Hassan and Amir are born
Hassan, Amir's servant, was born,"in the winter of 1964, just one year after my(Amir's) mother died giving birth to me,"(Hosseini 6). Amir and Hassan's birth were major events. This is obvious, because without them, there would be no protagonist to follow in the novel. -
Period: to
The Kite Runner
First gunshots fired by republic patriots
Amir and Hassan thought that there were people hunting ducks at night, but really,"they hadn't shot much of anything that night of July 17,1973.Kabul awoke the next morning to find that the monarchy was a thing of the past,"(Hosseini 36). After that night in 1973, Kabul was a republic. This would change Afghanistan's government, and about 6 and a half years later, change Afghanistan forever. -
Amir wins the Kite Competition
Amir was thinking about failing at the competition when,"they were coming down all over the place now, the kites, and I was still flying,"(Hosseini 63). Amir winning the Kite competition was a huge deal. This was an event that dozens of people were taking place in, and Baba was watching very closely. That put a lot of pressure in Amir. -
Hassan gets violated by Assef
Hassan didn't struggle during the incident, and he gave Amir,"a look I had never seen before.It was the look of the lamb,"(Hosseini 76). Hassan's violation was an event that would destroy Amir and Hassan's friendship. Amir and Hassan never would recover from this event. It is an event that Hassan would forget, but Amir would never forgive himself for. -
Baba and Amir's relationship strengthens
After Amir won the competition,"Baba agreed to everything I(Amir) asked,"(Hosseini 81). Baba treated Amir a lot more like a son, after Amir's triumph. Baba also did a lot moreactivities with Amir, that would strengthen the relationship to a new high. Baba did whatever he could to make Amir happy. -
Amir asks Baba about new servants
When Amir asked Baba this question, Baba was very angry and told Amir,"'You bring me shame. And Hassan... Hassan's not going anywhere, do you understand,'"(Hosseini 90).This revealed to Baba, that Amir didn't want Hassan around anymore. After this event, Baba and Amir's relationship weakened again, and Amir became more miserable than he ever was. Amir's happiness went way down because of one question. -
Amir's thirteenth birthday party
At Amir's party, Rahim Khan was talking with Amir, and Amir thought of him as,"Baba's quiet alter ego, my writing mentor, my pal, the one who never forgot to bring me a souvenir,"(Hosseini 98). This led to Amir thinking much more fondly of Rahim Khan, and this made him seem like a father to Amir. Also, Rahim Khan bought him a gift that he cherishes, and will use a lot throughout his life. -
Hassan "steals" Amir's watch and money
When Baba asked Hassan if he had stolen Amir's things,"Hassan's reply was a single word, delivered in a thin, raspy voice:'Yes'"(Hosseini 105). Amir had framed Hassan by placing a couple of his presents under Hassan's matress. If Hassan an Ali were able to stay, this would lead to major disputes between Amir and Hassan. -
Hassan and Ali leave
Even though Baba forgives Hassan for "stealing" Amir's watch, Ali says,"'We can't live here anymore,'"(Hosseini 106). After this, Baba pleads with Ali to stay, and practically embarasses himself. Also, Ali and Hassan gained a lot of authority, but chose not to take advantage of Baba's weakness. There were a lot of interesting things happening at one time in the novel. -
Period: to
Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan
Soviet Union troops land in Afganistan
The soviet troops coming to Afghanistan was the beginning of all the fighting and killing in the country. the first sign of the Soviet takeover was when, "the first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on December 27,1979, to assist Babrak Karmal," This was the first step in the Soviet violence. -
Baba and Amir leave Afghanistan
At this time in 1981, Baba and Amir were escaping,"Shorawi-occupied Kabul to the relative safety of Pakistan,"(Hosseini 111). This was a big deal, because Amir and Baba were leaving their homeland with nothing more than what they could fit in a bag. Also, Baba wouldn't have the sort of power that he had had in Kabul. -
Amir and Baba move to America
Amir and Baba had moved to America because,"Baba loved the idea of Amerca,"(Hosseini 124). This is an important event, because Baba's lifestyle changes completely from his life in Afghanistan. Baba was an architect in Afghanistan, and now he works at a gas station. This is a huge jump. -
Amir and Soraya get married
During Amir's time at the flea markets, he talked to Soraya often, and after a whilehe sent Baba to do,"one last fatherly duty,"(Hosseini 162). This ould lead to Soraya and Amir trying to have children, which at the time was not working. Also, Amir would become successful in writing, and buy a house in San Francisco. -
Baba dies from cancer
When Baba died, his funeral had so many people that,"People da to drive three or four blocks north of the mosque to find a spot," This shows that Baba was very popular among all of the Afghani people in Northern California. Also, this shows that people were very saddened by his passing, so they all came to pay respects, even if they didn't know him. -
Rebels fight back against Soviets
1986 was the year when Afganistan was the most successful in fighting off the Soviet troops. This was when,"The Soviet Air Force was also rendered largely useless by advanced Stinger antiaircraft missiles supplied by the United States to the rebels," This shows that the world wanted Afghanstan to defeat the Soviet Union. This is when Afghanistan really fought back. -
The Last Soviet troops leave Afghanistan
In 1989, after peace talks moderated by the UN," The last Soviet troops left Afghanistan in February..."(NYT 2). After nearly ten years of fighting between the two sides, the Soviets finally left Afghanistan. This is a long wait for the Afghan people to get their freedom back. -
Taliban Takeover
The Taliban gained a lot of popularity after the Soviet Union left. HUge numbers of people were associated with the Taliban. By the end of the year 1994,"Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers," (NYT 2). This shows that Mullah Omar was very influential, and that the Taliban might take over Afghanistan. -
Pakistanis start arming the Taliban
It is very well known, that without Pakistan's help, tthe Taliban would not have the power it had. Some say that,"As early as 1994, Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money, and supplies to Mullah Omar's men,"(NYT 3). This shows, that Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries were starting to support the Taliban, and the violence it caused. -
Osama Bin Laden arrives in Afghanistan
In 1996, a jet arrived in Afghanistan, and inside that jet was a man named Osama Bin Laden. The Taliban during this time,"provided a safe haven for Mr. Bin Laden,"(NYT 3). This shows that the Taliban are really starting to turn into a terrorist organization. Also, they want Bin Laden to lead it, because they are providing a safe haven for him. The Taliban must think he's very important. -
Rahim Khan tells Amir who Hassan really is
Rahim Khan was telling Amir about how Hassan was after Amir left, and eventually,"' Ali was sterile,' Rahim Khan said" This revealed that Hassan and Amir were actually half brothers. This made Amir extremely angry, and leaves Rahim Khan. Amir would have to reconsider his entire life after this. -
Sohrab goes to the US with Amir
In 2001, Sohrab went with Amir to the US, where Soraya showed,"a glimpse of the mother she might have been, had her womb not betrayed her,"(Hosseini 358). This is important for Soraya, because she had always wanted to be a mother. Even if Sohrab doesn't want to be influenced, Soraya is going to do her best to be a good parent. -
9/11 Terrorist Attacks
On this day as many people know very well, The Taliban and Al Qaeda, attacked rndom civilians in mass killing. In the aftemath of the attacks, the US,"Gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hnd over Mr. Bin Laden,"(NYT 3). When this happened, The Us decided to try and destroy the Taliban organization. This would become relatively effective. -
Taliban gets pushed to border
In 2001, after the terrorist attacks the US sent troops after Osama Bin Laden, and to destroy the Taliban. This invasion pushed the Taliban supporters back to,"the mountains along the Pakistan border,"(NYT 3). Despite this, the US couldn't end the Taliban's influence. This was one of the worse showings by the United States' Army -
Obama's plan for Afghanistan
IN this speech,"Mr. Obama anounced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops,"(NYT 4). This showed that Washington was focused in ending the struggle in Afghanistan. This shows the Taliban that the United States won't give up. -
The US stays in Afghanistan longer than planned
In July, 2011, when the Obama administration said they would pull out the troops from Afghanistan, but the US," will have forces until at least the end of 2014,"(NYT 4). This shows that Obama wants to end the struggle in Afghanistan, and he wnated to end it right then and there.