Early Beginnings
Physical therapy has its roots in a professional group established by Per Henrik Ling. It focused on massage, manipulation, and exercise to support gymnasts at the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics in 1813. The term physiotherapy was introduced in 1851 in both German and English. Over time this term transformed into physical therapy.
Ref: Campbell County Health. (2022, October 21). The history of physical therapy. https://www.cchwyo.org/news/2022/november/the-history-of-physical-therapy/ -
Significant Developments
In the early 20th century, physical therapy was used to improve muscle function in polio patients. Therapists also assisted WWI soldiers with rehabilitation. By the 1920s, collaboration between physical therapists and the medical community increased, boosting the profession's recognition and establishing physical therapy as an essential. Ref: Campbell County Health. (2022, October 21). The history of physical therapy. https://www.cchwyo.org/news/2022/november/the-history-of-physical-therapy/ -
Significant Associations/Organizations: APTA 1921+
"The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is a professional organization with individual memberships, representing over 100,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and physical therapy students. Founded in 1921, APTA is dedicated to enhancing the health and well-being of individuals by advancing the practice of physical therapy."
Ref: LibGuides at Ohio State University-Health Sciences Library (n.d.) https://hslguides.osu.edu/physical-therapy/professional-organizations -
Changes in Education and Certification Requirement: 1900s+
Physical therapy began in the early 1900s, aiding polio recovery and rehabilitating World War I soldiers. In 1936, a two-year education was sufficient, but by the 1960s, a four-year degree became required. By the 1990s, all programs advanced to a Master's degree.
Ref: Tria. (2024, February 22). The evolution of physical therapy: HealthPartners Blog. https://www.healthpartners.com/blog/physical-therapyevolution/#:~:text=This%20has%20resulted%20in%20the,degree%20for%20all%20new%20graduates. -
Changes in Technology: 1900-2000+
Technology has transformed physical therapy through precise care. It helps therapists enhance treatment accuracy, collect data to monitor patient progress, and increase accessibility. It will continue to improve with technology. For example, Sensors help therapists collect biometric data for better health outcomes.
Ref: 7 ways technology is changing physical therapy. University of the Cumberlands. (2023a, November 15). https://www.ucumberlands.edu/blog/technology-is-changing-physical-therapy -
Events: 2000s+
Over time, physical therapy has played a role in helping millions of patients recover after injuries. It also helps many avoid the need for surgery. A key advantage of physical therapy is its effectiveness in assisting with pain and chronic conditions, such as back pain.
Ref: Care, S. H. (2023, March 15). The history and impact of Physical Therapy -https://shccares.com/blog/allied-health/history-and-impact-of-physical-therapy/