Creation of "casa de niños expósitos"
Creation of charities' society
"Educación Popular"
It had written by Sarmiento, for teach to the little ones. He worked with Juana Manso. -
"Pedagogic renovation" by Sarmiento
Is created "Escuela Normal de maestras Nicolás Avellaneda"
In that school appear de first kindergarten -
Is created the first kindergarten "Normail de Paraná"
"Ley de educación 1420"
That law propose a laic, free and obligatory education. -
"Ley provincial de Educación"
Creation of "Dirección General de Escuelas" and "Consejo General de Educación"
Lugones close down kindergartens
Is created the first kindergarten in Mendoza.
It was called "Merceditas de San Martin" -
Appear the New School
Appear again the ideas of J. Manson -
First kindergarten in Trenquelauquen
The theacher was Isabel Verdier -
First Peron's goverment
"Ley Simini"
Is derogated "Ley Simini"
Appared Freud and the psicoanalisis
Start the carrear of Education's Science
Declaretion of Universal Kids' right
Appear didactic strategies about plays-work
Jean Piaget
She wrote "Fundamentos y estructuras del jardín de infantes" -
Lidia Bosch
She wrote "El jardín de infantes hoy" -
Cossettini motivate the New School
Law 20582
Is created "Instituto de jardines maternales zonales" -
Is created the charch of "Inspectora de Educación Primaria"
Return Democracy
Is created "Comisión Compatibilizadora"
"Comisión Compatibilizadora" prodeced the first "DCP" from kindergarten. -
Appeared SEOS
Around this date appeared "Servicio Educativo de Origen Social" -
"Ley Federal de educación"
Says that kindergartens are obligatory for 5 years old -
Is implemented "Ley Federal de Educaciòn"
Start SEOS in each city-hall and private institutions.
"Ley de educación pública" Nº6970
"Ley 26206"
Suggest education from 45 days to 5 years -
Is created "Dirección de Educación de Gestión Social y Cooperativa"
Is created "Dirección de Educación Inicial"
Is constituided "Comisión Curricular de Nivel Inicial"