Winter of 1975
Amir thought, "of the life [he] had lived until the winter of 1975 came along and changed everything"(Hosseini 2). This is important because it foreshadows certain events that may happen later in the book. It shows how the story will change and Amir will have to face difficult decisions and changes to his life. -
The Alley
As Amir witnesses what is happening he "turned away from the alley. ..from just around the corner , I could hear Assef's quick, rhythmic grunts(Hosseini 77). This was one of the events that was foreshadowed earlier in the book. By Amir witnessing what happend a burden is put on his back and he is backed into the corner and does not know what to do. Which is a crucial part in the plot of the book. -
Amir Wins the Kite Flying Tournament
As the last kite falls from the air Hassan screams,"You won Amir agha! You won"(Hosseini 66). Winning the kite tournament was one of the greatest moments in Amir's life. It was also a significant day in Baba's life because he was finally proud of being the father of Amir and the father of someone who had won. -
Hassan and Ali Leave
As Amir and Baba talk to Ali and Hassan in the study Ali tells Baba and Amir,"We are leaving, Agha sahib"(Hosseini 106). It left Baba shocked when Ali and Hassan decided to leave because he did not know what was going on. But Amir did and Amir knew that Hassan told Ali everything that happened which lead Ali to make the decision to leave with Hassan. -
The Soviet Invasion
Afghanistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, "has known little piece since 1979, when the Soviet Union invaded"(NYT). -
Fremont, California
Baba and Amir, "loved the idea of America"(Hosseini 125). It seems that Baba and Amir are finally happy and have settled in America. They have escaped the war in Afghanistan and look to start a new life in America. -
Amir marries Soraya
As Baba calls after Amir after talking to General Taheri, he tells Amir, "The general accepted...I left out a burst of air"(Hosseini 163). When we found out that Amir was going to marry Soraya we thought Amir would finally be happy and begin to start a new life in America. Although he did, Soraya also brought him to tell the truth and return to Afghanistan to atone for his mistakes he had made all those years ago. -
Baba Dies
As Soraya offers Baba his medicine before he goes to bed Baba" states, "There is no pain tonight... we closed the door...Baba never woke up"(Hosseini 173). Baba dying took a toll on Amir ans Soraya. After Baba dies Amir feels he needs to do something and write his mistakes and not live a life with lies in it, so he decides to go back to Afghanistan and visit Rahim Khan. -
Soviet troops leave Afghanistan
In February of 1989,"the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan"(NYT). -
After the Soviet Invasion
After Soviet forces departed,"Afghanistan descended into vicious internecine strife; by the summer of 1994, power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms"(NYT). -
The Taliban Takeover
In May of 1996,"The Taliban also provided a haven for Mr. bin Laden, who arrived by chartered jet at Jalalabad Airport in May 1996"(NYT). -
Hassan is Killed
As Rahim tells Amir about Hassan, Rahim revisits the day that the Taliban arrived at Hassan's house, Hassan,"protested...so they took him to the street...and order him to kneel...and shot him in the back of the head"(Hosseini 219). Hassan flew all the way back to Afghanistan because he wanted to see Hassan and make up for what he had done when they were children. But instead he finds out that Hassan had been killed, and he is now in Afghanistan being asked to complete a new task. -
Amir and Hassan are Brothers
As Rahim Khan tells the story about Hassan and Amir's brotherhood, Amir bellows, "How could you hide this from me? From him?"(Hosseini 223). In this moment Amir realizes that half of his life was a lie, and that he was lied to, which causes him to become infuriated. Amir was not the only one keeping lies from others, and Rahim Khan knew that, that is why he called him back to Afghanistan to make up for what they had both done. -
Troops and "the United States has been militarily involved in Afghanistan since 2001, when it led an invasion after the Sept. 11 attacks by Al Qaeda"(NYT). -
Amir goes to find Sohrab
Amir thinks about what Rahim Khan told him,"There is a way to be good again...A way to end the cycle"(Hosseini 226,227). Even though Amir is angry he wants to right his wrongs and help his old friend and brother Hassan. Using the information given Amir sets off to look for Hassan's son Sohrab. -
Amir finds Sohrab in the Bathtub
As Amir gets off the phone with Soraya, he heads to the bathroom,"...Suddenly I was on my knees, screaming...Screaming until I thought my throat would rip and my chest explode"(Hosseini 343). Sohrab tried to commit suicide because he never wanted to go back to an orphanage again, which he thought he was going to have to. By doing this it shows the reader how bad Sohrab was hurting inside and how Amir would have to help Sohrab to get passed what had happened to him after the death of his parents. -
Sohrab and Amir fight Assef
As Amir is being driven to the hospital after fighting Assef he recalls, "I don't know if I gave Assef a good fight. I don't think I did... Then "Bas." A thin voice... The slingshot made a thwiiiiit sound when Sohrab released the cup"(Hosseini 288-291). In this moment Sohrab and Amir both gained trust from each other, because Amir fought for Sohrab, but Sohrab also helped Amir when aid was needed. Although they might not know who one another us yet, they have to opportunity to have a bond. -
Amir stands up for Sohrab
As dinner ends General Taheri asks Soraya and Amir, "...why you have brought back this boy with you...why is there a Hazara boy living with our daughter"(Hosseini 360). In this moment Soraya and Khala Jamila are disgusted by what General Taheri had just said. But Amir is sympathetic and answers Genereal Taheri's question and proves to General Taheri that Sohrab is a good kid and part of the family no matter his religion. -
Post 9/11
After the attacks of September 11,"President George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden"(NYT). -
The Karzai Government
Hamid Karzai,"...took office as interim president in June 2002, saying he hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan and win the country much-needed international aid"(NYT). -
Sohrab Smiles
When Amir and Sohrab fly the kite in the end of the book Amir turns to Sohrab to see,"One corner of his mouth had curled...A smile..."(Hosseini 370). To see Sohrab smile, it shows Amir that he has made progress and that he finally may have a relationship with Sohrab. By smiling it finally shows Amir that he is on the right track to beign good again, just like Rahim Khan said he could. -
Amir flies a Kite with Sohrab
As Amir asks Sohrab if we wants to run the kite for him Sohrab nods and Amir says, "For you a thousand times over"(Hosseini 371). In this moment Sohrab finally gives Amir the emotion he has long waited for. It finally shows Amir that he is finally making a difference in Sohrab's life and that they someday may have the relationship that Amir and Hassan once had. -
Obama's Speech
In a speech given on December 1, 2009 "...Mr. Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops"(NYT). -
Removal of Gen. McChrystal
In June 2010,"President Obama removed Gen. McChrystal after contemptuous quotes from the general and his staff about senior administration officials appeared in an article in Rolling Stone magazine"(NYT). -
Forces in Afghanistan
The Obama administration "increasingly emphasizes the idea that the United States will have forced in the country until at least the end of 2014"(NYT).