Kingdom of Kush

  • 3500 BCE

    Early civilizations in Nubia

    People of Nubia depended on agriculture for their food. As a result, farming villages thrived all along the Nile by about 3500 BC.
  • 2000 BCE

    The Kingdom of Kush

    Over time some farmers became recher and more successful than others. These farmers became leaders of their villages. Sometime around 2000 BC one of these leaders took control of other villages and made himself king of the region. This kingdom was called Kush.
  • 1504 BCE


    A group of people settled in the region we now call Nubial. These Africans established the first large kingdom in the interior of Africa. We know this kingdom by the name the ancient Eguptians gave it- Kush.
  • 1500 BCE

    Egypt Controls Kush

    Kush and Egypt were neighbors. At times they lived in peace with eachother and helped each other prosper. As Kush grew wealthy and strong. Egypt´s rulers soon feared them. To prevent such an attack, the pharaoh Thutmose I sent an army to take control of Kush around 1500 BC. As a result the kingdom of Kush became part of Egypt.
  • 744 BCE

    The Kushite Dynasty

    After Piankhi died, his brother Shabaka took control of the kingdom and declared himself pharaoh. His declaration marked the beginning of Egypt´s Twenty-fifth, or Kushite, Dynasty. Shabaka and later rulers of his dynasty tried to restore many old Egyptian cultural practices.
  • 716 BCE

    Kush Rules Egypt. The end of the conquest.

    After Kashta died, his son Piankhi continued to attack Egypt. The armies of Kush captured many cities, including Egypt´s ancient capital.
  • 700 BCE

    Kush Rules Egypt. The conquest of Upper Egypt.

    By around 850 BC, Kush had regained its strength. As Kush was growing stronger, Egypt was losing power. Aseries of weak pharaohs left Egypt open to attack. In the 700s BC a Kushite King, Kashta, took advantage of Egypt´s weakness. Kashta attacked Egypt. By about 751 BC. he had conquered Upper Egypt.
  • 670 BCE

    The end of Kushite Rule in Egypt.

    The Kushite dynasty remained strong in Egypt for about 40 years. In the 670s BC. however, the powerful army of the Assyrians from Mesopotamia invaded Egypt. The Assyrians´ iron weapons were better than the Kushites´ bronze weapons and the Kushites were slowly pushed pushed out of Egypt.
  • 350 BCE

    Rise of Aksum

    Kushite kingdom centered at Moroë. Centuries later, Kush had collapsed. Kush was also weakened by loss of trade, for example, a new trade route bypassed Kush in favor of nearby kingdom, as Aksum. By the AD 300s, Kush had lost much wealth. The king of Aksum sent an army to conquer his farmer rival. In about AD 350, the army of Aksum, King Ezana destroyed and took over Kush.
  • 250 BCE

    Kush Economy Grows

    After they lost control of Egypt, the people of Kush devoted themselves to improving agruculture and trade. And a few centuries, Kush had become a rich and powerful kingdom.