Shah begins his rule over Afghan*
"Zahir Shah began his forty-year reign of Afghanistan..." (Hosseini, 24). He started to kill hazaras and was resented by everyone.The brothers made Afgans racist towards Hazara's, which caused majority of them to get abused and not respected. -
Amir is born*
In the book, Amir states "1964, just one year after my mother died giving birth to me" (6). Having no mom, Amir at a young age related to Hassan because they both missed the nurturing presence of a mother figure in their life. This causes Baba to have to take over as both parents. -
Hassan is born*
"in that little shack...in the winter of 1964"(Hosseini 6). After he is born his mother runs away because of Hasan's cleft lip. He always stayed positive through the book even after having childhood trauma like having his mother abandon him. -
Amir and Hassan win the Kite tournament*
On the day of the kite flying contest Amir made it all the way to the final two and when he saw other kite struggling "the moment finally came . . . I didn't need to hear the crowd's roar to know. I didn't need to see either" (Hosseini 65-66). Amir wanted to win so he would finally receive Baba's approval. This would show him that he's a young man and a son he could be proud of. -
Amir begs for forgiveness from Hassan*
Amir begs Hassan to "throw this [pomegranate] at me! do it!" (Hosseini 84). Amir feels like this is the only way to have forgiveness from not stopping the rape and framing Hassan. Amir feels ashamed for not doing anything and wants Hassan to get his revenge and to "get back" at him. -
Amir and Hassan encounter Assef*
"If you make a move, they'll have have to change your nickname from Assef 'the Ear Eater' to 'One-Eyed Assef'" (Hosseini 42). Hassan again sticks up for Amir when he gets in trouble, but if it were the other way around, Amir would never save Hassan. Hassan will do anything to protect Amir and is extremely devoted for him. -
Hassan is raped*
When Assef and Hassan start to scuffle "Assef knelt behind Hassan, put his hands on Hassan's hips and lifted his bare buttocks [to rape him]" (Hosseini 75). The would always affect Hassan for the rest fo his time with Amir. He knew Amir was watching the whole time and felt betrayed by him for not returning the favor by sticking up for him. -
Amir has his birthday party*
Amir separates him from all the guests he doesn't care about; Rakhim Khan finds Amir and hand him "(99)... a brown leather-bound notebook.". All the other gifts have no importance to him but, Rakhim Khan's is the only one. Khan plays the biggest presence in his life and Amir appreciates his approval the most like Baba's -
Amir frames Ali and Hassan*
"...lifted Hassan's mattress and planted [his] new watch and a handful of Afghani bills unde it."(104) Amir feels guilty for watching the rape and not stepping in and stopping it. This is the only way he can make the guilt disappear, but he uses his social status as leverage to get rid of him. -
The Soviet Union takes over Afghanistan
First attack made by Soviet Union
Amir graduates from high school*
Finally, Amir "graduated from high school at the age of twenty" (Hosseini 131). Education is very important for Amir. America lets him explore other professions such as writing, which is not highly looked upon as a career. -
Amir and Baba live in America *
When Amir and Baba moved to America, Amir said, "For me, America was a place to bury my memories. For Baba, a place to mourn his" (Hosseini, 129). This proves that Baba moved to America for Amir to have a better life. Baba misses Kabul because thats where he grew up, but now he has to be thoughtful of Amir's future. -
Amir & Soraya get married*
Amir asks for her hand and then,"We said our vows. We signed the certificates". This was one of Amirs biggest decisions. He was overcame with joy and helped him adapt to his new life in America and someone to help him through hard times -
Baba dies*
Before Baba went to sleep one night, Soraya offered his usually morphine and water, bu Baba says, "There is no pain tonight ... Baba never woke up" (Hosseini 173). Amir must face the world on his own terms and not having the guidance of Baba makes him nervous. Even though he has Soraya, he still knows he is alone and has to learn how to become a man on his own. -
Amir went to find Hassan*
Amir said, "There were a lot of reasons why I went to Hazarajat to find Hassan in 1986. The biggest one...was that I was lonely." He was hoping to reconnect with Hassan which would atone for all his mistakes growing up. Now that he is lost in his home town, Hassan would give him comfort and make him not feel like a stranger. -
Soviet Air Force fly in
Amir finishes his novel*
"a father-son story set in Kabul" (Hosseini 182). Amir writes about events very similar to his childhood. This allows for conflict in his story and a very interesting plot that is personal to Amir. -
The last Soviet Union troops leave Afghanistan
The Soviet Union leaves Afghanistan
Sanubar visits Hassan*
When Sanaubar visited Hassan, she said, "I have walked long and far to see if you are as beautiful in the flesh as you are in my dreams" (Hosseini, 210). Sanaubar has not seen Hassan since his birth. She feels guilt for not being there for him and not abandoning him. -
Pakistan intelligence start to funnel money and supplies to Mullah Omar's men
The Taliban take over Afghanistan
The Taliban attack the World Trade Center
Mr. Karzai is elected to a 5 year term as president
General Petraeus takes control of U.S. central command
Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops