Kings of the Bible

By DG40
  • 1040 BCE

    Saul becomes king

    Saul becomes king
    Was anointed king by Samuel. But when the people found out he was shy and went and hid. He had a few good years then he got jealous.
  • 1005 BCE

    Saul offered a sacrifice without Samuel

    Saul offered a sacrifice without Samuel
    Sauls army was surrounded by the philistines and needed Samuel to offer a sacrifice. But Samuel didn't come for seven days. So he decided to offer it himself.
  • 985 BCE

    david kills goliath

    david kills goliath
    David went to visit his brothers in the middle of a battle. He hears Goliath taunting the Israelite army and says he can fight. He goes out and then kills goliath.
  • 983 BCE

    Saul tries to kill David

    Saul tries to kill David
    Saul was jealous of all of Davids's fame and wanted his fame. So he became really mad and tried to kill david. And David ends up fleeing.
  • 983 BCE

    Jonathon is David's best friend

    Jonathon is David's best friend
    Although Jonathon was quite a bit older than David they were still friends. He helped him when his dad wanted to kill him. He shot several arrows to help david.
  • 980 BCE

    David was invited to stay at Saul's palace

    David was invited to stay at Saul's palace
    Saul had times when he would get really mad. He would play a harp for him. And saul liked him so much he let him stay in his palace.
  • 980 BCE

    Saul kills himself in battle

    Saul kills himself in battle
    Saul went out to battle against an enemy. And it was not going good and he told his armor-bearer to kill him. But he didn't so saul killed himself.
  • 980 BCE

    Jonathon saves David's life

    Jonathon saves David's life
    David was getting chased by Saul. he needed to know if he was safe. So Jonathon shot three arrows and that's how David knew he needed to flee.
  • 970 BCE

    david becomes king

    david becomes king
    Is anointed by Samuel after he comes in from the field. His brothers think he shouldn't be a king. But he was kept in secret that he was king until Saul died.
  • 960 BCE

    David sins with Bathsheba

    David sins with Bathsheba
    He was supposed to be at war but instead, he stayed home. He saw Bathsheba washing and asked his servant about her. And then he got her pregnant.
  • 930 BCE

    Absalom tries to become king

    Absalom tries to become king
    Absalom was tired of his father and wanted to become king. He went to Hebron and crowned himself king there. And he eventually ended up dying.
  • 920 BCE

    Adonijah tries to become king

    Adonijah tries to become king
    Adonijah tried to become king, even though Solomon was next in line. When Bathsheba heard about this, she went to David and told him he had promised he would let Solomon become king. So David let him become king.
  • 915 BCE

    Solomon is crowned king

    Solomon is crowned king
    Adonijah tries to become king and Bathsheba doesn't like that. So she goes to David so Solomon can be crowned king. David agrees, and Solomon is crowned king.
  • 914 BCE

    Abijah becomes king

    Abijah becomes king
    He was a bad king. He did evil in the sight of the Lord. He walked in the way of his father.
  • 911 BCE

    Asa becomes king

    Asa becomes king
    He is crowned king. He was one of the better kings. He was good until the end of his year, then he died from a disease. He reigned for 41 years
  • 910 BCE

    Nadab is crowned king

    Nadab is crowned king
    Nadab becomes king. He reigned over Israel. He walked in the way of his father, and there was war all the days of his life.
  • 909 BCE


    Baasha was a bad king. He was killed by Somebody. He reigned Israel.
  • 908 BCE

    Solomon builds the temple

    Solomon builds the temple
    After David died, Solomon started to build a permanent place for the ark to stay. God didn't want David to build it because he killed so many people. It was one of the most valuable things Jerusalem had at the time.
  • 890 BCE

    Solomon dies

    Solomon dies
    Solomon is coming to the end of his reign. And he repents for all the evil that he did. And he dies the richest man in the world
  • 890 BCE


    Rehoboam is crowned king. Most of the kings were bad at this point. He is one of the better kings. He reigned over Judah for 17 years.
  • 890 BCE


    Jeroboam is crowned king. The kings keep getting worse and worse. He was one of the better kings. Ruled over Israel.
  • 886 BCE


    Elah was Baasha's son. He reigned after Baasha was killed. He also led Israel
  • 885 BCE


    He was king after Zimri. He was the army general. He was the leader of Israel
  • 885 BCE


    He was king for one week. He was killed by his army general. He led Israel
  • 874 BCE

    Ahab's anointed

    Ahab's anointed
    Ahab is anointed, king. He was a very bad king. There was one time when he humbled himself before God. He was the son of Omri.
  • 873 BCE


    He was a good king. But he made one big mistake. That mistake made his family crazy for a long time. Ruled over Judah.
  • 870 BCE


    He was a prophet, who had double of what Elijah had. He did 42 miracles in his life. He was a rather humorous type of prophet.
  • 869 BCE

    The drought

    The drought
    It was during the time of King Ahab. And Elijah said there would be 3 years of drought. It got so bad the King was even looking for water.
  • 864 BCE

    Mount Caramel

    Mount Caramel
    Elijah challenges all the Baal prophets to a dual-on mount caramel. And the ball prophets cut themselves, but God never sends fire. But then Elijah prays and God burns everything?
  • 860 BCE

    Elisha heals the boy

    Elisha heals the boy
    There was this family Elisha stayed with when he would pass by them. They made a room for him and he wanted to repay them. So he said they would have a child the next year. And then the boy dies and Elisha raises him from the dead.
  • 854 BCE


    He was a king. He also fell through the lattice. He became sick and eventually died. He only reigned for a couple of years because he fell through the lattice.
  • 850 BCE


    He was a bad king. He was going to fight against another king, but he saw red water and thought it was blood. So he didn't fight the other king.
  • 850 BCE

    Elisha blinds the army

    Elisha blinds the army
    Elisha keeps telling Israel where the Syrians are gonna be. And the king of the Syrians sends an army to kill Elisha. But Elisha blinds the army, and they can't see.
  • Period: 842 BCE to 841 BCE


    He was crowned king. And he was a bad king. And he followed in the ways of Ahab
  • 841 BCE


    He was a general in the army and was anointed king by Jonah. And he brought justice to the house of Ahab. He was mostly good, but he worshiped the golden calves at the end of his life.
  • Period: 841 BCE to 835 BCE


    She was a queen. She was part of Ahab's family. And she killed nearly all of Davids's royal family.
  • Period: 835 BCE to 795 BCE


    Was king of Judah. He started reigning when he was 7 years old. He reigned for 40 years.
  • Period: 813 BCE to 796 BCE


    He was king over Israel. He reigned for 19 years. He did evil in the sight of the LORD
  • Period: 798 BCE to 782 BCE


    He reigned over Israel. He was an evil king. Fought against Amaziah. Was killed by his own servants.
  • Period: 796 BCE to 767 BCE


    He was the king of Judah. He was a good king. He did good in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 792 BCE to 751 BCE

    Jeroboam II

    Was king over Israel. He was a bad king. He did evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 789 BCE to 737 BCE


    He was a really good king, for most of his reign. He builds a big army. He reigned over Judah. He went into the temple and offered sacrifice in the temple and had leprosy after that, until he died.
  • Period: 751 BCE to 750 BCE


    Was the son of Jeroboam. Reigned for six months over Israel. He did evil in the sight of the Lord.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 750 BCE


    Son of Jabesh. Reigned one month in Judah. Was killed by Gadi.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 740 BCE


    Son of Gadi. Reigned ten years over Judah. Did evil in the sight of the Lord. His name means consoler.
  • Period: 740 BCE to 738 BCE


    Was the son of Remaliah. Reigned two years in Israel. Was killed by Pekah.
  • Period: 738 BCE to 718 BCE


    He was a bad king. He killed Pekahiah. He reigned twenty years in Judah. He reigned for 20 years, and he was a bad king.
  • Period: 737 BCE to 721 BCE


    He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He reigned over Judah. He defeated the Ammonites.
  • Period: 730 BCE to 715 BCE


    He was king over Judah. He was 20 years old when he began to reign. He reigned over Judah for 15 years.
  • Period: 697 BCE to 642 BCE


    He was king over Judah. He was twelve years old when he began to reign. He was a bad king. The bible called him the worst king ever. He reigned for 55 years
  • Period: 642 BCE to 640 BCE


    He reigned for two years. he was the king of Judah. He was twenty-two years old when he started to reign. He was a bad king.
  • Period: 640 BCE to 609 BCE


    He was the best king Judah has ever had. He reigned for 31 years. He was only 8 years old when he started to reign.
  • Period: 609 BCE to 598 BCE


    He was king over Judah. He was twenty-five when he began to reign. he reigned for 11 years. Was a brother to Zedekiah and Jehoahaz.
  • Period: 609 BCE to 609 BCE


    He was king of Judah. He reigned for about one year. He was twenty-three when he started to reign. Was a brother to Zedekiah, and Jehoiakim.
  • Period: 608 BCE to 598 BCE


    He was king over Judah. He reigned for ten years. He was 18 when he began to reign.
  • Period: 598 BCE to 587 BCE


    He was king over Judah. He reigned for 11 years. He was a bad king. He didn't listen to Jeremiah the prophet When he talked to him. Son of Josiah. Was the last king of Judah. Was a brother to Jehoiakim and Jehoahaz.