The French and Indian War
The war started in 1754 - 1763. They then had a war because of land and the Ohio river. Britan then appeared to be winning the war. The Indian/Brittish won the war French ended up collapsing. The major effect was that prices for the war had went up. also there were territory claims. -
pontiac's war
Pontiacs war is when he attacked the brittish and got defeated. They fought because they were tresspasing on the Native americans land. Pontiacs war got its name from the leader of the tribe Pontiac. It could affect colonists by shutting down until organization reforms could be affected. -
Proclamation of 1763
The proclamination of 1763 is when they forbed settlers from settleing across the boarder line of Appalachian mountains. The law was made to not let them live in the Appalachian mountains. The colonists became angrey about this beacuse most of them already lived in the west area of the Appalachin. -
The Sugar Act
The sugar act is when the they said it was three cents tax on suger bought from American colonists. They passed this law because they needed to earn money from the colonists. The workers disliked the act beacuse it tired them out and they had to work hard. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act is a law that introduced tax on any paper including newspaper,documents,white papers, various books. They passed this law beacause King Charles needed money. The colonists did not like it they sent a letter saying that they wil not buy anything that has tax on it. The colonists were acting the same as they did for the suger act. They fought back by boycotting the brittish for forming the stamp act. -
The Quartering Act
The Quarting Act is when colonists must let brittish soldiers into there homes. The law was to let them stay with them at there own homes. The law reqiuerd colonists to house brittish soldiers and feed and supply them. The colonists disliked the act they thought it was unfair to house troops and they couldnt vote for it. -
The Stamp Act Congress
The Stamp Act Congress is when delegates from every colony meet in New York City. The key leaders of the stamp act are Samuel Adams, James Otis, John Hancock, Isaiah Thomas, George Grenville,Charles Wenworth, William Pitt. There were 27 delegates involovled in the Stamp Act. The Decleration of rights and Grievances was a battle cry of colonists without representitive with no taxition. -
The Townshend Acts
The Townshend Acts are named after Charles Townshed. The purpose of the laws was to strengthen the power of the brittish Parliment. There were items taxed by these laws and they were glass, tea, paper. Colonists were unsure about the act it wasnt the same as the Stamps in britan. They ended up repealing the clauses and hated of the townshend act. Brittish taxes remained. -
The Boston Massacre
The events leading to the Massacre were that brittish passed the parliment,then they arive to boston,lastly Boston Massacre happened. The Boston Massacre is when the leader orderd the troops not to shoot and they did anyway and killed 3 men then 2 died after wards. its unfair they killed the men they didnt listen and the shot they should call it the boston Massacre. John Adams defended the brittish soldiers in trial of the Boston Massacre. he beleived that the brittish should have a fair trial. -
The Tea Act
The purpose of the act was so they didnt raise revenue from colonies. The tea act was ment to help the cast of the bostojn tea party. Monoply means the posseion or conrtol of supply or trade. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party is when Patriots protested against the Monopoly and dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor. The cause of the Boston Tea Party is the Monopoly people didnt like it 342 boxes of tea thrown into the harbor. The Sons Of Liberty is resposible for the act. the brittish responded by Parliment enacted a law that blocked the boston harbor. -
The Intolerable Act
They passed this act beacuse to pay for the French and Indian war.another name for the Intolerble act is the Coercivre acts. there were 4 parts to the act. there was parts to them like Tea act , Townshend, Qubec [ect] -
The First Continental Congress
The meeting was held so we can get Independence. 12 colonies were at the Continental Congress. 56 people were at the meeting. there were 2 things the colonies agreed on is to Boycott all brittish goods and to have safety concil for every colony. peopel that were important there were George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Adams,Patrick Henry. -
The Second Continental Congress
On june 14, 1775 the congress made a Continental army. the Olive Branch Petition was to avoid full blown wars between the 13 colonies. the Declaration of causes is a document issued by the Second Continental Congress. the role congress served was that they served as colonies iof 13 britans 13 American colonies. -
Lexington and Concord
The brittish headed to Concord to try to capture there arms and ammunition and alos to arrest John Hancock. In Lexington a war broke out with the Minuete Men and Miltia of that town. A Minuteman is a member of a class of American Militiaman. The thing that happened in Concord is when the Revolutionary War broke out. the Camighn from the war is that the brittish surrenderd the war. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
The Battle of Bunker Hill was when William Prescott led the Americans. Thomas Gage led the brittish to Bunker Hill they battled. The brittish startegies were to march up North to brittish valley and join forces with brittish army. They choose this so that they could see if americans surrenderd. This battle is about when briitshed attacked williams miltia. The brittish won the Battle of Bunker Hill. they wion because they were on ground when they attacked. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris endend the Revolutionary war and created new colonies. The postive outcome from the brittish was they reconized American Independence. the effects of the war for the french was they lost all of there terriotory in the mainland of North America.