the setup before the soviets
In the 19th century, "the imperial Russian government vied with Britain for influence in Central Asia in the Great Game..it was almost a century later when Moscow's role in Afghan affairs had reached it's peak, when the Soviet invasion descended into a prolonged and bloody occupation." ("Afghanistan-An Overview" 2) -
baba is born
At the beginning of the book it states, "1933, the year Baba was born" (Hosseni 24) This states the start of the conflict, in turn the story. Baba is a prominent part o the story, being one of of the main driving conflicts with Amir. -
amir is born!
Hassan was born "just one year after my mother died giving birth to me" (Hosseini 6) This stares Amir's birth with context clues, Hassan being born one year after him, in turn Amir would be born one year before in 1963. This begins the story completely because the protagonist begins his life -
hassan is born
In a quaint shack, "Hassan was born in the winter of 1964" (Hosseni 6) This demonstrates the beginning of the story, and the figuative beginning for his feeling of freindship. Hassan begins to start an incredibly close relationship with him, him actually becomng his first words. -
King Mohammad Sahir Shah is overthrown.
King Mohammad Sahir Shah, away in Italy, is overthrown by his cousin Mohammad Daoud Khan, ending “the king’s forty-year reign with a bloodless coup” (Hosseini 36). Within the same timespan of real-world issues, it shows the parallel between the book and real life and its commitment to accuracy. Being overthrown being said could resemble powerstruggles within the book. -
amir wins the kite contest
Amir finally wins the kite contest, promising his father's content "I was throwing my free arm around Hassan and we were hopping up and down, both of us laughing, both of us weeping. 'You won, Amir agha! You won!" (Hosseini 66) Winning this is an milestone, again for this life because this is the first time after the competition that he uses an term of endearment to him. This signifiying the shift in their relationship -
hassan gets raped
After the kite competition, Hassan gets into a life-changing altercation with Assef "Hassan didn't even struggle. Didn't even whimper. He moved him slightly and I caught a glimpse of his face. Saw the resignation in it... It was the look of the lamb." (Hosseini 75-76) Amir, seeing the rape happening to Hassan- it changes his outlook on life. Amir, seeing this spends the rest of his life in the book dealing with the mistakes he made,primarily the rape; illustrating a theme to be regret. -
amir's 13th birthday
In 1976, Baba throws a 13th birthday party for Amir; "Then I realized they weren't really coming for me. It was my birthday, but I knew who the real star of the show was." (Hosseini 94) This quote primarly demonstrates the power Baba has over the people in his social circles and his son. Playing a role as an influencer to other people, he makes things about himself and not really for his son (in the instance where it's an event for his son.) -
hassan and ali leave
Amir watches Hassan and Ali leave in a car, "I watched Baba's car pull away from the curb, taking with it the person whose first spoken word has been my name. I caught one final blurry glimpse of Hassan slumped in the back-seat." (Hosseini 109) This illustrates Amir's second real loss, after losing Hassan's opinion of Amir after leaving him there for the rape. This also promitely illustrates Amir's realization that life will never be the same for him. -
soviets come to afganistan
The initial start to the Afghan conflict was as follows, "The first soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec.27 1979,to assist Babarak Karmal, who had become a president in a coup within the Afghan Communist leadership." ("Afghanistan- An Overview", 2) -
baba and amir leave Afghanistan
Soon after the party, "My inneards had been roiling since we'd left Kabul just after two in the morning." (Hosseini 110) This inital action to leave Kabul brings him to the U.S. This proves Amir's new start, figuratively to be in a new country after Hassan's rape that has haunted him for years. Even leaving to an new country, he will never escape the mistakes he has made. -
amir and baba come to san fransisco
The Bay Area never lived up to Baba's expectations, "the Bay Area's smog stung his eyes, the traffic noise gave him headaches and the pollen made him cough. The fruit was never sweet enough, the water never clean enough, and where were all the trees and open fields?" (Hosseini 126) Baba's expatations are coming from a high place, he was a in a postiion of power in Afghanistan but in the Bay Area being a Republican, he is a minority in the community. It clearly illustrates a power shift for Baba. -
amir meets soraya
Amir admires a girl from afar and gets introduced, "'My daughter, Soraya jan,' General Taheri said." (Hosseini 141) This illustrates the power of love on Amir, being entranced by Soraya. Love, often bringing out an innocence quality in people shows the power of innocence and lust on an individual. -
amir and sorya marry
After Baba asking for Soraya's hand in marriage, "all the frenzied preparations that went into the wedding night-most of it, blessedly, by Khanum Taheri and her friends- I remember only a handful of moments from it." (Hosseini 170) This moment, like in many of men's lives is a highly proud moment. Him being deeply in love with this woman, it shows that through all the pain in life, there can be moments of joy. -
baba dies
After nights of suffering, Baba doesnt feel pain for one night, "'Okay,' she said. She pulled up his blanket We closed the door. Baba never woke up." This brings to an end of the struggle between Amir and Baba, the powerstruggle between the two. This also shows the never ending unsatisfaction, his father never playing the role that he wanted him to play. -
soviets leave afganistan after war
Soon, after peace talks moderated by the UN, "the last soviet troops left Afghanistan in February 1989, in what effect was an unilateral withdraw. They left behind a country that was not only devastated by war but had become a beacon for Islamic extremists from across the globe who had come to assist the fighting, including Osama Bin Laden and the group he helped to found, Al Qaeda." ("Afghanistan- An Overview" 2) -
internecine conflict in Afghanistan
Conflict after the war rose, "by the summer of 1994 power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms." ("Afghanistan-An Overview" 2) -
Mullar begins to receive followers
by the end of 1994, "Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers and was rolling up the warlord from the north to the east." ("Afghanistan-An Overview" 2) -
taliban take over
With the help of Pakistani aid, " the Taliban in 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan imposing strict re-reinforcement of fundamentalist Islamic law." ("Afghanistan- An Overview" 3) -
bin-laden arrives
The Taliban have a safe haven for many awful people including Bin-Laden, " who arrived by chartered jet at Jharhlabbad Airport in May 1996" ("Afghanistan-An Overview" 3 ) -
hassan and farzana are killed
Rahim Kahn begins to tell the story of Hassan's end, "Hassan protested again. So they took him to the street...'and shot him in the back of the head.' 'No.' 'Farzana came screaming and attacked them'...[and] 'shot her too.'" Hassan's demise was an another clear example of loss and pain in Amir's life. Hassan, being a childhood staple within his life brings lots of regret of choices to Amir becuause he never really did things the "good way" to Hassan. -
rahim kahn gets amir to come to pakistan
After receiving a call from Rahim Kahn, "I lowered the phone into the cradle and stared at it for a long time. It wasn't until Aflatoon startled with a bark that I realized how quiet the room had become." (Hosseini 190) Rahim Kahn, being the only adult figure who truly cared for him, a somewhat father to Amir. Rahim being sick and on his deathbed (somewhat) brings a lot of worry and emotional pain to Amir because his father is already dead, his father figure dying makes truly alone family wise. -
Attack on the World Trade Center
After the attack orchestrated by Al Queda, "George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultamatium to hand over Mr.Bin Laden" ("Afghanistan-An Overview" 3) -
the karkazai goverment set up
In December 2001, "Hamaz Karzai, a supporter and relative of Mohammad Zahir Shah, the exiled former king of Afghanistan was named chairman of an interim government...making him the leader of the country." ("Afghanistan-An Overview"3) -
amir and soyrab fly a kite (end of book)
Kites begin to take flight and Amir asks, "'Do you want to help me fly this?' I said. Sohrab's gaze bounced from the kite to me. Back to the sky" (Hosseini 368) This kite flying brings the book full circle, Sohrab being Amir's nephew, he is flying kites (figuratively) with Hassan. This resembles the innocence that is recived from coming full circle. -
Obama's War in Afghanistan
In a move away from the July 2011 deadline, "the Obama administration changed its tone to increasingly emphasize the idea that the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014." ("Afghanistan-An Overview",4 )