Hassan Gets Raped
In the winter of 1975, Hassan was raped. Amir describes the event, saying that "Hassan didn't struggle. Didn't even whimper." (Hosseini 75). This affects the rest of the plot, especially Amir's choice to return to Kabul. This is significant because without Hassan getting raped, the book would have an entirely different plot. -
Period: to
Kite Runner Plot
Hassan and Ali Leave
To mark the end of their many years together, Ali says "We are leaving Agha sahib... we can't live here anymore," (Hosseini 106). This illustrates an end of an era, once Ali and Hassan are gone, Amir and Baba make the first steps that will lead them to America. Ali is an honest man, and he would rather leave his only family than let his "son" not have punishment. -
Period: to
Afghani History
Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan
Russia and Britain were fighting for power, so as a power move,"The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec. 27 1979" (NYT) -
Amir and Baba Leave for Pakistan
After a slight accident in Jalabad, Baba and Amir "[Were] on [their] way to Peshwar" (Hosseini 118). This is one of the steps in their long journey to America, as well as one more step of isolation from Kabul. The rocky journey from Kabul to Pershwar symbolizes the tough journey that is leaving your home for possibly the last time. -
Amir Graduates High School
In "That summer of 1983, [Amir] graduated from high school" (Hosseini 131). Amir has settled well into American life, and he will pursue his American dream of becoming a writer. Now that Amir is an adult, he is free to make his own choices and be independent of his father. -
Baba is Diagnosed with Cancer
Amir says that "[C]ancer had many names. Baba's was called Oat Cell Carcinoma". (Hosseini 156) -
Amir meets Soraya
When Amir sees his future wife for the first time, he describes her as "a slim-hipped beauty with velvety black hair" (Hosseini 140) -
Amir Marries Soraya
Amir reflects on his wedding by saying that "[He] remember[s] [his] nika... [and] [he] remeber[s] setting on the sofa, set on the stage like a throne." (Hosseini 170-171). This is a fresh start for Amir. He has a wife he loves dearly. Soraya is a good influence and pushes Amir to make good decisions. -
Baba Dies
After a long time fighting cancer, Baba fell asleep and "never woke up." (Hosseini 173). This causes Amir to be devastated. This is also important because if Baba was still alive, Amir might have made different choices later in the novel. -
Rahim Khan Goes to Hazarajat to Find Hassan
When Rahim Khan tells Amir why he went to Hazarajat, he explains that "There were a lot of reasons why [he] went to Hazarajat to find Hassan." (Hosseini 203). Rahim Khan's tale moves Amir, becuase he had heard nothing from Hassan since he left with Ali. He was amazed that he had grew up and had a family. He realizes that Hassan and him are actually brothers and Hassan is dead. This influences him to find Hassan's son in Kabul. -
Soviet Troops Leave Afghanistan
After having moderated peace talks, "[T[he last soviet troops left Afghanistan in February 1989". (NYT) -
Saunabar Returns to Hassan
Rahim Khan says that "None of had seen Saunabar since she eloped with a band of singers and dancers in 1964," (Hosseini 214), but she returns in 1990. She eventually bonds with Hassan and it was like she never left. She left a huge impact on Hassan's son, Sorhab's life and he still misses her. -
Sorhab is Born
Rahim Khan says that "It was Saunabar who delivered Hassan's son that winter of 1990." (Hosseini 211). Sorhab is a very important character in the story. Without Sorhab's birth, Amir would lose a very importnant way that he could atone for his sins. -
Amir and Soraya Realize They Can't Have Children
After a long time trying to get pregnant, Amir and Soraya's fertility doctor "used the word "adoption" for the first time." (Hosseini 187). This causes Amir and Soraya to be devastated. This event is crucial to the plot, and could possibly have saved a young boy's life. -
Afghanistan Government In Chaos.
After the Soviets left, "Afghanistan descended into vicious internecine strife." (NYT) -
Taliban Gains Power
Even though it started as a student movement, "By the end of 1994 Mullah Omar [leader of the Taliban] had over 12,000 followers". (NYT) -
Taliban Take Over Afghanistan
According to the article, "[T]he Taliban by 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan" (NYT) -
Bin Laden Returns
Also in 1996, "The Taliban also provided a haven for Mr. bin Laden who arrived... in May 1996" (NYT) -
Amir Fights Assef
When Amir tries to bring Sorhab home he gets into a fight with one of the Taliban members who is keeping Sorhab as a hostage. This Taliban member turns out to be Assef. Amir and Assef get into an awful fistfight, and "[T]hen... [he] pass[es] out." (Hosseini 292). This shows that Amir is willing to take painful blows to his body to be able to bring Sorhab to safety. -
Sorhab Attempts Suicide
After Amir tells Sorhab that he might have return to an orphanage, and Sorhab goes to drown himself in the bathtub. Amir "Stepped into the bathroom. Suddenly [he] was on [his] knees, screaming." (Hosseini 343). This hurts Amir. Amir had gone through so much to bring his half-nephew back to America, and it was extremely painful that Sorhab tried to end his own life. -
Amir Leaves for Pakistan
After Rahim Khan calls that he was very sick, Amir "[Sits] on a window seat aboard a Pakistani International Airlines flight." (Hosseini 194).This call from Rahim Khan shapes Amir's life. He is finally returning to his homeland, and he hopes to atone for the actions he chose over 25 years ago. -
Amir and Sorhab Arrive in America
After a long journey, "[Amir and Sorhab] arrived home... on a warm day in August 2001" (Hosseini 357). Amir finally got what he went to Pakistan for. He atoned for what he did back in that winter of 1975. He saved Hassan's child since he couldn't save Hassan. -
Attack on World Trade Center
A major point in the American-Afghan conflict was "[T]he attack on the World Trade Center in New York on Sept. 11, 2001" (NYT) -
Karzai Elected President
The article states that "He [Karzai] took office as the interim president in 2002... Mr. Karzai was elected... as president in 2004" (NYT) -
Amir Runs for Sorhab's Kite
On a March day in 2002, Sorhab, Amir and Soraya went to the park and kite fought. After Amir cut the kite, he went and collected it. Before running the kite he heard himself say ""For you, a thousand times over"... then [he] turned and ran." (Hosseini 371). The book has come full circle. From Hassan running after Amir's kite, to Amir running Sorhab's kite, Amir feels as if he has truly atoned for what he had done. -
Obama's West Point Speech
In Obama's speech at West Point he announces "[H]is plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops" (NYT) to go to Afghanistan. -
Obama Postpones July 2011 Deadline
Although Obama orginially had a July 2011 deadline to remove all the troops from Afghanistan, "the Obama administration changed its tone to increasingly emphasize... the United States will have forces in the country untill at least 2014" (NYT)