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Kite Runner & The History of Afghanistan

  • Amir recieves words of encouragement from Rahim Khan

    After Amir writes a story in hopes of getting Baba's approval, he instead recieves praise from Rahim Khan, who tells him "Someday...you will be a great writer" (33). In dissapointment, Amir later "wished Rahim Khan had been my [his] father" (32) instead. Although he immediately felt guilty for breaking his loyalty to Baba, all Amir had ever wanted was to please Baba and earn his approval, however Rahim Khan was the only one willing to give him what he so desperately seeked.
  • Amir witnesses Hassan being violated by Assef

    Overwhelmed by fear and excitement Amir does not interfere with Assef as he sexually violates Hassan. Once again Amir feels immediate guilt for his actions, "I had one last chance to make a decision...In the end I ran" (77). In this moment, Amir realizes that he has a chance to finally gain acceptance from Baba and with that in mind he must choose between saving Hassan or saving himself. Blinded by his desperate need to gain the approval of Baba, he leaves Hassan to fend for himself.
  • Hassan lies about stealing from Amir

    In attempt to remove Hassan from his life, Amir frames him for stealing a watch and money. To his surprise Hassan takes the blame and him and his father announce that they're leaving for Bamiyan shortly. After much thought Amir understands that, "this was Hassan's final sacrifice for me [Amir]" (105). As if Hassan hadn't done enough for Amir, he stands by his side one last time and protects him from the dissappointment that Baba would've shamed him with had he known the truth.
  • The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan

    According to the New York Times, it was on "Dec. 27, 1979" (2) that the "first soviet troops parachuted into Kabul" (2).
  • Amir and Baba move to America

    With the dangers of living in Afghanistan at a high, Baba and Amir move to America in search of safer living. As stated by Amir, "Baba love the idea of America. It was living in America that gave him an ulcer." (125). While Amir was able to adjust easily to the changes in culture and tradition in America, it was Baba who struggled to adapt to their new lifestyle in America. This gave Amir an advantage and for the first time in his life a feeling of power over his father.
  • After Baba is diagnosed with lung cancer, Amir worries about his future

    Following their move to America, Baba is diagnosed with lung cancer. After hearing the news Amir becomes worried about what will happen to himself if Baba dies. This infuriates Baba, who tells Amir, "All those years, that's what I was trying to teach you, how to never have to ask that question." (157).This indicates how all the times Baba was tough on Amir was to teach him a lesson on how to be strong so that when the time came he would be able to take care of himself.
  • Hassan agrees to move back to Kabul with Rahim Khan

    When Rahim Khan travels to Bamiyan with hopes that Hassan will to return to Kabul, it's only when Hassan learns of Baba's death does he accept the invitation. However when they get back to Kabul, Rahim Khan, "discovered that Hassan had no intention of moving into the house...he said it was a matter of ihtiram, a matter of respect". (208). This illustrates how even all grown up Hassan has admirable ethics and values and as a sign of respect to Baba and Amir he chooses not to live in the house.
  • The last Soviet troops leave Afghanistan

    According to the New York Times, "February 1989" (2) was when "the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan" (2).
  • Pakistan starts supplying Mullah Omar's men with resources

    According to the New York Times, "Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money...supplies...and military advisors...to Mullah Omar's men...to guide them in battle" (3)
  • Warlords and Individual fiefdoms compete for power in Afghanistan

    According to the New York Times, following the Soviet Forces' departure from Afghanistan "power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms." (2).
  • Mullah Omar's followers and popularity level is at its high

    According to the New York Times, "With his promis of restoring the centrality of Islam to daily life" (2) Mullah Omar "had nearly 12,000 followers" (2).
  • Taliban takes control of Afghanistan with Pakistani aid

    According to the New York Times, after taking "control of Afghanistan" (3) they created laws "banning movies and music and forcing women out of schools and into all-enveloping burqa clothing." (3).
  • Taliban provides protection for Osama Bin Laden

    According to the New York Times, Osama Bin Laden "arrived by chartered jet at Jalalabad Airport in May 1996" (3).
  • Hassan and his wife are killed by the Taliban

    After getting back in touch with Amir, Rahim Khan tells him the tragic story of Hassan's death, how "They told Hassan they would be moving in " (219) and how "Hassan protested...So they took him to the street...and shot him in the back of the head" (219). Hosseini used this scene to demonstrate just how powerful and ruthless the Taliban were, especially to Harazas such as Hassan and his wife. This was also the moment that changed Sohrab's life forever.
  • Amir gets a call from Rahim Khan

    In attempt to convince Amir to come back to Kabul, Rahim Khan suggests that "There is a way to be good again" (192). Amir sees this as a chance at atonement and takes Rahim Khan up on his offer. He later realizes that, "Rahim Khan had summoned me [Amir] here to atone not just for my [Amir's] sins but for Baba's too" (226).
  • Rahim Khan reveals to Amir that he and Hassan are half-brothers

    In another big reveal Rahim Khan explains to Amir that him and Hassan were half brothers. Infuriated, Amir replies, "I've just found out my whole life is one big...lie" (223). Although this revealation gave Amir a sense of relief as he was finally able to understand the reason behind his father's unexplained love for Hassan, it also brought on a whole new level of guilt as he also realized that him and Hassan were equals all along.
  • Amir plants money under a matress, this time with good intentions

    After realizing Farid's family's desperate need for food and money, Amir plants, "a fistful of crumpled money under a mattress" (242) Remembering the last time he'd done this, Amir acts with only had good intentions in mind. This illustrates how his move to America and experiences from his past sins have changed Amir's values for the better.
  • Amir gets beat up by the Taliban soldier who has Sohrab

    To fufill his promise to Rahim Khan, Amir returns to Kabul to rescue, Hassan's son, Sohrab. After finding Sohrab's location Amir confronts an old enemy, who also happens to be the person who raped Hassan. Despite suffering from severe injuries as a result of the confrontation gone wrong, Amir describes that, "for the first time since the winter of 1975, I [he] felt at peace" (289). This emphasizes how he felt a sense of peace as he is given the oppurtunity to atone for the sins he'd commited.
  • Amir recieves a "goodbye" letter from Rahim Khan

    Following the sucessful rescue of Hassan's son, Sohrab, Amir recieves a farewell letter from Rahim Khan. In the letter Rahim Khan tells Amir that despite his sins, it's "most important forgive yourself"(302). He also explains to Amir that no matter how wrong the sins he commited were, feeling guilty and punishing himself wasn't going to change the past, but what was now most important was that he forgive himself and learned from his mistakes to make himself into a better, more honorable person.
  • Amir offers Sohrab the oppurtunity to come live with him in America

    In another attempt to atone for his sins, Amir offers Sohrab the oppurtunity "to come live in America" (320) with him and his wife. At first Sohrab seems hesitant and he explains that even though he's "thought about it, it scares" (324) him. This also illustrates how although Sohrab is being given the chance at something great, he still considers the things that could go wrong, for he has learned from his youth that not all good things last forever.
  • Amir comes clean and tells his wife everything about his past

    Following his miraculous recovery, Amir, "did something I [he] hadn't done...I told my [his] wife everything" (325). This demonstrates how after 20 years of guilt, Amir realizes that to truly atone for what he'd done to Hassan, he must make an effort to become the better person, with stronger morals, ethics and values, that Hassan had always assumed he was. Rather than taking advantage of Hassan's admiration of him, he needs to become the person that Hassan saw, trusted and loved.
  • Sohrab travels back to America with Amir

    Even though Sohrab agrees to return to America with Amir, Amir realizes that ever since his attempt at suicide the "light of hope" (356) that "had begun to enter Sohrab's eyes...was gone". (356). As Amir tells Sohrab stories about his father and him when they were younger, he notices that "One corner of his mouth had curled up just so. A smile." (370). This represents how even the littlest memory of his father was able to spark the hope and light in Hassan’s eyes once again.
  • Al Qaeda attacks the World Trade Center

    According to the New York Time's, it was after "the Sept. 11 [2001] attacks by Al Qaeda" (1), that "the United States" (1) started to be "militarily involved in Afghanistan" (1).
  • Hamid Karzai is elected for interim president

    According to the New York Times, Hamid Karzai "took office as interim president in June 2002" (3) with hopes "to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much needed international aid." (3).
  • Obama announces plan for US troops in Afghanistan

    According to the New York Times, "In a speech delivered Dec. 1, 2009...Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops" (4) and "vowed to start bringing American forces home from Afghanistan" (4).