Period: 2028 BCE to
Parenting Stage
We had our first son in 2028 I got pregnant 4 months after our wedding and had our bundle of joy in April 2028. 3 years after having our first son we had another son. And finally 11 months after that we had a beautiful baby girl. We took great care of our children. We made sure they always had what they needed. We taught them that if you want something you'll work for it. We taught them very valuable lessons that they'll use in their lifetime. -
Period: to
Beginning stage
I met Dylan Coskey in 2018. We get married in 2027. -
Period: to
Childbearing Stage
4 months after we got married I got pregnant with a boy. I had him in April of 2028. Another 3 years after I have our son I got pregnant with yet another boy. Then only 11 months after I have our second son I get pregnant and have our last child a baby girl. β€οΈ -
Period: to
Launching Stage
In 2046 our first boy was 18 and he moved out and was on his way to college. In 2049 our second no longer baby boy moved out with 3 of his buddies. And then way to early our little girl moved out at 2051 -
Period: to
Mid-Years Stage
Now that we're alone my husband and I focus on us. Our children come and visit 3 times a month and we now have 4 grandchildren. We still work but after work we talk then do things together. -
Period: to
Aging Stage
After we retired Dylan and I just watch movies together every night. When he isn't home I work in the garden. In 2092 I pass away from having a heart attack in my sleep