King James of Scotland & England

By mmmxcin
  • The End the Englo-Spanish war

    The End the Englo-Spanish war
    Despite not knowing how to manage Parliament, he was able to establish peace within English and Spain. Was a dispute between Queen Elizabeth and King Phillip II.
  • Laws against Parliament

    Laws against Parliament
    Without Parliament's consent, James gave custom duties to merchants as they did not grant his special fund, and his debt, which threatened Parliament's control.
  • Termination of Parliament

    Termination of Parliament
    The Great Contract did not help in benefiting the king and was taking more of the king's feudal rights, which king James I saw as a grievance and wrongfully took action upon
  • Return of Parliament

    Return of Parliament
    The king had to learn his way around Parliament as a new chief minister, which made a lot of changes, especially to adopt unpopular expedients like monopolies (raise funds)
  • 3rd Round of Parliament

    3rd Round of Parliament
    He called for Parliament again to raise funds for his design and to make England and Spain get even. Due to the refusal of not receiving the money, out of anger, he dissolved Parliament once again