after giving birth. They both grew up without a mother. Hassan's mother running off is considered worst, in the eyes of Afghans, than a death of a mother. -
The Only Sin
Baba believes that there is only one sin in the world "'and that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft'" (Hosseini 16). When you murder someone you are stealing a life and when you lie to someone you steal their truth. Theft is the only sin in the eyes of Baba. In our society we have many crimes but, similarly, they all connect back to a type of theft. -
The End Of The Monarchy
The night of 7/17/1973 was the start of "a still ongoing era of bloodletting" (Hosseini 36). That night there was rapid explosions and shooting that could be heard outside Baba's house. The next morning there was no such thing as a monarchy anymore because Zahir Shah's, the king, reign was ended by his cousin Daoud Khan. -
A New But Lost Smile
Hassan's birthday consist of his "lips being twisted... [and] smiling" (Hosseini 47). Baba gifted Hassan a doctor that could fix his lip to allow him to smile normally. Baba was always kind to Hassan and he never forgot Hassan's birthday. After the procedure, Hassan was grateful that he could smile; however, that winter was not filled with any smiles. -
The Last Kite Run
After Amir won the kite competition, Hassan excitably said, "I'm going to run that blue kite for you... a thousand times over" (Hosseini 67). That was the last time Amir saw Hassan run a kite. That was also the last time Amir saw Hassan smile; the next time would not be until 26 years later in a photo. While running the kite Hassan ran into Assef and then gets sexually assaulted by him. Amir witnessed the assault but, instead of helping and accepting any physical consequences, he runs away. -
New Constitution
Mohammed Daoud Khan, the president, drafts a constitution "that grants women rights and works to modernize the largely communist state" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). -
Friend Or Servant
At age twelve, Amir was already considering the differences between Hassan's and his religion. Amir never thought of Hassan as his friend because "[he] was a Pashtun and [Hassan] was a Hazara... and nothing was ever going to change that" (Hosseini 25). Even as babies they did everything together. They crawled, played, and hung out together. This was abnormal because, Hazaras and Pashtuns were not seen as friends in their society. They were friends but, that word was never used to described them. -
Period: to
History Of Afghanistan
New President
Mohammed Daoud Khan was unfortunately killed in a communist coup which caused, Nur Mohammad Taraki to "take control of the country as president and Babrak Karmal is named deputy prime minister" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). The new leaders, "proclaim independence from Soviet influence, and declare their policies to be based on Islamic principles" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). -
A Power War
The US cuts ties with Afghanistan due to American Ambassador Adolph Dubs' death. Taraki and Deputy Prime Minister Hafizullah Amin begin a power "war", which caused "Taraki [to be] killed on Sept. 14 in a confrontation with Amin supporters"(http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). -
The Beginning Of The War
The USSR invades Afghanistan on Dec. 24 and on Dec. 27, "Amin and many of his followers are executed" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). Deputy Prime Minister Babrak Karmal becomes president while, "widespread opposition to Karmal and the Soviets spawns violent public demonstrations"(http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). -
Moving Day
Baba, Amir, and many other passengers were being smuggled "out of Shoran-occupied Kabul to the relative safety of Pakistan" (Hosseini 111). The plan was to cross the border to Jalalabad, drive across the Khyber Pass, head to Peshawar, and soon enough arrive in America. It was unsafe to live in Kabul at that time. People told on each other, the comrades were everywhere, there was no such thing as loyalty anymore, and everyone was a spy in their disgusting way. -
People adjust in their own ways when it comes to change. In this case Baba was upset about being mistreated because back home in Kabul, he was never talked to in a rude manner. The flip out at the Fast & Easy was Baba showed how Baba was still "adjusting to life in America" (Hosseini 129). Even though it has been a year and a half, Baba is not to be blamed for not getting use to the American customs. Adjusting takes time and for some people it may take years. -
Today was the big day. The wedding ceremony day. Baba had spent nearly all of his life saving for this ceremony, "he rented a large Afghan banquet hall in Fremont... [he] paid for the chilas, [the] matching wedding bands, and for the diamond ring" (Hosseini 169). Baba was genuinely thrill and proud of Amir so, the money did not bother that much to him. Baba was happy that Amir found a wonderful wife and that he was able to see the wedding before he died. -
Two months after the wedding, Baba past away. Everyone was expecting it and Amir thought he was ready, but he was not. All Amir's life he has had Baba's guidance but now that he is gone, "Baba couldn't show [Amir] the way anymore; [he'd] have to find it on [his] own" (Hosseini 174). Amir missed Baba and the thought of being alone scared him. Even with his new wife and family, it was not the same without Baba presences. Grief is a long and terrifying process. -
The Continuation Of The War
Osama bin Laden and other Islamists form the al-Qaida, "to continue their jihad, or holy war, against the Soviets and other who they say oppose their goal of a pure nation governed by Islam" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). -
Peace Accords
Afghanistan, Soviet Union, Pakistan, and the United States sign peace treaties in Geneva "guaranteeing Afghan independence and the withdrawal of 100,000 Soviet troops" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). The Mujahadeen continue their resistance against the Soviet. Sibhatullah Mojadidi is head of Afghan guerrillas' government. -
The Invasion
Rebel groups and the Mujahadeen invade the capital, and strip Kabul and oust Najibullah from power. Fighting over the future of Afghanistan, the Mujahadeen "form a largely Islamic state with professor Burhannudin Rabbani as president" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). -
A Change
The Taliban, an Islamic militia, "rises to power on promises of peace... outlaw cultivation of poppies for the opium trade, crack down on crime, and curtail the education and employment of women" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). The drought and war, that has been going on for years, has caused most Afghans to become exhausted. -
The Taliban executes Najibullah. Along with that, ethnic groups under Masood’s Northern Alliance "continue to battle the Taliban for control of the country" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). -
"President Clinton orders cruise missile attacks against bin Laden’s training camps in Afghanistan" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/), due to the al-Qaida’s bombing American embassies in Africa. -
International Terrorist
Bin Laden is cultivating thousands of people in terrorist camps and "the United States demands that bin Laden be extradited to stand trial for the embassy bombings... the Taliban decline to extradite him" (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/asia-jan-june11-timeline-afghanistan/). -
Heading Back Home
When Amir and Soraya was at home on day, Amir quickly said "I have to go to Pakistan" (Hosseini 191). This was shocking for Soraya to hear but she agreed because Rahim Khan was very sick. If there was a time to head back home, this was the time. Amir knew that he had to go now or else he would never go. A week later he was on a plane on the way to atone for his mistakes. -
After seeing Rahim Khan, Amir left to Kabul to find his nephew. Sohrab was Hassan's son and Amir's nephew. In the end, Amir "brought Hassan's son from Afghanistan to America, lifting him from the certainty of turmoil and dropping him in a turmoil of uncertainty" (Hosseini 356). Getting Sohrab was a mission. Sohrab had been taken by Assef and was sexually abused. Amir had to fight Assef and fight for Sohrab's love in order to bring in him back to America. Amir did all of this to atone. -
Kite Running
Amir, Soraya, and Sohrab went to an Afghans' celebration in the Bay Area. Amir took the opportunity and used kite running to bond with Sohrab. After Sohrab was the last kite standing, Amir told Sohrab he would run the kite "a thousand times over" for him (Hosseini 371). This reflects back to when Amir won the kite competition when he was 12 years old and Hassan running the kite for Amir. Fast forward many years and Amir is running the kite for Hassan's son. It takes time but life circles around.