Ali's adoption (CH.4)
Ali was adopted as a baby by Amir's grandfather, after Ali's parents were killed in a car accident by reckless Pashtuns. -
Baba's birth (CH.4)
"Zahir Shah began his 40 year reign over Afghanistan" (November 8th) -being the last king- on the same year of Baba's birth. -
Amir's birth (CH.2)
We learn that Amir was born in 1963, one year before Hassan. -
Period: to
Amir living in Kabul (CH.2)
In chapter 2, Amir mentions "eighteen year that I lived in that house", directing the readers to understand the length of time he's lived in Kabul before he had to immigrate to his second home in America. -
Period: to
18 years lived in Kabul (CH.2)
Amir mentions "eighteen years I had lived in that house" (in Kabul), until he had to immigrate to America. -
Period: to
Communist coup d'etat (CH.5)
The communist king's reign was bloodlessly overthrown by his cousin (Daoud Khan- president), leaving the monarchy to be no more (the last king), whilst he was in Italy. -
Hassan's blue kite (CH.7)
Winter of the year of Hassan's assault. -
Amir's birthday (CH.8)
Rahim Khan gifted him the leather-bound notebook. two days after, Amir planted the money and watch underneath Hassan's mattress prompting them to leave. -
Soviet war begins (CH.5)
Amir refers to the beginning of the nine-year soviet war in the quote "Russian tanks would roll into the very same streets where Hassan and I had played". -
Amir and Baba escape from Kabul into Peshawar (CH.10)
Amir and Baba have imigrated to America (CH.11)
By 1983 Baba and Amir have new lives in Fremont, California in America. -
Amir graduates from highschool at 25 (CH.11)
Baba is diagnosed with cancer (CH.12)
The flea market bussiness started by Baba and Amir (CH.12)
Amir and Soraya get married (CH.13)
a few months afterwards Baba dies and his funeral is held in Heyward's mosque. -
Amir finishes writing his first novel (CH.13)
The novel gets represented and sold. -
Flashback (CH.1)
The story begins in 2001, where Amir has a flashback to the "winter of 1975". This prompts the story to set in motion by chapter 2 which will be told in past tense until chapter 14. -
Flashback (CH.1)
Amir has a flashback to the "winter of 1975", this sets the story in motion from a farther back time in chapter 2 through a past tense, first person, narrative. -
Rahim Khan calls Amir (CH.14)
Rahim Khan convinces Amir to visit his home -Pakistan- due to his sickness.