Cholera outbreak in Kabul
Amir's "great-grandfather had married his third wife a year before dying in the cholera epidemic" which swept "Kabul in 1915."(240) This quote illustrates how Amir did not know his great-grandfather well because he died when he was young boy. Because, he did not know him, he could not learn from him, demonstrating how his character was defined in an alternate way because of the lack of knowledge that could have been provided by him. -
Daoud Khan is the new leader of Afghanistan
The entire city of "Kabul awoke the next morning to find that the monarchy was a thing of the past" and that "Daoud Khan had ended the king's forty-year reign with a bloodless coup".(36) Amir and Hassan's world was altered that day because all they had know as a government had been over thrown. This attributes to their education which defines a part of their character. Therefore, this event exemplifies how the boy's sense of government and warfare knowledge has impacted their overall learning. -
Hassan receives his surgery
Amir remembers being "in the hospital room, just after Hassan's surgery." Everyone who was there "had huddled around Hassan's bed, watched him examine his new lip in a handheld mirror." (219) Hassan's clef lip had defined him for his entire life and he has now lost that. He has to redefine who he is to the world, yet he is still content with his new appearance. This demonstrates his character as one that does not back down to challenges. -
Amir wins the Battle of the Kites
The last time he had felt a rush of excitement had been "just after [he] had cut the last kite" and had "spotted Baba on [their] rooftop, clapping, beaming." (370) Amir looks up to Baba and is always seeking his approval. This demonstrates the power Baba holds over Amir and how the power motivates Amir to excel in the subjects Baba values as well as the one that Amir personally wants to achieve in. -
Communist Invasion in the Kite Runner
Amir believes that "the official end would first come in... with the communist coup d'etat" and not at the sound of the bombs and gun shots. (36) This description of the setting and Amir's personal beliefs demonstrate the morals he was raised with. Baba has taught him that violence is not always the answer so he later on in life believes that when the soldiers walk in, they are declaring the defeat instead of giving up when the bombs and gun men flew in. -
Russian Tanks roll into Afghanistan
The official end came "when Russian tanks would roll into the very same streets where Hassan and [Amir]" played, which brought the "death of the Afghanistan" that he knew. (36) The change that Amir and Hassan witness at such a young age set the foundation for their future. When their version of Afghanistan was altered, their lives changed. Hassan began to be treated worse than before and Baba received the motivation to move Amir to America, therefore changing the personal identity of both boys. -
Period: to
Kite Runner & Afghanistan
Invade of Soviet Union
Afghanistan is a country constantly at war and "has known little peace since 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded." The "first...troops parachuted into Kabul" with the goal of replacing an Afghan leader.(NYT) -
U.S boycotts Olympics
Amir recalls that "when [him and Baba] were still in Kabul, the U.S. announced it would be boycotting the Olympic Games in Moscow".(126)
America's decision laid the foundation of Amir's view on his future country. Their choices made him believe that they have strong values against certain subjects and when a country does not uphold these standards, the U.S. boycotts them. Amir adapted to these morals when he moved showing how past events in Amir's life can impact his identity. -
Amir and Baba leave Afghanistan
They had "left Kabul just after two in the morning", and they had "suitcases between [their] legs, cramped with these strangers" that were also fleeing the country. (110) When Amir witnesses the other families, he realizes that only him and Baba are left in his immediate family and that he still has not atoned for his injustice to Hassan that had happened long ago. The remorse he feels demonstrates the type of person Amir is, and how he doesn't want to forget the past. -
Baba gets IDed and causes a scene
While waiting for Baba, Amir watches as Baba begins yelling, "[h]e wants to see my license...[a]lmost two years we've bought his damn fruits and put money in his pocket and the son of a dog wants to see my license!"(127) Amir has to promise to not return and escort Baba away from the store. Baba's character typically demands respect. When he is required to show his ID, he feels he is being undermined and becomes angry. This demonstrates Baba's character and personality as one that holds power. -
Amir graduates high school
Amir "graduated high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard" and Baba had said that he was "moftakhir, Amir,... Proud." (131) Amir has always looked up to Baba and yearned for his approval and love. When he finally graduates from an American high school, Baba finally says that he is proud. Amir's need for approval from Baba demonstrates the power shifts occurring between father and son. -
Amir has a realization about American Culture
He states that "that was when I learned that, in America, you don't reveal the ending of a movie" and when you accidentally do "you will be scorned and made to apologize profusely for having committed the sin of Spoiling the End." (357) Amir's character is presented as very studious in the book. Whenever he has an opportunity to learn, even if it is through "sin", he seizes the moment. This paints his character as one that is hardworking and curious, as well as intelligent. -
Rahim Khan travels to find Hassan
Rahim Khan states that "there were a lot of reasons why [he] went to Hazarajat to find Hassan" but the main one "was that [he] was lonely." "Most of [his] friends and relatives had either been killed or had escaped the country" to evade the Taliban. (203) The Afghanistan that many knew was destroyed when the Taliban invaded. Rahim Khan's loneliness because he decided to stay illustrates his resiliency to change and to the Taliban he does not want to se in control, demonstrating his character. -
Amir finishes his first book
Amir relates to us that "in the summer of 1988... I finished my first novel" which was about "a father-son story set in Kabul" which he wrote "mostly with the type writer that the general had given me".(182) All his life, Amir has wanted to be a writer. When he finally finishes his novel, he has achieved one of the things he has been determined to do since a child. This determination illustrates his character as one that does not give up easily and works until he has finished his task. -
Soviet troops leave
After much time at war "peace talks [were] moderated by the United Nations" which caused the Soviet troops to evacuate from Afghanistan.(NYT) -
Power divide after the Soviet Union
Once the Soviet Union departed, "power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms". One warlord, Mullah Omar, "had nearly 12,000 followers."(NYT) -
Pakistan Aiding the Taliban
Although the Taliban was popular, "Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms money and supplies to Mullah Omar's men" which greatly aided their efforts in battle.(NYT) -
Shorawi are defeated
The "Shorawi were defeated" and had "long gone", now "Kabul belonged to Massoud, Rabbani, and the Mujahedin." There was much infighting "and no one knew if they would live to see the end of the day". (212) This event sparked fear in Amir and Hassan. Their intolerance to the fighting illustrates how the two boys are not violent or have a wish to witness violence. Their aspirations to be peaceful illustrate their character as kind hearted and show how they have not been raised to enjoy war. -
Taliban took control of Afghanistan
The Taliban, an "extremist Islamic group that had seized control...after years of civil war" and "given safe haven [to Al Qaeda] in the country"(NYT). -
Control Over Afghanistan
The Taliban had "taken control of Afghanistan" and "impos[ed] strict enforcement of fundamental Islamic law". This led to "banning movies and music and forcing women out of schools" which led to a loss of development in their rights. (NYT) -
Rahim Khan witnesses violence by the Taliban at a soccer game
Rahim Khan "was at a soccer game" when "a team scored a goal and the man next to [him] cheered loudly". A Taliban member "who was patrolling the aisles" believed that it was him who was cheering, "struck [him] on the forehead" and threatened him. (198-199) The Taliban have so much control over Afghanistan that they can get away with violence without anyone questioning their intentions. This illustrates the power that they have over a once more peaceful country and the fear they instill. -
New Chairman of Government
The new "Chairman of an interim government" was announced as "Hamid Kazari, a supporter and relative of Mohammad Zahir Shah" who was the "exiled former king of Afghanistan". (NYT) -
Amir decides to travel to Pakistan
After getting off the phone, Amir tells his wife that "Rahim Khan is very sick" and that "[he has] to go to Pakistan" to visit him. Soraya becomes worried for his safety but Amir reassures her that "yes, it's safe."(191) Even though it is dangerous around there, Amir still decides to go to Pakistan. This demonstrates Amir's character as brave due to the fact that he is willing to travel to a possible war zone to visit his sick friend. -
Amir returns home with Sohrab
When they returned, "Soraya picked [them] up at the airport" and Amir had a "glimpse of the mother she might have been, had her own womb not betrayed her." (358) In attempt to atone for his sins, Amir brings home a child and Soraya immediately becomes motherly. Her actions towards Sorhab demonstrate her character as loving and compassionate. Although he is not her own child, she has the ability to overlook it take care of him just the same because he is her spouse's family. -
Attack on World Trade Center
The attack "on the World Trade Center [occured] in New York on Sept. 11, 2001" and it devastated America.(NYT) -
General Petraeus in charge of US command center
In 2008, "General Petraeus...had taken charge of the United States Central Command in October" and he "received much of the credit for the success of the surge" in Iraq. (NYT) -
Obama Gives speech at West Point
At West Point, "Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops" to Afghanistan and he "vowed to start bringing back American forces home."(NYT)