King james i england

King James/ Aliyac pd7

By AliyaC
  • Jun 19, 1566

    King James is born!!

    King James is born!!
    king james Queen Mary of Scots gives birth to King Jmaes the First at Edinburgh Castle
  • Jul 11, 1567

    King James the fifth of Scotland

    King James the fifth of Scotland
    king james

    Mother gets remarried but in 1567 was forced to renounce the throne of Scotland in favour of her infant son. James became King James VI of Scotland aged 13 months in July 1567, and was crowned at Stirling.
  • MA'MA'S DEAD NO!!!!!

    MA'MA'S DEAD NO!!!!!
    Mary fled to England where she was eventually executed following Catholic plots against Elizabeth I in 1587.
  • Wedding Bells

    Wedding Bells
    king james
    A worthy queen was chosen for James. It was Anne of Denmark and they were married in 1589.
  • Elizabeth I out and King James in

    Elizabeth I out and King James in
    king james
    Queen of England at the time Elizbeth I died. Shortly after King James moved to England and Ascended to the throne.
  • All hail King James I of ENGLAND

    All hail King James I of ENGLAND
    king james
    King James is crowned the King of england at Westminster Abbey
  • First Plot against King James

    First Plot against King James
    king james
    A plot against James to set his cousin Arabella Stuart on the throne. Which failed to fall through and Sir Walter Raleigh is implicated and imprisoned.
  • The King's Law!

    The King's Law!
    K.J King James proclaims that smoking is harmful to the lungs and imposes a tax on tobacco through out England and Scotland
  • Catholic Priests I banish thee!

    Catholic Priests I banish thee!
    K.J. King James was England's first protestant ruler, the Catholics thought that James would shed a good light upon on them but they were sadly mistaken. King James had all Catholic Priests banished from England. From send point on many Catholic men got together and starting plotting to kill the king and replace him with his daughter Elizabeth.
  • A Mysterious letter

    A Mysterious letter
    K.J.A One of the many plotters against King James was a friend of Lord Monteagle, a Catholic M.P. The letter was a warnign to Monteagle not to go to Parliament on Noverember 5th because there will be a sudden blow. With this letter Monteagle takes the letter to King james, and James sends guards to check the cellar of Parliament on November 4th.
  • Gun Powder plot

    Gun Powder plot
    K.J. A plot to blow up Parliament and King James the first. Was stopped when the King got a letter stating the Parliament was going to blow. With that news, King James sent gaurds to the cellar of Parliament. Where Guy Fawkes was waiting to set flame to Parliament. But was caught and stopped on November 5, 1605
  • To the Tower We Go!!

    To the Tower We Go!!
    K.J. After being caught, Guy Fawkes was taking to The Tower of London wear he was tortured until he confessed of committing the crime and also giving up names of the other conspirators. Fawkes was found guilty High Treason. Fawkes was Hung, Drawn, and Quartered
  • Off Off Off with your Head.

    Off Off Off with your Head.
    K.J. After Guy Fawkes gave up the other names of the conspirators, they were all hunted down and hung, drawn, and quartered. Their heads were put on spikes and places on displace outside the House of Lords. Where as Guy's head was placed under the London Bridge
  • Bible Studies

    Bible Studies
    K.J. King James has William Shakespear write and authorize a version of the Bible, published in 1611
  • R.I.P King James

    R.I.P King James
    King James has died today! He died at Theobalds Park, Hertfordshire, at the age 58 years young!