Kite Runner and the History of Afganistan

  • Russian attack

    The soviet union had gotten involved during the civil war," the first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec. 27,1979, to assist Babrak Karmal"(The New York Times, 2)
  • Russian retreat

    The Russian had retreat at some point," Eventually, after peace talks moderated by the United Nations, the last Soviet troops left the Afganistan in Febrary 1989,"(The New York Times, 2)
  • The civil war

    Before the war between America and Afganistan there was piece than there was a civil war,"Afganistan, officially the the Islamic Republic of Afganistan, has know little peace since 1979"(New York Times, 1)
  • 1996 Taliban attack

    They were gonna take over the government and they suceeded," Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers and was rolling up the warlords to the north and east"(The New York Times, 2)
  • Seizing control

    After the civil war everything was in caos but," the extremist Islamic group that had seized control in 1996 after the civil war."(The New York Times, 1)
  • 911

    It was one if not the most tragic events on America 911," led an invasion after the Sept, 11 attacks by Al Qaeda"(The New Yorks Times,1)
  • Fight Time

    America was gonna get them back,"President Bush gave the taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. Bin Ladin."(The New York Times,3)
  • Defeat but not forgotten

    The talilban had lost but they refused to give up," Despite their defeat in 2001, the talilban continued to wage guerrila warfare from a base"(The New York Times, 3)
  • New President

    Afganistan was given a new president," Mr. Karzai was elected to a five year term as president in 2004"(The New York Times, 3)
  • More troops, more fight

    Obama did not want to loose this fight so he was give more to the war effort," his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops"(The New York Times,4)