Apr 18, 1530
Mary Queen of Scoss was King James mother http://www.pearltrees.com/#/N-s=1_7690678&N-f=1_7690678&N-u=1_783382&N-p=73043099&N-play=2&N-fa=5967794 -
Apr 18, 1530
King Jame's father was Lord Darnley Henry Stuart and was found murdered after 8 months of his marriage. http://www.britroyals.com/stuart.asp?id=james1 -
Jun 19, 1566
King James was born on June 19th, 1566 http://www.google.com/#safe=active&hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=when+was+king+james+born&oq=when+was+king+james+born&gs_l=hp.3..0j0i22i30l3.1455.5558.0.6008.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45373924,d.dmg&fp=877616ff7e2d8ac8&biw=1366&bih=620 -
Apr 19, 1567
In 1567 Mary Queen of Scots got remarried but was forced to give up the throne to her infant son. She later fled to England and was executed due to her plots against Catholics. http://www.britroyals.com/stuart.asp?id=james1 -
Jul 22, 1567
King James VI
King James VI was named king at only 13 months after his mother got remarried and was forced to give up the crown. He was crowned at Stirling. He had an unpleasant childhood and was under the care of many different guardians. He married Ann Queen of Denmark in 1589. http://www.britroyals.com/stuart.asp?id=james1 -
On November 23rd, 1589 King James married to Anne, the daughter of Fredrick II of Denmark and Norway. http://www.pearltrees.com/#/N-play=2&N-s=1_7690678&N-u=1_783382&N-p=73043099&N-f=1_7690678&N-fa=5967794 -
Crowned King
King james was crowned king on July 25th, 1603 at Westmister Abbey. http://www.pearltrees.com/#/N-play=2&N-s=1_7690678&N-u=1_783382&N-p=73043099&N-f=1_7690678&N-fa=5967794 -
Tabacco tax
King James states that smoking is dangerous and bad for the health and puts a tax on tabacco. http://www.britroyals.com/stuart.asp?id=james1 -
Gun Powder Plot
Guy Fawkes and a few other had a plan to take down the king and the parlament because his treatment to the Catholics. The had rented a room right under the king and brought 36,000 pounds of gunpowder to the room. Later that night when the sign was given Guy Fawkes was to light the gun podwer. They were suprised when a guard came to the room to check and found all the powder. They were all arrested and tried then later all their heads were cut off and hung for the public to see. http://www.bri -
Henry, Prince of Whales was one of three children to survive to adulthood but he died in 1612 http://www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/james/jamesbio.htm -
Princess Elizabeth
Princess Elizabeth was the only girl out of five to survive to adulthood and would later marry Fredrick V http://www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/james/jamesbio.htm -
King James died March 27th, 1625 at the age of 58. http://www.pearltrees.com/#/N-play=2&N-s=1_7690678&N-u=1_783382&N-p=73043099&N-f=1_7690678&N-fa=5967794 -
King james was buried at Westminister Abbey cemetery. http://www.pearltrees.com/#/N-play=2&N-s=1_7690678&N-u=1_783382&N-p=73043099&N-f=1_7690678&N-fa=5967794 -
Charles was one of King Jame's childrern to live on to be an adult and he would take his fathers thrown after his passing http://www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/james/jamesbio.htm