Kine as Project Natal
Short Kinect evolution from games to assistive technology
Kinect itself was first introduced
to the gaming industry as Project Natal"
June 1, 2009
http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/109/1096876p1.html -
Called Kinect
Name changed to Kinect
Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010
"World Premiere 'Project Natal'
for the Xbox 360 Experience" -
Instant adoption Socio-Digital Systems
Socio-Digital Systems (SDS) aims to use
an understanding of human values to help
to change the technological landscape in the 21st century.Moving to the public sector.
http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/groups/sds/ -
Virtual system drives motivation in rehab
Virtual system drives motivation in rehab patients in Carlisle Therapists at Forest Park Health Center & Rehabilitation in Carlisle are finding that they not only are seeing more interest but that they also sometimes have to limit the amount of time patients spend in the therapy room and specifically in front of thehttp://cumberlink.com/news/health/article_01d05c06-e833-11e0-8902-001cc4c03286.html#ixzz1vOo7xzsD http://cumberlink.com/news/health/article_01d05c06-e833-11e0-8902-001cc4c03286.html -
Kinec enhance visualization therapy
Kinect enhances visual therapy
As people experiment, they find Kinect is much more than a game http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2016644446_kinect31.html?cmpid=2628 -
horizon report
Knowledge of innovation—Brainstorm how gesture based computing will drive social change in human developement. Is this the platform to transform the way society serve its fellow citizen? -
Friends wounded in war
Persuasion of innovation—Evaluate connection between gesture base gaming, assistive technology, and therapy. -
research letter of medical need
Developed insurance company (laggards) compliance strategy researched pricing concerns. -
KAT concept
Confirmed that the kinect assistive technology offers a meaningful way to show thanks and honor veteran sacrifice. -
Decide to stick with innovation
Decision stage—revisited horizon site, downloaded innovative gesture based PDF, decided that connection between gesture and assistive technology met assignment requirements. -
Kinect improves autism diagnosis
May 16, 2012
Kinect: finding ways to diagnose autism earlier http://www.fiercehealthit.com/story/kinect-works-toward-degree-early-autism-diagnosis/2012-05-16 -
trouble shooting design visuals
To make sure the project meet Web 2.0 design principles, attention was given to developing specialize data graphics, as well as color selection, typography, audio issues, and layout, to enhance the delivery of content. -
Microsoft sees eyes healthcare with Kinect
The software giant imagines a future where its motion-sensing game controller can help patients get care and surgeons leaf through medical records http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-20073844-75/microsoft-sees-a-role-for-kinect-in-health-care/#ixzz1QEHK5com