Winter of 1964
It was in the winter of 1964 when "in that little shack, Hassan was born...just one year after my mother died giving birth to me"(6). This shows that Hassan's family is too poor to afford a real doctor, and how he is a year younger than Amir. -
Amir pranks Hassan
Amir "pretended [he] was reading from a book, flipping the pages regularly, but...abandoned the text altogether...and made up [his] own"(30). Amir and Hassan were very close friends, and often liked to have fun with each other. -
Hassan's lip
Amir kept thinking "of that was in 1974, in the hospital just after Hassan's harelip surgery... now everyone in that room was either dead or dying. Except for me."(219). He was sad that everyone in his past life was gone, and that he felt helpless being the only one left. -
Summer of 1976
While Amir was planting tulips with Baba, he asked, "Baba, have you ever though about getting new servants?"(89). Amir was obviously frustrated with with Hassan, and he showed it by hinting that he no longer wants him to be around. -
Amir's 13th birthday
At Amir's 13th birthday, Amir saw "Hassan serving drinks to Assef and Wali from a silver platter"(100). This shows how little power Hassan has when it comes to what he wants to do and who he wants to serve. -
Period: to
Afghanistan is stable, relatively prosperous -
Period: to
Soviet invasion
The Soviet union put troops in Afghanistan to assist Babrak Karmal, the president of a coup -
When Baba and Amir came to Fremont in the 1980's, "Baba loved the idea of America"(125).He was expecting lots of opportunity awaiting him there, but unfortunately, he was disappointed. -
Amir leaves
In March of 1981, "[Amir's] innards have been roiling since [he'd] left Kabul." Amir was very nervous about leaving Afghanistan to go to America, and he was very brave to do so. -
Rahim Khan
Rahim Khan and Baba were very close, and "he had lived in Baba's house since 1981"(199). They two men had been around each other for so long they had become better friends than ever. -
Amir remembered Peshawar "from the few months Baba and I had spent there". Amir has gone to many places with his father on his way out of Afghanistan, and remembers much of it. -
Amir Graduates
In the summer of 1983, "[Amir] graduated high school at the age of twenty"(131). Back in Afghanistan, Amir could not have access to a good education, so when he came to America, he began school later than everyone, therefore graduating at such a high age. -
Amir turns 21
For Amir's twenty-first birthday, Baba got Amir a "dilapidated '71 Volkswagen bus"(137). Baba still cares about Amir, and this gift was something that they could enjoy together and for a long time. -
Amir meets soraya
Amir thinks Soraya is "the sun to [his] yelda"(144). This shows how important she is to him, and how much Amir loves her. -
Amir's marriage
Amir asked General Taheri for "his daughter's hand". Amir really wants to get married, and will do anything he can to achieve it. -
Period: to
Pakistani officers
Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money, and supplies to Mullah Omar's men -
Period: to
Taliban takes control of Afghanistan, imposing strict law -
Soccer game
A man told Amir, "I was at a soccer stadium...suddenly this young bearded fellow...struck me on the forehead with the butt of his Kalashnikov."(199). This shows how the taliban was very controlling of the people. -
When Amir find out who the Taliban leader is, "his name escaped [his] lips; Assef"(281). Amir is very shocked by this, but because of the way Assef is, it was not surprising. -
Period: to
The US started getting militarily involved in Afghanistan -
Period: to
Taliban forces attack the world trade center -
Period: to
More troops
Obama announced he would deploy 30,000 more troops -
Period: to
US Soldiers
The US starts withdrawing soldiers from Afghanistan