King James / shanah1

By shanah1
  • Jun 19, 1566

    King James birthdate

    King James birthdate
    King james was born in june in Edinburgh Castle, Scotland.
  • Jul 24, 1567

    Three months old and a king

    Three months old and a king
    King James at the age of 3 months old became king and was raised by a Scottish Prestbyterian when his mother fled the country and his father died of a mysterious sickness.
  • Married

    King James married Anne of Denmark. They had 8 children but only 3 lived after birth.
  • Ascended to the throne

    Ascended to the throne
    He was sworn in to become king of his country on this date to take control.
  • Crowned

    He was offically crowned king on this date.
  • The plot was set

    The plot was set
    The plot was set to kill king james to set his cousin to the throne.
  • Plot revealed

    Plot revealed
    This plot ws revealed to the authorities in an anonymos letter sent to William Parker.
  • Gunpowder Plot

    Gunpowder Plot
    Guy Fawkes was sent to the basement of the House of Parliment to light off 36 barrels of gunpodwer when told to do so.
  • Plotters are captured

    Plotters are captured
    Robert Catesby, Thomas Percy and the Wright brothers are killed in the skirmish, the rest are captured, and brought to the tower.
  • The trial and execution of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators.

    The trial and execution of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators.
    Everyone that was involved with the plot were brought to trial and murdered.
  • Confession

    In january any one that was a part of the plot to kill the king was tortured and hung right next to Fawkes. The picture on the left is Fawkes signature to confess he did the plot
  • Henry Garnet is executed for treason.

    Henry Garnet is executed for treason.
  • Published bible

    Published bible
    king james published his bible no matter how hard it was to print it.
  • James's oldest son Prince Henry dies of typhoid.

    James's oldest son Prince Henry dies of typhoid.
  • James dissolved the English Parliment

    James dissolved the English Parliment
    This following a dispute parliamentary criticisms of a marriage.
  • Died

    King james died at age 58 leaving behind his 8 children