Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Hassan's first word being "Amir"

    "People said that the first word out of Hassans mouth was Amir" (1345). This scene is important because of the ideas behind the saying of Hassan's first word.
  • Soldiers yell at Hassan and make fun of his Mother

    "I knew her real good. I took her from behind by that creek over there." (154). This moment is one of the few times Amir stands up for Hassan.
  • Amir overhears Baba talking to Rahim Khan about how he is a coward

    "If I hadn't seen the doctor pull him out of my wife with my own eyes, I'd never believe he was my son." (361). This event is important as it starts Amir's long journey to try to gain Baba's favor. This gets Hassan raped
  • Hassan stands up for Amir against Assef

    "Wali and Kamal watched this exchange with something akin to facination. Someone had challenged their god, Humilliated him. And, worst of all, that someone was a skinny Hazara." (610–611). This event is one of the main reasons why Assef rapes Hassan later on in the story.
  • Amir and Hassan win the kite tournament

    "He'd kept his promise and had ran the last kite for me" (973). This is important because of the ideals that Amir is implanted with.
  • Hassan is raped by Assef, Amir witnesses everything

    "and that was as close as Hassan and I had ever came to discusing what had happened in the ally" (1091). This event is what the entire book is based upon. It is Amir's great sin.
  • Amir frames Hassan with money and watch

    "But I couldn't imagine the restraint required to make that happen" (1458). The beginning of the end.
  • Hassan and Ali leave Baba's house

    "'Please' Baba was saying , but Ali had already turned to the door" (1463) The end
  • Amir and Baba move to America

  • Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan

    "The first Scviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec. 27, 1979, to assist Babrak Karmal, who had become president in a coup within the Afghan Communist leadership" (NYT, pg,2)
  • Period: to

    Soviet Troops in Afghanistan

    "Soviet Troops stayed in Afghanistan for more than nine years."(NYT, pg,2)
  • Amir marries Soraya

    "Baba spent 35,000, nearly the balance of his life savings, on the arwoussi, th wedding ceremony" (2284). This is the start of Amir's path to redemption. This event is important because it is one of the few times almost everyone of importance who is still alive is in the same room.
  • Baba dies

    "Baba never woke up" (2340). The great protector falls. This event is important becuase it throws Amir out of orbit so to speak and shoves him out of the protective barrier that was Baba.
  • Soviet Troops Leave Afghanistan

    "Eventually, after peace talks moderated by the United Nations, the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in February 1989, in what was in effect a unilateral withdrawal" (NYT, pg,2)
  • Initial Planed Withdrawal Time of US Troops

    "...initial plans called for American combat farces to begin with drawing from Afghanistan in the summer of 2011..." (NYT, pg.1)
  • Rahim Khan calls Amir

    "'Rahim Khan is very sick.' A fist clenched inside me with those words. ... 'I have to go to Pakistan.'" (2573). This event is important in that it is a lead up to what happens next in the story and gets very interesting.
  • Hassan Dies

    "So they took him into the street...and ordered him to kneel...and shot him in the back of the head...Farzana came screaming and attacked them...shot her too. Self defence, they claimed later–" (2932). This moment in the story is very riviting as it is told through Rahim Khan's point of view as he relays the information to Amir. This event is important to the story becuase of the fact that it signifies that Amir can never atone for what he has doneto Hassan by repaying his debt toHassanhimself
  • Amir rescues Sohrab

    "When it is all done, only one of us will walk out of this room alive,...If it is him, then he's earned his freedom and you let him pass, do you understand?" (3807) This event signfies Amir's evolvement into a stronger and better person. It also gives Amir and Sohrab a chance to bond through their fear of Assef with each other.
  • Amir finds out that Hassan is his half brother

    "I felt like a man sliding down a steep cliff, clutching a t shrubs and tangles of brambles and comming up empty-handed. The room was swooping up and down, swaying side to side" (2978). This event showcases the fact that Hassan and Amir are half brothers and connects the dots on Baba's actions throughout the story.
  • Sohrab Lives

    "They would have lost him if his heart hadn't been young and strong – I will fast. He is alive" (4630) This event puts Amir back on the course he was ment to be on and streanthns his bond with Sohrab.
  • Sohrab attempts suicide

    "Screaming through my clenched teeth. Screaming until I thought my throat would rip and chest explode. Later they said that I was still screaming when the ambulance arrived." (4567). This event showcases the bond that Amir has with Sohrab in that he is moved enough to belive in God again and to pray to save Sohrab. This moment is important to "The Kite Runner" in that it gives an idea of the depth required for Amir to go through such a change of perspective
  • Amir Runs Kite For Sohrab

    "For you a thousand times over"(4951). This event just ties up loose ends with the story as it shows Amirs devotion to Sohrab. This also gives readers a flashback to the winter of 1975 where Hassan said those exact same words to Amir and eventually got raped.
  • USA Hunt For Osama Bin Laden

    "President George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. Bin Laden" (NYT, pg,3)
  • United States becomes militarily involved in Afghanistan

    "The United States has been militarily involved in Afghanistan since 2001" (NYT, pg1)
  • Taliban Defeated By USA

    "An air and ground campain began that drove the Taliban out of the major Afghan cities by the end of the year" (NYT, pg,3)
  • Period: to

    Obama's War

    "Mr. Obama's plan to widen United States Involvement in Afghanistan ws shaped by a debate..." (NYT, pg,4)
  • USA Deploys 30,000 More Troops

    "In a speech delivered Dec. 1, 2009, at West Point, Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops." (NYT, pg,4)
  • Current Withdrawal Time of US Troops

    "the Obama administration increasingly emphasizes the idea that the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014" (NYT, pg.1)