Mohammed Daoud Khan becomes Prime Minister
The article says he, ¨introduces a number of social reforms including allowing women a more public presence¨ (PBS). -
Amir's mother dies as he is born
When Amir returns to Afghanistan as an adult, he meets someone who knows Amir's mother. Amir thinks, "Baba had always described her to me in broad strokes...But what I has always thirsted for were the details" (250). This signifies the maternal feelings and relationship that Amir feels he is lacking as he grows up. Since he only has Baba to look up to, he is constantly trying to win his favor and be more like him. This makes Amir feel like he isn't good enough when he is not as brave as Baba. -
Hassan is born and Sanaubar leaves
In Chapter 1, Amir explains that "Hassan's mother gave birth to him one cold winter day in 1964...less a week after he was born,...She ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers" (6). This event is important because Hassan's family feels ashamed of the way his mother left him. As Amir and Hassan grow up, Amir is shown sympathy for his mother's death while Hassan is taunted about his mother. This reveals that in Afghan culture, a woman leaving her husband is considered a huge disgrace. -
Secret Afghan Communist Party is Formed
The text says that "principal leaders are Babrak Karmal and Nur Mohammad Taraki" (PBS). -
King Mohammed Zahir Shah is Overthrown
Mohammed Daoud Khan "comes to power [and he] abolishes the monarchy and names himself president" (PBS). -
Amir makes up a story and tells Hassan
When Amir was reading to Hassan one day he "suddenly...strayed from the story...and made up [his] own...After,...Hassan began to clap" (30). This event is significant because it inspires Amir to become a writer later in life. It also reveals that Amir is greatly influenced by Hassan's opinions. Because Hassan says that Amir's story is really good, Amir takes this to heart and starts writing more. -
Hassan gets Plastic Surgery
When Baba gives Hassan a plastic surgery for his birthday, Amir thinks, "I wish I too had some kind of scar that would beget Baba's sympathy...Hassan hadn't done anything...he'd just been born with that stupid harelip" (46). This reveals that Amir views Hassan as a threat as he fights to earn Baba's praise and approval. This is significant because it negatively impacts Amir's relationship with Hassan and hinders him from appreciating what a good friend Hassan is to him. -
Hassan is Raped by Assef
After seeing Hassan get raped by Assef, Amir thinks, "Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba. Was it a fair price?...He was just a Hazara, wasn't he?" (77). This quote reveals the importance that Amir gives to getting Baba's approval because he is willing to abandon his best friend in order to win Baba's praise. This also shows the big influence Afghan culture has on Amir because he starts to think Hassan is not as important as him because he is a Hazara. -
Khan is killed and Communists Take Power
The text says, "Mohammad Taraki...takes control of the country as president [and] proclaim[s] independence from Soviet influence" (PBS). -
The United States Stops Aid to Afghanistan
PBS says, "The USSR invades Afghanistan on Dec. 24 to bolster the faltering communist regime. On Dec. 27, Amin and many of his followers are executed. Deputy Prime Minister Babrak Karmal becomes prime minister" (PBS). -
Amir and Baba flee to Pakistan
After Amir and Baba are told that the bus to take them to Pakistan broke down the week before Amir says, "I caught a flurry of movement...Karim slammed against the wall...Wrapped around his neck were Baba's hands" (118). This characterizes Baba as being very serious and intolerant of dishonesty. This is significant because it shows the power that he holds, both socially and physically. He refuses to be taken advantage of or cheated. -
Afghans flee to Iran and Pakistan
The article says, "2.8 million Afghans have fled from the war to Pakistan, and another 1.5 million have fled to Iran" (PBS). -
Amir and Baba move to California
After moving to California, Amir says, "Baba loved the idea of living in America. It was living in America that gave him an ulcer" (125). This shows that Amir has a much easier time adapting to life in America than Baba. Baba was very comfortable and settled in Afghanistan, so he isn't used to the change. This is important because it also begins a power shift from Baba to Amir as they have to start a new life and Baba is getting older. -
Baba gets a job
After getting a job at a gas station, Baba goes to his eligibility officer and says, "I work always. In Afghanistan I work, in America I work...I don't like it free money" (130). This shows that Baba is determined, stubborn, and has a lot of pride and dignity. Although he has to start a new life for himself with almost nothing, he works hard and wants to do it on his own. -
Amir graduates from High School
When Baba was unhappy that Amir wanted to major in creative writing, Amir decided he "would stand [his] ground...[He] didn't want to sacrifice for Baba anymore" (135). This reveals that Amir is developing as a character and starting to have more power over Baba. It also shows that Amir has stopped worrying about being like Baba and trying to prove himself. He is more confident and independent than he was earlier in the book, when he sacrificed his friendship and opinions to win Baba's praise. -
Amir first talks to Soraya
When Amir asks Soraya about the book she is reading at the flea market, he thinks, "I'd asked her a question and if she answered, we'd be...chatting...Poison tongues would flap. And she would bear the brunt of that poison" (146). This reveals the beliefs around relationships in Afghan culture. It demonstrates the double standard of women often being blamed for any sort of misconduct. This is significant because growing up, Amir wasn't around many women, so he is not familiar with how to act. -
Rahim Khan goes to find Hassan
Rahim Khan tells Amir that when Hassan went to live with him in Amir's house, he "pleaded for them to move into one of the guest bedrooms upstairs, but Hassan would hear nothing of it. 'What will Amir agha think?' he said" (208). This shows that Hassan was loyal to Amir to the end, even after Amir betrayed him. This is significant because it adds to Amir's guilt when he finds out that Hassan was a good friend after he left, even though Amir was never able to be a good friend to Hassan. -
Amir finishes his first novel
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Peace Accords Signed
The article says, "The U.S., Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Soviet Union sign peace accords in Geneva guaranteeing Afghan independence and the withdrawal of 100,000 Soviet troops" (PBS). -
Sohrab is born
In Peshawar, Rahim Khan tells Amir that "Sanaubar came out of the hut holding her grandson,...clutching him in her arms like she never wanted to let go. Not this time...He became the center of her existence" (211). This shows that Sanaubar feels bad about leaving Hassan when he was born. She wants to make up for this by being a good grandmother to Sohrab. This is significant because it characterizes Sanaubar as being caring and acknowledging of her mistakes. -
Sanaubar returns to see Hassan
After Sanaubar showed up at the house where Hassan was living with Rahim Khan and his wife, Hassan "took Sanaubar's hand...and told her...she was home now...home with her family" (210). This shows that Hassan values family and forgiveness. Although Sanaubar left him when he was young, he takes her in without a question. -
Rebel Groups Storm the Capital
Going into Kabul, "Ahmad Shah Masood, legendary guerrilla leader, leads the troops into the capital" (PBS). -
Taliban Comes to Power
The article states that, "Most Afghans, exhausted by years of drought, famine and war, approve of the Taliban for upholding traditional Islamic values" (PBS). -
Hassan is killed by the Taliban
After finding out that Hassan is dead, Amir thinks, "I had driven Hassan and Ali out of the house. Was it too far fetched to think that things would have turned out differently if I hadn't?" (226). This shows that Hassan's death is adding to the guilt that Amir has carried with him since he was twelve. Amir feels that what happened was unfair and this leads him to go to Kabul. This is significant because it is a turning point. Amir starts to realize what he can do to atone for his sins. -
Amir meets Sohrab
Page 279 -
Amir goes to Pakistan to see Rahim Khan
When Amir visits him, Rahim Khan says, "'Hassan lived [in your father's house] with me...I thought about writing...but I wasn't sure you wanted to know. Was I wrong?' The truth was no." This shows that Amir has been trying to push away his memories of Hassan because they remind him of how he abandoned Hassan when they were young. However, Amir still listens as Rahim tells him about Hassan. This reveals that Amir wants to be ready to seek atonement and move forward. -
Hijacked Planes Crash into World Trade Center
The text states that, "Hijackers commandeer four commercial airplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center Towers in New York, the Pentagon outside Washington, D.C., and a Pennsylvania field, killing thousands. Days later, U.S. officials say bin Laden, the Saudi exile believed to be hiding in Afghanistan, is the prime suspect in the attack" (PBS).