Killing Kennedy Timlne

  • Oswald goes to Russia

    Oswald goes to Russia at th end of his duty in the Marines and is belived to have been a Communist
  • Oswald comes back the the U.S.

    Oswald returns to the U.S and lives in Texas
  • Oswalds first assassination attempt

    Oswalds first assassination attempt
    Lee Oswald attempts to kill Edwin Walker.
  • President Kennedy Gives Speech in San Antonio

    President Kennedy Gives Speech in San Antonio
    President John Kennedy give a speech at the U.S. Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas
  • Kennedy arrives in Dallas

    Kennedy arrives in Dallas
    President John F. Kennedy arrives in Dallas Texas
  • Other victims of the assassination

    Other victims of the assassination
    Police officer J.D. Tippit and John Connally were also killed when Kennedy was killed.
  • Kennedy is Killed

    Kennedy is Killed
    President John F Kennedy is killed by Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Lyndon Johnson becomes President

    Lyndon Johnson becomes President
    Lyndon B. Johnson become the 36th President after President Keneddy is shot.
  • Oswalt Killed

    Oswalt Killed
    Lee Harvey Oswald is killed by Jack Ruby
  • Kennedy is Buried

    Kennedy is Buried
    President John F. Kennedy is laid to rest in Arlington Ntional Cemetary.