Jan 1, 802
Jayavarman II - God king
The Khmer Empire was founded as smaller states and they were all combined to make one empire. -
Jan 1, 834
Khmer Empire Expansion
As Buddhism becomes important, the Khmer Empire expands and a temple was built and named Angkor Wat. 834-1145 AD -
Jan 1, 1177
Cham Kingdom invades Khmer
The Cham kingdom invaded a lot of Khmer Empire’s eastern territory and it showed that the 12th century was a time of conflict and brutal power struggles for the Khmer Empire. 1177-78 AD -
Jan 1, 1203
Jayavarman VII defeats Chams
The Khmer Empire managed to push back and defeat attackers Champa. Jayavarman then expanded the empire to the furthest extent. -
Jan 1, 1243
Rule of Jayavarman VIII
Jayavarman VIII renounces Buddhism and orders that Buddhist temples and images be destroyed and Hinduism becomes the main religion. 1243-98 AD -
Jan 1, 1300
Buddhism grows in importance
Buddhism grows and eventually becomes the main religion of the Khmer Kings. 1300s -
Jan 1, 1431
1431 AD - Thai army attacks Angkor.
1432 AD - Khmers abandon Angkor and as the centuries go by the jungle grows around and over Angkor and it’s location is forgotten. -
Jan 1, 1442
The capital gets reallocated
Khmer rulers relocate the capital to Phnom Penh in the 1440s. -
Siamese Invasion
The Siamese king attacks and successfully defeats Khmer king. -
Vietnamese armies attack Khmer
The Vietnamese armies repeatedly attack Khmer forces in Mekong River delta and defeat the Khmer. 1700s