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King Louis XIV

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    King Louis XIV, Louis Diendonné, was born on September 5, 1638 and died on September 1, 1715
  • Louis Becomes King

    At the age of 5, Louis becomes King of France, even though Mazarin is in control
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    King Louis XIV ruled from May 14, 1643 up to his death on September 1, 1715.
  • The Fronde Begins

    The Fronde was a large civil war in France, where people rose up to overthrow the nobility. This pushed Louis into poverty.
  • Mazarin Dies

    Louis gained control when Mazarin died, and begins to truly be king. He was 22.
  • Spanish Netherlands Invasion

    Louis invades the Spanish Netherlands in an attempt to increase the size of France.
  • Dutch Netherlands Invasion

    Louis leads an army into the Dutch Netherlands.
  • European Alliance

    An alliance is formed to keep Louis in check, and keep him from growing too strong.
  • Edict of Nantes Cancelled

    Louis revoked Protestant rights by cancelling the Edict of Nantes.
  • Charles II Dies

    The death of Charles II of Spain put Louis's grandson on the Spanish throne
  • War of Spanish Succession

    The War of Spanish Succession threatened the unifykng of France and Spain.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    The Treaty of Utrecht prevented Spain and France from unifying and becoming too powerful.