The Economic Difficulties for Afghanistan
The economic difficulties spread throughout the country of Afghanistan but the president Mohammad Doud Khan needed support for financial aid for the citizens "The president provided external help from nearby factories and agricultural projects"(Wikipedia). -
Kite Runner Competition
The Kite Running competition was the biggest event in all of Kabul, Afghanistan during the winter season " The boys in Kabul look up to this moment and it's an honor to have the last fallen kite"(Hosseini 50). -
Hassan gets raped
When the last kite was cut at the kite runner competition, Hassan rushed over to catch it because he has a secret talent which allows him to know where the the kite is going to land but while catching he ran into a little trouble "' Hassan dropped down while Assef knelt behind him"(Hosseini 75).
The rape of Hassan shows the willingness of him doing whats best for his boss Amir, by protecting the kite and getting punished by other bullies because of social class and revenge. -
Amir's Birthday Celebration
Amir turned thirteen the summer of 1976, with Baba connections with the city of Kabul he invites everyone, even Assef "All Amir wanted to do was be alone in his room, with his books, away from the people"(Hosseini 97).
Amir is tired of his Birthday celebration and it feels like the celebration and attention are towards his father Baba who's having a great time. The impact of the party was when Assef comes back into the story explaining the influence Adolf Hitler is to him. -
Mohmammad Doud Khan was overthrown as president in Afghanistan
Mohmammad gets overthrown by the People Democratic Party of Afghanistan which had connection with the Soviet Union "Afgnaistan had long instead on painting independence from Russia"(Article Hosseini.) -
The Republic of Afghanistan
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union" The Republic of Afghanistan has known little piece"(New York Times) -
No Peace in Afghanistan
Afghanistan now officially consider the the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is the time when the Soviet Union interfere with peace with the citizens "Afghan has known little peace since 1979"(New York Times). -
The Soviet Union have arrived
The beginning of the end has arrived in the death of Afghanistan "Russian tanks have arrived on the streets of Afghanistan bringing the death to this country"(Hosseini 36)
The start of the tragic war against the Soviet Union and country of Afghanistan started because of two countries not believing in the same communist group. -
The first Soviet troop arriving into Kabul,Afghanistan
Moscow, Russia insisted to parachute troops to Kabul, Afghanistan to response for a plea of help "Soviets engineered a group to replace the Afghan leader"(New York Times). -
Amir and Baba immigrate to America
The father and son relationship between Amir and Baba is becoming stronger as the book progresses. Amir would take Baba on a Saturday morning around the bay visiting flea markets to sell items for a higher price "We would pack the car with goods. Then early next morning we had sold the items for a small profit"(Hosseini 137).
The father-son relationship between Amir and Baba is really surprising because of the connection they had in the beginning of the story which was really vague. -
Baba is diagnosed with Lung Cancer
Baba who receives Lung cancer neglects any treatment that is provided to him, he hated doctors and hospitals. The stages of sickness that Baba goes through gets worst and worst every day starting to lose his mobility " Amir had to start helping him into clothes and helping him to walk"(Hosseini 162)
The surprising event of Baba becoming diagnosed with cancer leads to atoning for his mistakes for Amir's writing. Amir and Baba father and son relationship is closer than ever. -
Amir and Soraya get married
Amir and Soraya wedding is rushed because it allows to Baba to witness it before he passes away. Amir and Baba are truly well valued by General Sahib's family "We are honored to welcome the son of a man such as yourself into our family.Amir Jan as for you, I welcome you as my husband of my daughter"(Hosseini 168).
The significant choice of Amir choosing Soraya as his wife allows him too still have socioeconomic status among people in Afghanistan. -
Amir visits Rahim Khan in Pakistan
Amir visits Rahim Khan because of the current chaos that is happening in Afghanistan showing the downfalls with the Taliban leading the country " The Alliance did more damage to Kabul than the Shorawi. They destroyed your father's orphanage"(Hosseini 200).
The Taliban treated citizens of Afghanistan like a human being without a soul. Many citizens beloved and trusted the Taliban creating a new political involvement but it came out in a different perspective which was cruel. -
Hassan and Farzana gets killed
One day, a group of Taliban walked into Baba's house and found Hassan and his family inside. Hassan's excuse was that he was taking care a house for a friend but the Taliban didn't care one bit "They ordered him to kneel and shot him in the back of the head"(Hosseini 219).
The killing of Hassan and Farzana is really significant in the story because Amir would later have to retrieve Sohrab their son as an orphan. -
Sanaubar comes back and delivers Hassan's baby
The day Sanaubar comes back to Afghan she returns back with gashes on her face but when she regains her health back she delivers Hassan's baby. But something stands out and its her loving care for the child later known to be Sohrab "She wraps her grandson in a wool blanket, clutching that baby in her arms like she never wanted to let go"(Hosseini 211).
The way Sanaubar treats Sohrab as a baby is the complete opposite with her delivering Hassan which made a surprising impact onto the story. -
Afghanistan divided into multiple Warlords
As the Soviet Union fleed the country of Afghanistan, power was divided into multiple warlords competing for the lead spot in the pyramid "But one group would eventually take control"(New York Times). -
The fight between Assef and Amir
Assef wants to settle this with a fight live or death situation to decide who gets to keep Sohrab. The fight starts to happen and Amir does nothing, he is atoning for his mistakes in the past while he's getting beat up "Sohrab holds a slingshot with a cup pulls it all the way back, aiming directly at Assef's face"(Hosseini 290).
The courage of Sohrab having a similar personality and traits as his dad Hassan plays a key role of saving Amir from extensive damage to his body. -
Stoning event at the Soccer Stadium
The Taliban leader (Assef) unloads one male and a female who become bury in a hole on the field because they cheated marriage " The Taliban leader tosses a rock up and down in his hand getting ready to throw"(Hosseini 27).
The ruthless Taliban Leader Assef does not feel any sympathy when he ruins people's life and future. Assef has acted this way throughout the story and does not seem to change his personality. -
The Taliban grew out a Student involvement called the Pashtun
The student involvement first started with a couple of people that later became a dominant ethnic group" the student involvement grew expontially reaching up to 12,000 followers"(New York TImes), -
Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan
Taken control of Afghanistan allows Mr.Bin Laden to have a haven providing safety but on the negative, side the Taliban are imposing strict rules on the citizens around the area "Banning movies, music and forcing women out of school"(New York Times". -
Sohrab tries to commit sucide
Amir comes into the restroom with awesome news until he sees a tub of bloody water with Sohrab's wrist releasing blood out "Suddenly I was only my knees, screaming...Screaming until I thought my throat would rip and my chest explode"(Hosseini 342).
The feeling that Sohrab faced was the feeling he would never go back to his past at the orphanage because of the torture he faced.
The Significance of Amir retrieving Sohrab from the Taliban leader Assef is the bright future Sohrab has in America. -
Taliban are not surrendering
The Taliban started their same process waging a warfare from the borders of Afghanistan's border try to influence the southern half of Afghanistan "Their rise was assisted by an opium trade, which helped to fill the group's coffers"(New York Times). -
Amir and Sohrab arrive in America
As Amir and Sohrab arrive at the airport, the feeling of joy and happiness struck Amir and Soraya when they locked eyes onto each other "I realized how much I missed her. You're still the morning sun to my yelda"(Hosseini 356).
The relationship between Amir and Soraya is so strong and powerful in the novella providing insight on how the adoption of Sohrab was a success even though he was a Hazara boy. The significance of keeping Sohrab was to achieve Rahim Khan's last words. -
Post 9/11 Invasion
The United States wanted to join forces with the rebellion groups to control and end the Taliban before they ruin many more pieces of land "An air and ground unit camping began that drove the Taliban out of major Afghan cities"(New York Times". -
A Change of Leader in Afghanistan
As the leader of Afghanistan took over he tried to secure and create peace in Afghanistan "As leader of this country I want to win the country much needed international aid"(New York Times).