Hassan is born and Sanuabar leaves
Hassan was born on a winter day of 1964 but five days after he was born Sanuabar "ran off with a clan of traveling singers and dancers" (Hosseini 6) -
Hassan's Surgery
For Hassan's tenth birthday Baba got him a surgery to fix his cleft lip which Baba told Hassan "this present will last forever" (Hosseini 46). -
Hassan's Rape
Amir said that the winter of 1975, the winter Hassan got raped "made [him] what [he is] today" (Hosseini 2). This means that after witnessing Hassan's and not helping him caused Amir to mature and make a few decisions that majorly affected his life. That winter also helped Amir to find out what type of person he was. -
Period: to
Kite Runner and the History Afghanistan
Ali and Hassan Leave
After Amir's thirteenth birthday he frames Hassan of stealing his birthday presents and the next day Ali informs Baba that "[They] are leaving" (Hosseini 106). -
The People's Democratic Party
In 1978 after General Daud was killed the people's Democratic Party is created "but is paralyzed by violent infighting and faces opposition by US-backed mujahideen groups" (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-south-asia-12024253) -
Mujahideen Groups vs. Soviet Forces
Once Babrak Karmal was put into power mujahideen groups began to fight against soviet forces and "US, Pakistan, China, Iran and Saudi Arabia supply money and arms to the mujahideen" link text -
Amir and Baba Leave
After the Russians invaded Baba and Amir "left Kabul just after two in the morning" (Hosseini 110). Amir and Baba left Kabul when the Russians invaded because they thought they could have a better life somewhere else besides Kabul. They were also fearing for their safety since the Russian soldiers were taking over Kabul. -
Baba and Amir Arrive in Fremont
When Amir and Baba got to Fremont they realized that "For [Amir], America was a place to bury [his] memories. For Baba, a place to mourn his" (Hosseini 129). After arriving in America Baba soon realized that the idea he had of America in his head was nothing like he thought it would be. Unlike Amir who was beginning to make Fremont his new home, Baba hated it. -
Amir Graduates
In America Amir continued to go to high school and "graduated from high school at the age of twenty" (Hosseini 131). Amir continued to get an education even though he significantly older than the other students and could have just as easily dropped out of school after he left Kabul. -
Mujahideen Alliance
Mujahideen groups meet in Pakistan to make an alliance so by this time "half of Afghan population now estimated to be displaced by war" linked text. -
Amir Talks to Soraya
After Amir first saw Soraya Taheri he could not stop thinking about her so he finally decided to talk to her and "[he] was standing a the edge of the Taheris' white table cloth, staring at Soraya across curling irons and old neckties" (Hosseini 145). Although it took him a few months when Amir finally worked up the courage to talk to Soraya it was the beginning of a relationship with his future wife. -
Baba Is Diagnosed with Cancer
When Baba went to the hospital for a cold the doctor suspected he might have cancer and few weeks later he was diagnosed with "'Oat Cell Carcinoma.' Advanced. Inoperable" (Hosseini 156). After this shocking discovery Baba and Amir start to became closer since Baba was going to die. This caused them to talk and do more things together. -
Amir and Soraya Get Married
When Amir and Soraya got married and preformed Ayena Masshaf "in the momentary privacy of the veil [he] whispered to her for the first time that [he] loved her" (Hosseini 171). By telling Soraya he loved her for the first time at their wedding while they were somewhat alone Amir was showing that he really loved her. -
Baba Dies
One night Baba decided not to take the morphine because he wasn't feeling pain, but "Baba never woke up" (Hosseini 173). Baba died that night when he had a better relationship with Amir so he died knowing he was loved by Amir and many of the other people in his life. -
Peace Accords
After Babrak Karmal is replaced as the leader of the Soviet groups "Afghanistan, USSR, the US and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops" linked text -
Amir FInishes and Publishes his First Novel
In 1988 Amir finished writing his first novel and received "a request from a New York agency for a completed manuscript" (Hosseini 182). Amir was finally able to accomplish what he has been dreaming about from the majority of his life by writing about something he related to, and people enjoyed it. -
Sohrab was born
Back in Afghanistan Sanaubar delivered Hassan's son that winter of 1990" (Hosseini 211). Even though Sanaubar left Hassan when he was only a few days old she wanted to make up for her mistake by being a part of her grandson, Sohrab's, life. -
Civil War
After Najibullah's government falls apart "a devastating civil war follows" linked text -
When the Taliban gains control over Kubal they enforce strict rules such as "banning women from work" linked text, and if these rules were broken punishments would be preformed. -
Taliban Gain Control
Saudi Arabia and Pakistan confirm that that the Taliban is their ruler, so "[The Taliban] now control about two-thirds of country" -
The US Fights
The United States planed to attack Afghanistan after Osama bin Landen was "accused of bombing US embassies in Africa" linked text -
The Northern Allaiance
The Taliban assassinates "Ahmad Shah Masoud, leader of the main opposition to the Taliban - the Northern Alliance" linked text -
Anti-Taliban Forces
After the United States attacks because of 9/11 "Anti-Taliban Northern Alliance forces enter Kabul shortly afterwards" link text