Evidence of trade between the khmer and indian peoples
First Known kingdom in the Lower Mekong River
Oct 20, 700
Jayavarman II unifies smaller states to create one large empire
Oct 20, 1177
Cham kingdom invades much of Khmer Empire's eastern territory
Oct 20, 1181
Jayavarman VII defeats the chams and expands the empire
Oct 20, 1243
rule of Jayavarman VII. He renoucses Buddism
Oct 20, 1330
Buddism grows in importance and again becomes the main religion
Oct 20, 1431
Thai army attacks Angkor
Oct 20, 1432
Khmers abandon Angkor.
Oct 20, 1440
Khmer rules relocates the capital
Siamese king attacks and defeats Khmer king
Veitnames armies repeatedly attack Khmer empire forces in mekong river
Jayavarman II enthroned expands and Angkor Wat is built
Khmer empire expands and ankor Wat is built. Buddism becomes important