• Creation of "casa de niños expósitos"

  • Creation of charities' society

  • "Educación Popular"

    It had written by Sarmiento, for teach to the little ones. He worked with Juana Manso.
  • "Pedagogic renovation" by Sarmiento

  • Is created "Escuela Normal de maestras Nicolás Avellaneda"

    In that school appear de first kindergarten
  • Is created the first kindergarten "Normail de Paraná"

  • "Ley de educación 1420"

    That law propose a laic, free and obligatory education.
  • "Ley provincial de Educación"

  • Creation of "Dirección General de Escuelas" and "Consejo General de Educación"

  • Lugones close down kindergartens

  • Is created the first kindergarten in Mendoza.

    It was called "Merceditas de San Martin"
  • Appear the New School

    Appear again the ideas of J. Manson
  • First kindergarten in Trenquelauquen

    The theacher was Isabel Verdier
  • First Peron's goverment

  • "Ley Simini"

  • Is derogated "Ley Simini"

  • Appared Freud and the psicoanalisis

  • Start the carrear of Education's Science

  • Declaretion of Universal Kids' right

  • Appear didactic strategies about plays-work

  • Jean Piaget

  • Dufrat

    She wrote "Fundamentos y estructuras del jardín de infantes"
  • Lidia Bosch

    She wrote "El jardín de infantes hoy"
  • Cossettini motivate the New School

  • Law 20582

    Is created "Instituto de jardines maternales zonales"
  • Is created the charch of "Inspectora de Educación Primaria"

  • Return Democracy

  • Is created "Comisión Compatibilizadora"

    "Comisión Compatibilizadora" prodeced the first "DCP" from kindergarten.
  • Appeared SEOS

    Around this date appeared "Servicio Educativo de Origen Social"
  • "Ley Federal de educación"

    Says that kindergartens are obligatory for 5 years old
  • Is implemented "Ley Federal de Educaciòn"

  • Start SEOS in each city-hall and private institutions.

  • "Ley de educación pública" Nº6970

  • "Ley 26206"

    Suggest education from 45 days to 5 years
  • Is created "Dirección de Educación de Gestión Social y Cooperativa"

  • Is created "Dirección de Educación Inicial"

  • Is constituided "Comisión Curricular de Nivel Inicial"