Kite Runner and the History of Afganistan

  • Period: to

    Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan

  • Communism in Afghanistan

    Communism in Afghanistan
    A Communist party secretly forms in Afghanistan lead by Babrak Karmal and Nur Mohammad Taraki.
  • Baba builds orphanage

    Baba builds orphanage
    Amir remembers that "In the late 1960s, when I was 5 or 6, Baba decided to build an orphanage." (13) I chose this quote because I thought it was interesting that Baba decided to build an orphanage just out of nowhere. I also chose it because he might have also made it so Amir would hang out with more people than just Hassan.
  • Amir remembers Baba's love for Soccer

    Amir remembers Baba's love for Soccer
    When Baba is talking about soccer Amir remembers "Now that was something he was passionate about. In 1970, Baba took a break from the construction of the orphanage and flew to Tehran for a month to watch the World Cup games" (20)
    This quotation is important because it shows how Baba is passionate about soccer, Since he enjoys soccer Amir want to enjoy it so his father will accept him.
  • Amir crys infront of Baba

    Amir crys infront of Baba
    When Baba takes Amir to the buzkashi tournament and on the way back Amir remembers how "I began to cry. I cried all the way back home. I remember how Baba's hands clenched around the steering wheel." (21) This is important because it gives hints at how Baba disproved of Amir. This causes Amir to work hard for Baba's approval.
  • Amir realizes all his close friends and family are dead or dieing

    Amir realizes all his close friends and family are dead or dieing
    AMir recolects how "Baba, Rahim Khan, Ali, and I huddled around Hassan's bed, watched him examine his new lip in a handheld mirror. Everyone in that room was either dead or dying. Except for me" This shows how Amir is noticing how all of his friends and family are dying or already dead. This makes him appreciate his life and makes him want to find Sohrab.
  • Proposition for woman's rights

    Khan proposes woman's rights in his new constitution.
  • Winter of 1975 (Hassan's Rape)

    Winter of 1975 (Hassan's Rape)
    When Amir is outside the alley and is thinking "or I could run. in the end, I ran. I ran because I was a coward" I chose this quote because it shows how Amir was too cowardly to stand up for Hassan. I also chose it because it shows how Amir realizes he was being a coward.
  • US cuts off Afghanistan assistance

    After an american ambassador was killed America cuts off assistance.
  • Baba sees Amir as weak

    Baba sees Amir as weak
    When Amir and Baba are escaping Afghanistan and Amir is thinking about how Baba "saw [his] car sickness as yet another weakness" (110) I chose this quote because it shows how Amir was trying to find Baba's approval. This shows how Amir thought he couldn't do anything right.
  • Amir feels Baba is disapionted

    Amir feels Baba is disapionted
    When Amir and Baba are escaping Kabul and Amir is having car sickness and "Baba grumbled something under his breath. I wanted to tell him I was sorry" (111) This shows how Amir feels Baba is disappointed. This can stem from when he was little and he thought Baba didn't want to accept him.
  • Baba lashes out at Kamir

    Baba lashes out at Kamir
    When Baba and Amir have just been informed that they cant be taken any further out of Afghanistan, in a flash of light Amir sees Baba's hands "Wrapped around his neck" (118) This is important because it represents just how angry Baba is. It shows how Baba is extremely angry he had to leave Kabul. He never wanted to leave and when he finds out he left for nothing his anger takes over.
  • People leaving because of the war

    People leaving because of the war
    4.3 million people fled from Afghanistan. They fled to Pakistan and Iran.
  • Amir graduates high school

    Amir graduates high school
    When Amir graduates highschool and Baba said "I am moftakhir, Amir.'...Proud. His eyes gleamed." (131)This is important because high school graduation is a big part of Amir's life. This is also important because it shows how Baba is proud of Amir, something Baba didn't often say.
  • Osama makes trip to Afghanistan

    Osama's first documented trip to Afghanistan to aid anti soviet fighters.
  • Baba and Amir are self conscious about how people see them.

    Baba and Amir are self conscious about how people see them.
    When Baba buys the broken bus and Amir and him drive home and "We sank in our seats...until we were sure the neighbors weren't watching." (137) This shows how Baba and Amir are self conscious about how people see them because of their car. This also relates to how they were wealthy in Afghanistan and don't want people to see that they are struggling.
  • Countries support Mujahideen

    The Mujahideen receive arms from the US, Britain, and China
  • Osama and his followers continue holy war

    Osama and his followers continue holy war
    Osama and his followers engage in a holy war against the soviets and begin to set their eyes on america
  • Amir has his first novel published

    Amir has his first novel published
    When Amir sends his novel to a publisher and "A month later, Martin called and informed me that I was going to be a published novelist. When I told Soraya, she screamed." (183)
    This quote is important because it shows Amir's first novel and how his time in school has paid off. This also shows Soraya's excitement for Amir.
  • Amir goes on book tour and is accepted by his community

    Amir goes on book tour and is accepted by his community
    After Amir publishes his book "The publisher sent me on a five-city book tour. I became a minor celebrity in the Afghan community." (183) This quote is important because it shows that his community especially the Afghans support his writing. This can be especially important because Baba didn't always support his writing when he was younger.
  • Taliban comes into power

    The Taliban comes to power and promotes peace and protects Afghanistan. The US does not recognize the Taliban's authority
  • Hassan fears for his life as well as his sons.

    Hassan fears for his life as well as his sons.
    When Rahim Khan is telling Amir about Hassan and says how "By then-that would be 1995... The infighting between the factions was so bad no one knew if they would live to see the end of the day" (212) This shows how Hassan was worried for himself and his son as each day it became harder and harder to survive. Hassan may have also been worried about the Taliban that would later take his life.
  • Amir feels he has atoned.

    Amir feels he has atoned.
    When Amir is getting beaten up by Aseef to save Sohrab and thought "My body was broken-just how badly I wouldn't find out till later-but I felt healed." (289) This shows how Amir feels he has finally Atoned for what he did to Hassan. This is the first time he has felt at peace for what he has done.
  • Bombing on the US

    Bombing on the US
    The group al-Qaeda bombs US and US fires back with missiles on their training camps
  • 9/11 terrorism attack

    9/11 terrorism attack
    The world trade towers are hit by planes as well as the pentagon. The planes were taken over by hijackers found to be ordered by Osama