Zahir Shah began his 40 year reign of Afghanistan
Baba was born in 1933, the same year "Zahir Shah began his 40 year reign of Afghanistan." (Hosseini 25) This was a very different time than the times that Amir grew up in. -
Hassan is born
Hassan "lost his [mom] a week after he was born". (Hosseini 6) Unlike Amir, Hassan's mom was still living, and left on her own terms. She decided to leave to join a traveling band without ever holding Hassan. -
Baba decides to build an orphanage
Baba built an orphanage and he had "drawn the blue prints himself, dispute the fact he'd had no architectural experience at all." (Hosseini 13) This shows Baba's kind nature. He often seemed cold hearted but he has a good heart. -
Zahir Shah's cousin overthrows him
Ali comforted Hassan and Amir convincing them "they were just shooting ducks." (Hosseini 365) Amir remembers the noise and the sky lighting up silver. Ali was always there to comfort the boys, -
Hassan is raped.
Amir stood cowardly as he heard "Assef's quick, rhythmic grunts." (Hosseini 77) Amir considered interfering but wrongly decided against it. The guilt overcame him and ruined his relationship with Hassan. -
Amir turns 13.
"Afghanistan's next to last summer of peace and anonymity," (Hosseini 93) was the same summer as Amir's 13th birthday. This was the 2nd to last summer of what the boys had left of a childhood. The next years were filled with sad memories -
Period: to
Afghanistan/Kite Runner Timeline
Soviets Invade Afghanistan
The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, and since then, "Afghanistan has known little peace" ("Afghanistan- An Overview") -
Baba and Amir left Kabul
Like many other Afghans, Baba and Amir left Kabul in hope to escape the Soviets. Amir was nervous and carsick as his " innards had been roiling since [they'd] left Kabul just after two in the morning." (Hosseini 110) Amir knew that Baba was ashamed of his weak stomach in the car. -
Baba and Amir in California
Baba always admired the thought of America, but "it was living in America that gave him and ulcer." (Hosseini 125) The stress of work and money stressed Baba out greatly. However, he never lost sight of his morals. -
Amir graduates highschool
At 20 years old, Amir graduated high school, 'by far the oldest senior tossing his mortarboard on the football field." (Hosseini 131) Baba was so proud of Amir. Amir was overjoyed with his pleased father. -
Amir turns 21
Baba and Amir were on very good terms and "laughed until tears rolled down [their] cheeks." (Hosseini 137) Baba bought Amir an old car, and Amir was very grateful. The car was very rundown but that did not stop them from cherishing it. -
Amir's spring quarter of college ends
Receiving A's in all of his classes "was a minor miracle given how [he'd] sit in lectures and think of the soft hook of Soraya's nose." (Hosseini 144) Amir loved Soraya since he first saw her. Their love would lead to them marrying. -
Rahim Kahn goes to find Hassan
Rahim Kahn traveled to Hazarajat in search of Hassan because "[he} was lonely." (Hosseini 202) Most of Rahim's friends had died or escaped. Rahim needed someone to help because his arthritis was getting quite bad. -
Soviet Air Force Useless
Because of advanced Stinger aniaircraft missles supplies by the USA, "after 1986, The Soviet Air Force was also rendered largely useless." ('Afghanistan- An Overview") -
Soviet troops leave Afghanistan
Because of many attemots to convice peace among the Soviets and Afghanistan, by the UN, "the last Soviet Troops left in February 1989." ("Afghanistan- An Overview") -
Sanaubar delivers Hassan's son
Sanaubar had left Hassan as a baby, but she was not leaving Hassan or his son again. She was determined to care for this boy since "[she] had come out of the hut holding her grandson." (Hosseini 210) Sanaubar loved Sohrab like he was the only person in the world. -
Power divided in Afghanistan
5 years afterthe Soviets left, "power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms." ("Afghanistan- An Overview") -
12,000 followers of Mullah Omar
Mullah Omar was getting quite popular with "nearly 12,00 followers and was rolling up the warlords to the north and east." ("Afghanistan- An Overview") -
Taliban takes control
The Taliban took control in 1996, "imposing strict enforcement of fundamental islamic law, banning movies and music and forcing women out of schools and into all-envoloping burqa clothing." ("Afghanistan- An Overview") -
Haven for Bin Laden
A safe Haven was coffered to bin Laden, "who arrived by chartered jet at Jalalabad Airport in May 1996." ("Afghainstan- An Overview.") -
Amir and Sohrab arrive home (Cali)
Amir and Sohrab were gone for a long while, and although Sohrab didn't say anything, Soraya acted kindly by "[turning] the upstairs study into a bedroom for [him]." (Hosseini 358) Sohrab was depressed and did not talk for a long while. He was emotionless. -
Hamid Karzai becomes leader
Hamid Karzai, whom was a relative of a former king of Afghanistan, "was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him leader of the country." ("Afghanistan- An Overview") -
Sohrab "smiles"
After a long while of unhappiness, "a small, wonderous thing happened." (Hosseini 363) Sohrab smiled a small smile. This was the begining of what they hoped would be happier days. -
Karzai takes Office
Mr Karzai takes his role as interim president, "saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much need international aid." ("Afghanistan- An Overview") -
Al Qaeda attacks the World Trade Center
America has been fighting in Afghanistan since 2001, "when it led an invasion after the Sept. 11 attacks by Al Qaeda." ("Afghanistan- An Overview")