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William the Conqueror

  • 1027


    William the Conqueror was born in Falaise,Normandy
  • 1035

    Duke of Normandy

    At the age of eight, William the Conqueror's father passes resulting in him being made duke of Normandy
  • Sep 28, 1066

    William invaded England

    William invaded England
    Duke of Normandy landed in the South of England & began to march towards Hastings
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    William duke of Normandy defeated King Harold II of England
  • Dec 25, 1066

    Crowned King

    Crowned King
    On Christmas day William the Conqueror is crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey
  • May 11, 1068

    His Queen

    His Queen
    Wife of William the Conqueror is crowned queen of England in Westminster Abbey
  • 1069

    Harrying of the North

    Harrying of the North
    Harrying of the North was when William launched numerous campaigns to deal with his enemies by famine. He burned down homes & land in the pursuit of the enemies land and so no one could live off the land.
  • 1086

    Domesday Book

    Domesday Book
    Domesday Book is ordered by William the Conqueror in Norman Britain
  • Sep 9, 1087


    William the Conqueror dies at the age of 59 from the fall of his horse in the Battle of Mantes in France