John Locke enlightenment thinker: He came with the idea of natural rights. Other enlightenment thinkers came up with ideas such as seperation of powers, rights for women, and freedom of speech.
Enlightenment time period influenced the idea of American, French and Latin American Revoltion. Citizens rebeled against their government and won independence -
Period: to
art history
Claude Nicolas
This artist was born march 1737 and past away in 1806. He went to school at latrobe and old dickenson college. The type of art that he created was the French neo-classical architure. he is most known for architectural theory. -
American revolution
This took place in 1775. Colonits turned this from war, to a conflict. After french helped the army, the British surrendered -
French revolution
The French revolution was a radical socail time, in France. The absolute Monarchy had ruled all over France, for a very long time, well..... for just 3 years. -
John Gibson
This artist was born in 1790 and passed away in 1866. He attended to Presbyterian Theological College which is a national institute of dramatic arts. The most art that he is known for, is Bristish sculptures. -
industrial revolution
The industrial revolution began with machnies. The machines were used to make cotton and out of the cotton to make things. They also changed the way to how people worked. The effect that the industrial revolution had on society was of urbanization. -
summary - highest stage of capitialism. from the french and germans. The effects were the benefits from the colonies. There was a post-war against with French and German They used to control other countries or colonies. -
Impressionist Artist
Edouard Manet was the same way as Claude Monet but his had more people life. -
Neoclassical Art Movement
Neoclassical movement, was also known as neoclassicism. This was the predominant in European art. Baroque art was also part of this neoclassical movement, during this period of time. -
Germany and hungary called to form a alliance to order to isolate France. Great Britain expanded the triple Entente. It began after the archduke after decaying. It ended because the Germans agreed to sign an agreement. It was also a water-shed for the Americans a time for when war afairs began. -
Yalta Conference
The Big Three Churchill (Great Britain), President Roosevet (USA), & Stalin (Soviet) at the end of World War II agreed that Stalin would join the fight against Japan to end World War II along as the United States & Great Britain allowed the Soviet Union to control Eastern Europe after the War. The Soviet Union agreed to allow free elections in Eastern Europe. This would establish the division in Europe between the United States (Western Europe) & the Soviet Union (Eastern Europe) that would be -
United Nations
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress -
Truman Doctrine
The Truman Doctrine grew out of George Kennan’s 1946 ‘long telegram’ which argued that the US should follow a policy of ‘containment’ to stop Russian expansion. Then, in February 1947, the British announced that they were withdrawing their soldiers from Greece. On 12 March 1947, Truman warned Congress that, without help, Greece would fall to Communism -
Marshall Plan
was an ambitious American program to rebuild shattered European economies after the end of World War II. The need for such a program was considered urgent not only to support America's largest trade partners, but also to prevent the spread of communism from the Soviet Union. From 1948 to . -
Warsaw Pact
was a response to a similar treaty made by the Western Allies in 1949 (the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, or NATO) as well as the re-militarization of West Germany in 1954, both of which posed a potential threat to the Eastern countries. -
Berlin Airlift
Soviets placed a blockade on the allied sector of Berlin to starve the population into Soviet support. -
Middle East ( Egypt)
There were many days of protest. The goverenment blocked all uses of social network because they were talking about stuff over the internet. -
Middle East ( Libya)
The citizens in libya are broadcasting a ballot to choose a prime minister for their country. The electons are the first free elections since a revolution of the country's dictator. -
Middle East ( Syria)
The leader of Syria announced a seemingly unlikely cease-fire between two sides to mark the main Muslim holiday, of the year. -
NATO Impact
was an alliance of various states with the purpose to defend each other in case that a member state is under attack by an other nation or organization. -
Cold War