Kite Runner and the History of Afganistan

  • Sofia Akarmi's Death

    Amir's mom suffered a horrible fate "after [his] mother died giving birth to [him]" (Hosseini). Amir's characteristics derive from how Baba raised after his wife died after giving birth. Sofia Akrami plays a big part in the development of Baba and Amir's personality.
  • Amir's Birth

    Early in the book it is revealed that Amir was born 1963 after mentioning Hassan was born in "the winter of 1964, one year after my mother died giving birth to me" (Hosseini 6). Amir's birth is what lead to the rest of the plot.
  • Hassan's Birth

    Hassan's role in "The Kite Runner" is instrumental. Without Hassan the story that is laid out would have never occurred. That is why it is important to know that "Hassan was born in the winter of 1964" (Hosseini 6).
  • Sanaubar Leaves Hassan and Ali

    Sanaubar's disappearance shortly after giving birth to Hassan develops how Hassan and even Amir behave. Even though she "ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers" she eventually reappears further developing the story.
  • New Leader of Afganistan

    In 1973 Mohammad Daud "seizes power in a coup and declares a republic"(BBC News).
  • Hassan's Surgery

    For Hassan's birthday Baba gets a doctor to fix Hassan's cleft lip. The surgery although a success foreshadows a much darker event when it is said "that was the winter Hassan stopped smiling" (Hosseini 47). Not only does the surgery foreshadow Hassan's rape, but also a similar scar left by Assef when he beats Amir much farther along in the story.
  • Amir Wins The Kite Contest

    Amir winning the Kite Contest is a big moment in the story. For his entire life Baba has never recognized Amir's achievements. So when he did win and Baba did acknowledge it "was the single greatest moment of [his] twelve years of life" (Hosseini 66).
  • Hassan's Rape

    Hassan's rape played a pivotal part in the story. This part of the plot is not only a foreshadow to the sexual abuse of Hassan's child, Sohrab, but it also plays a large role in defining who Amir truly is when he says "I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan ... or i could run. In the end, I ran" (Hosseini 77). This moment reveals Amir's morals and leads to the rest of the plot.
  • Ali and Hassan Leave Amir and Baba

    Ali and Hassan's decision to leave played a crucial role in Baba and Amir's life. For the first time in his life, Amir no longer had Hassan by his side. When Amir "caught one last blurry glimpse of Hassan slumped in the backseat before Baba turned left at the street corner" (Hosseini 109) it was the last time Amir was going to be one of the last time he sees Hassan. Their departure shapes how Amir will act further along in the story.
  • Mohammad Daud Dead

    Not long after Mohammad Daud took power he "is overthrown and killed in a pro-Soviet coup" (BBC News).
  • Amir and Baba Leave the Middle East For Good

    After leaving Kabul to go to Pakistan Amir and Baba quickly leave again and head for the United States. In the first moments it is made clear that "Baba loved the idea of the America" (Hosseini 125). As Amir and Baba moved from a palace in Kabul to an apartment in San Francisco they became closer. Mainly because they knew they were stuck with each other. Them coming to America caused a change in the relationship Amir and Baba had.
  • Amir Meets Love of His Life

    A few years after coming to the United States Amir meets a beautiful women named Soraya. Soon she becomes "My Swap Meet Princess" (Hosseini 142). The introduction of Soraya is another pivot in the books story. Soraya will change Amir and soon become his better half shortly after meeting.
  • Anti Communist Formed

    Following Afghanistan becoming communist the "Mujahideen come together in Pakistan to form alliance against Soviet forces" (BBC News).
  • U.S. Sends Aid to Mujahideen

    Not long after the Mujahideen forms the "US begins supplying mujahideen with Stinger missiles, enabling them to shoot down Soviet helicopter gunships" (BBC News).
  • New leader of Soviet Regime in Afghanistan

    As the U.S. begins to send aid to the mujahideen "Babrak Karmal replaced by Najibullah as head of Soviet-backed regime" (BBC News).
  • Baba's Death

    At Baba's funeral "People had to drive three or four blocks north of the mosque to find a spot" (Hosseini 173). The amount of lives Baba had changed was truly shown during his funeral. Hundreds of people showed up to give their condolences. This played a large role in Amir's life and the rest of the story's plot. Baba's death was the first step in seeing change in Amir's character.
  • Ali's Untimely Death

    After finding Hassan and asking him to help care for Baba's house, it is discovered that Ali had died from "A land mine ... outside of Bamiyan" (Hosseini 206). Ali's death is one of many that deeply effects both Hassan and Amir. His death along with persuasion ultimately causes Hassan to go back to Baba's house where he grow up many years ago.
  • Possible peace in Middle East

    After years of fighting "Afghanistan, USSR, the US and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops" (BBC News).
  • Sohrab is Born

    Shortly after Sanaubar's return Hassan has a kid named Sohrab. Sanaubar used Sohrab is gain a sense of atonement after abandoning Hassan so many years back. This is apparent when it is said "He became the center of [Sanaubar's] existence" (Hosseini). Also, with Sohrab being added to the plot Amir character further develops as he will eventually have to save Sohrab from damaging himself and being damaged by Assef.
  • Terrorist Group Controls Afghanistan

    After soviet troops leave Afghanistan the "Taliban [becomes] recognized as legitimate rulers by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia" (BBC News).
  • World Embargo on Afghanistan?

    As things heat up in Afghanistan one consequence is that the " UN [imposed] an air embargo and financial sanctions to force Afghanistan to hand over Osama bin Laden for trial" (BBC News).
  • Hassan and Farzana Are Killed

    After Rahim Khan convinces Hassan and Farzana to stay and look after Baba's old house, tragedy strikes. The ever growing presence of the Taliban is felt when they "shot [Hassan] in the back of the head" (Hosseini 219) for being in a place where they felt he should not be. With both of Sanaubar's parents being dead he is placed in a orphanage where he is later taken by Assef and the Taliban Forcing Amir to come and save him .
  • Leader of Anti Taliban Organization Assassinated

    As more and more efforts are being put to stop the Taliban a divesting blow was made when it was found out that "Ahmad Shah Masood, leader of the main opposition to the Taliban - the Northern Alliance - is assassinated" (BBC News).
  • Large Step Towards Democracy made in Afghanistan

    After struggling for many years " Afghans vote in first parliamentary elections in more than 30 years" (BBC News).
  • Sohrab Gives Amir a Sense of Hope

    After returning to America with Assef defeated, and Amir and Sohrab finally safe things start to look up. Until it becomes apparent that the trauma caused by the Taliban has rendered Sohrab mute. However in the closing section of the book Sohrab forces "A smile. A tiny thing" (Hosseini 371). Although a simple smile may mean nothing to most people a smile is a start to great change in Amir and Sohrab's life. This smile brings promise for the future.