Reading Experience

  • New York City Public Library

    New York City Public Library
    My first memory reading was my mother taking me to the New York Public Library, and the child book section was wonderful. The section consisted of all my childhood favorite books. The Rainbow Fish, The Hungry Caterpillar, Green Eggs & Ham, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. These books jump-started my experience with reading from my memory. I wasn't good at reading the books; however, the pictures definitely aided in telling the story.
  • Kindergarten Music Video

    Kindergarten Music Video
    During My days of Kindergarten, our teacher would often play videos of letters and shapes jumping throughout the screen that were singing and dancing at us, this was when I began to learn separate letters and their sounds. This learning was done thought the stimulating aesthetics targeted to my demographic as a toddler - a memory I am still fond of.
  • Catholic School Reading

    Catholic School Reading
    Once I got to 1st grade, I was in Catholic school. The textbooks were different, they often related religion with school and social topics and I remember being chosen to read a paragraph about the relations of God and being kind of one another. Apparently I read very well and the teacher gave me a blue star sticker as a reward for my good work. This achievement made me feel special and motivated me to participate more in reading.
  • New Reading Levels In 2nd Grade

    New Reading Levels In 2nd Grade
    I moved to Connecticut in 2nd grade and the reading education was very different. Now in my new school we were learning slower and began doing reading on computers. Suddenly there were less interesting books in computer reading; however the school library had plenty of fun physical books to read, which was my saving grace. The books I would reading where Diary of a Wimpy Kid, DogMan, and My Weird School.
  • 2nd Grade Book Fair

    2nd Grade Book Fair
    The very first time I remember being excited about books other than the pictures inside them, was in 2nd grade. It was my schools annual book fair, not only were there many exciting books to choose from, but there were also fun accessories to choose from : highlighters, invisible ink pens, cool shaped erasers. This overall added to my positive experience with reading.
  • Fictional Story Writing

    Fictional Story Writing
    In 3rd grade, when my education was becoming more advanced, I wrote my first ever short story about a volcano. I had to do some research in order to write the story. It was my first time doing research on a topic that I personally found interesting. All of the articles I read about volcanoes were fascinating and caused me to become a more avid reader.
  • Grammar

    In 6th grade, I had my first test purely based off of grammar and I remember doing terribly. I knew of grammar and some of the rules it consisted of however, I was never fully focused on it until now. After that test I vowed to improve my grammar skills and began to read as a from of studying grammar which increased the average amount that I read.
  • Writing Essays

    Writing Essays
    I was in 8th grade when writing Essays became a common part of my curriculum and after COVID I did lost a lot of stamina for reading and writing. At the time, writing essays was very demanding for my capacity. Although, the more I wrote and read, the better I became at it and this spark continued my strive through out my reading journey.