Kite Runner

  • Amir is born

    Amir is born and his mom dies from childbirth. Soon after, Hassan is born and his mom runs away leaving both Amir and Hassan without mothers
  • Afghan Communist Party forms

    The Afghan Communist Party secretly forms. The leaders are Babrak Karmal and Nur Mohammad Taraki.
  • Kite Running

    Amir and Hassan are competing in a kite running tournament and Hassan goes to fetch the kite. When Amir goes looking for him he sees him in an alley with Assef and Assef's friend's rape Hassan. Amir runs away because he is scared of what Assef will do to him if he steps in.
  • USSR invades Afghanistan

    USSR invades Afghanistan because communism is dying there.
  • Mass fleeing of Afghanistan

    Along with Baba and Amir, an estimated 2.8 million people have fled to Afganistan and 1.5 million to Iran
  • Taliban growing power in Afghanistan

    When the Taliban were new to Afganistan people liked them because they were hard on crime and also promised peace. Very soon they started killing Hazaras.
  • Amir gets married

    Amir has moved to America after he flees from Kabul and meets Soraya who he falls in love with right away. They get married paid for by Baba.
  • Baba dies of cancer

    After Amir's wedding, Baba doesn't take his cancer medicine and he dies. During his funeral, Amir realizes he's been living in Baba's shadow his whole life and needs to become his own person
  • Amir returns to Kabul

    Amir returns to Kabul after receiving a phone call from Rahim Khan. Rahim Khan told Amir there is a way to atone for his sins and he needs to come back to Kabul. Amir knows the danger but chooses to go back
  • Amir gets Sohrab

    Amir finds out about Hassan and how his son Sohrab has been taken by the Taliban. Amir goes to find and save Sohrab knowing the danger and gets beat by Assef when trying to get Sohrab back but he's happy that he can finally atone for his sins and Sohrab can finally have a family
  • 9/11

    Osama and his terrorist groups stole 4 planes and flew them into American buildings. The U.S bombers military targets in Afganistan
  • Amir and Sohrab 1000 miles

    Amir and Sohrab go kite running at the park. They are in the States and Amir has adopted Sohrab. Amir tells Sohrab he will run and get the kite just as Hassan told Amir he would get the kite. From the first kite running to the last, we can see a change in Amir's personality