Angkor wat temple

Khmer Timeline

By Adam_G
  • Oct 27, 1150

    Angkor Wat

    Angkor Wat
    King Suryavarman II initiated the construction of the Angkor Wat temple in 1113CE and roughly finished in 1150CE. The Angkor Wat is one of the three largest and most important temples in the Khmer Empire.
  • Period: Oct 27, 1181 to Oct 27, 1219

    Empire at its Limits

    King Jayavarman VII expanded the Khmer Empire to its greatest limits during his reign. He went to war with the Cham (modern day Vietnam) and the Thais.
  • Oct 27, 1219

    The Bayon

    The Bayon
    One of the three most important temples in the Khmer Empire. It was built during the reign of Jayavarman VII. There are 5 towers. Each side of the tower has a carving with the face of King Jayavarman.
  • Period: Oct 27, 1243 to Oct 27, 1400

    Buddhism and Hinduism

    During this time, the Empire’s main religion is indecisive between Buddhism and Hinduism. During the rule of Jayavarman VIII, he renounces Buddhism and orders that Buddhist temples and images be destroyed and Hinduism become the main religion. In the 1300s, Buddhism grew in importance and once again became the main religion in the Khmer Empire.
  • Period: Oct 27, 1330 to Oct 27, 1400

    The Black Death

    The Black Death had a severe impact on South East Asia as there were many Sea Ports there. Ships from China and Europe brought the disease over.
  • Oct 27, 1431

    End of Angkor

    End of Angkor
    The last Khmer king to use Angkor as the capital of the Khmer Empire was in 1431. For the past two centuries, the Khmer Empire had continued to lose territory to the Cham and the Thais. During the 1440’s, the capital was moved to Phnom Penh.
  • End of the Khmer Empire

    End of the Khmer Empire
    The Khmer Empire was defeated by the Thais in 1594. The Thais looted the temples and took many valuable items. Cambodia became a vassal state for the Thais.
  • Banteay Srei

    Banteay Srei
    One of the three most important temples in the Khmer Empire. Construction commenced during the reign of Rajendravarman II. Yajinavaraha was the designer and builder of the Banteay Srei. It is known for its beautiful display of bas-beliefs.
  • Beginning of the Khmer Empire

    Beginning of the Khmer Empire
    The Khmer Empire is believed to have started in 802 CE, after King Jayavarman II declared himself Chakravartin (“king of the kings’’) declaring that Mount Kulen will be the capital. He will then change the capital to Hariharalaya.
  • Period: to Oct 27, 1400

    Development and Expansion of the Khmer Empire

    Numerous kings challenged themselves by attempting to expand territory, build temples and improve the well being of the citizens by adding hospitals, irrigation networks and roads.