Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

By vbonk
  • Hassan gets violated

    While Hassan was being violated, "Hassan didn't struggle. He didn't even whimper. He moved his head slightly and caught a glimpse of his face"(75) Amir is seeing Hassan being violated by Assef. While this is happening Amir is not doing anything to stop it.
  • Amir feels remorse

    As Amir reflects on what he did to Hassan he says, "I ran because I am a coward"(77). Amir is felling bad because he left Hassan to get violated. As he reflects he tries for amnesty by putting himself down.
  • Solviet little peace

    The islamic Rebublic of Afganistan has,"...little peace since1979 when the Solviet Union invaded"(1).
  • Parachetts

    Solviet troops first invaded when,"Solviets troops parachutted into Kabul on Dec. 27, 1979"(2).
  • In America

    When Babba and Amir moved to America, "Babba loved the idea of america"(125). Babba loved it in America. It resembled a new start.
  • Olympics

    Babba found out "... the U.S. announced it would be boycotting the Olympic games, in Moscow"(126). Babba was very mad because while many Afgans were being masacured the U.S. was worrying about the Olympics. Many were dying and it wasn't on the United Staes mind.
  • Graduation

    After a few years Amir finally "...graduated from Highschool athe the age twenty"(131). Amir has benn going through Highschool at an older age and is finally ready to move on to a different part of life. Since he has moved to america he has been offered new opportunities.
  • Baba dies

    Amir finally relized he was "Baba's son"(174). Baba just died and Amir is coping with it. all MAir's life he wanted to be "Baba"s son" but he finally relized he was always loved and treated as Baba's son.
  • Babba finds out he has cancer

    Babba found out he had "Oat Cell Carcinoma"(156).Babba just found out he has cancer and lets Amir know. Babba does not want to go through any treatments because his cancer is uncureable
  • Amir gets married

    Amir finally encounters, "The happiest day of [his] life"(165) Amir is marrying Sorya. This is very big because this is a new step in his new life since moving. He is able to start a family.
  • Amir gets book published

    Amir finished is book and, "Six weeks later, a man named Martin Greenwalt called from New York and offered to represent me"(183). Martin has decided to help publish Amirs book which is one of Amir's many accomplishments.
  • Solviet left

    In 1989 the Solviets,"left Afganistan..."(2).
  • Warlord power

    When the Solviet Union left," the summer of 1994, power was anarchially divided among competing warlords..."(2)
  • Mullah Omar

    In 1994 a pashtun,"Mullah Omar had nearlly 12,000 followers andd was rolling up warlords to the north and east'(2).
  • Taliban

    A group came in,"the Taliban by 1996 ha[d]taken control of Afganistan"(3).
  • Hassan dies

    Amir finds out what happens to Hassan. He was"...shot him in the back of the head"(219). Hassan was shot in the heasd by the Taliban. Hassan was not afraid of protesting against the Taliban which led to his death
  • Amir going to Pakistan

    When Amir gets a phone call saying "Rahim is very sick"(191) Amir is going back to Pakistan to check on Rahim who he hasn't seen since he left. Little does amir know that is not the only reason why he is going to Pakistan.
  • Amir runs into Assef

    As Amir is Searching for Sohrab and asked the taliban leader, "His name escaped [his] lips: Assef" Amir finds out that Assef is the leader of the Taliban and has to do with Sohrab. He relizes Assef has not changed one bit.
  • 9/11

    When the US got involved in Afganistan,"... it lead an inasion after Sept. 11 by Al Qaeda" (pg 1)
  • Fly kites

    "Do you want to help me fly this?"(368) Amir is flying a kite with Sohrab. This is reminding Amir when he used to fly kites with Hassan.
  • Mr. Karzai

    Afganistan needed finatical aid so,"Mr.Karzai was elected to a five year term as preident in 2004"(3).
  • Deploy troops

    mMr. Obamma anounced,"...his plan to deploy 30,000additional troops"(4).
  • Withdraw from afganistan

    The US thought,"... combat forces[will]begin withdraing in the summer of 2011"(1).