
Kinstin's colonial Timeline

  • 1607 virginia

    1607 virginia
    Well there is a play going on and there is a gard garding them from bad people
  • 1620 massachusetts

    1620 massachusetts
    this is where john smith is standing on a rock of masschusetts.
  • 1626 NewYork

    1626 NewYork
    this is disgribing the history of NewYork.
  • 1634 Maryland

    1634 Maryland
    these are the showing the founders of Maryland.
  • Rhode Island 1636

    Rhode Island 1636
    this is a picture of the money that they used.
  • connecticut 1636

    connecticut 1636
    there are pilgrims and indians fitting for land.
  • 1638 New hamshire

    1638 New hamshire
    I am discribing the land of where new hamshire.
  • Delaware 1638

    Delaware 1638
    the ritting on the picture is disgribing delaware
  • north carolina 1653

    north carolina 1653
    this guy is from north carolina.
  • south carolina 1663

    south carolina 1663
    this is them working on the crops and planting them.