Khmer Empire

  • 500


    Evidence of the use of iron to make tools, and trade between he Khmer and Indian peoples.
  • Period: Nov 21, 770 to Nov 22, 834

    Jayavarman II

    Jayavarman II is enthroned as a devaraja (God-King). Jayavarman II unified smaller states to create one large empire.
  • Period: Apr 21, 834 to Jul 15, 1145

    Khmer Empire expands

    The Khmer Empire expands and Angkor Wot is built. Buddhism becomes substantial and important.
  • Feb 16, 1002

    Civil War

    Civil War
    A civil war breaks out in Angkor as rival leaders compete for control of the Khmer Empire.
  • Period: Apr 21, 1181 to Jun 18, 1219

    Jayavarman VII defeats Chams

    Jayavarman VII defeats the Chams and expands the empire to furthest extent to incorporate much of present day Laos, Thailand and Burma.
  • Period: Aug 18, 1243 to Jun 4, 1298

    Buddhism Renounced

    Rule of Jayavarman VII. He renounces Buddhism and orders that Buddhist Temples and images be destroyed and Hinduism become the main religion
  • Apr 19, 1300

    Buddhism grows

    Buddhism grows
    Buddhism grows in importance and again becomes the main religion of the Khmer Kings
  • Nov 21, 1431

    Khmer Empire is Attacked

    Khmer Empire is Attacked
    The Thai Army attacks Angkor and the Khmer abandons it. Over subsequent centuries, the jungle grows around and over Angkor and its location is forgotten.
  • Nov 22, 1440

    Change of Captital

    Change of Captital
    The Khmer Empire rulers re-establish and relocate the capital to Phnom Penh.
  • The Siamese King Attacks

    The Siamese King Attacks
    The war began in 1591 when the Siamese (Thai) king invaded Cambodia in response to continuous Cambodian raids into their territory. The king eventually won in 1593 subjugating the Khmer Empire.