Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan

  • Baba builds an orphanage

    Amir's father Baba is a man who does whatever people tell him that he cannot do. Amir tells the reader that when he "was five or six, Baba decided to build an orphanage... despite te fact he'd had no architectural experience at all" (13).
  • Daoud Khan takes over Kabul

    During the night of July 17 Amir and Hassan were frightened by the sound of gun shots. The next morning they learnt that "Daoud Khan... ended the king's forty-year reign with a bloodless coup" (36).
  • Hassan's Birthday

    During the early winter of 1974 for Hassan's birthday Baba pays for a plastic sergeon to fic Hassan's hair lip. Dr. Kumar explains to Hassan that his "job is to fix things on people's bodies. Sometimes their faces" (45).
  • The day Amir's life changed forever

    Amir continuously hints to the reader that during the winter of 1975 a dramatic event occurs and changes his life forever. The reader later finds out that Hassan is violated by Assef and that Amir "could step into the alley [and] stand up for Hassan... or [he] could run"(77). Amir chooses to run and because of this action he feels guilty for the rest of his life.
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    Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan

  • Soviet Union Invades

    On December 27, 1979, "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul" (2).
  • Baba and Amir start to work at the Flea market

    During the summer of !948 Baba sells his old Buick in order to by a Volkswagen bus so they could work at a flea market in San Jose. Amir tells the reader how they would drive around and "stop at garage sales and bought knickknacks that people no longer wanted" (137).
  • Amir meets Soraya

    One day during the summer of 1983 Amir meets General Taheri's daughter Soraya. Later that night Amir says that he laid "awake in bed that night" thinking of Soraya (142).
  • Baba gets sick

    At first Amir thought Baba just had a cold however after his coughing persisted Amir noticed that Baba was "coughing a wad of blood-stained phlegm into the toilet" (153). After he saw this he took Baba to see a doctor.
  • Amir and Soraya get married

    Although a normal engagment would have been longer Amir and Soraya's engagment was brief due to Baba'd declining health. Baba paied for the wedding and "spent $35,000, nearly the balance of his life savings..." (169).
  • Baba dies

    A month after the wedding Baba passed away in his sleep. After Soraya offered to give Baba morphine for the pain he said, "not tonight... there is no pain tonight"(173). He never woke up after that night.
  • Soviet Air Forces

    The United States supplied rebels with advanced antiaircraft missiles and because of this " the Soviet Air Forces... rendered largley useless" (2)
  • Rahim Khan goes to look for Hassan

    While talking to Amir, Rahim Khan tells him how he went to look for Hassan in 1986. Rahim Kahn explains the main reason he went looking for Hassan was becuase he "was lonley" (203).
  • Soviet troops left Afghanistan

    In February 1989 soviet troops left Afghanistan "after peace talks moderated by the United Nations" (2).
  • Pakistani Supplying Taliban

    The article states that, "as early as 1994, Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money and supplies to Mullah Omar's men" (3).
  • Power after Soviets

    After the Soviet troops left the power was "divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms" (3).
  • Mullah Omar

    With the promise of restoring the Islamic life "Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers" (3).
  • Hassan is killed

    Rahim Khan explains to Amir that the Taliban heard that a Hazara family was living in the house and kicked them out but when Hassan protested they draged him into the street and shot him. He also adds that hassan's wife "came screaming and attacked them" and was then killed as well (219).
  • Rahim Khan asks Amir to come to Peshawar

    After many years of no comunication Rahim Khan calls Amir and asks him to come visiti him. When Soraya asks Amir what was wrong he tells her that "Rahim Khan is very sick" (191)
  • Amir fights Assef

    Amir is forced to fight Assef in order to save Sohrab. Assef tells his gaurds that he has "to finish an old bit of business" and not to come in to the room no matter what they hear (287).
  • Amr with meets Rahim Khan

    After many years of not seeing each other Amir catches Rahim Khan up on all that has happened in his life and Rahim Khan tells Amir about how life has changed. Rahim Khan tells Amir about how he went to a soccer game and how he was "struck... on the forehead with the butt of his Kalashnikov" by one of the members of the Taliban (199).
  • United States Attacked

    The article stated that, "the united States has been militarily involved in Afgahnistan since 2001... after the Sept. 11 attacks by Al Qaeda." (1)
  • Amir thinks back to his childhood

    While Amir looks over San Francisco he reminisces about his past. Amir thinks about "Hassan,,, about Baba. Ali. Kabul... and the life [he] lived until the winter of 1975" (2).
  • The Karzai Government

    Hamid Zarzai, "a supporter and relative of Mohammad Zahir Shah... was named chairman of a... government... that defeated the Taliban" (3)
  • American Withdrawl

    The initail plan called for the American troops to pull out of "Afghanistan in the summer of 2011" (1).
  • Obama's Plan

    The Obama administration now states, "the United States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014" (1).