The County Deer Advisory Council's Actions Have Increased Archery and Women Hunter Numbers Over the Past Few Years “for only educational purposes”
By Bucksin6
The CDAC discussed extending the archery season in two zones. Rob Bohmann presented the idea for both central and southern farmland zones to have this longer season. However, to not interfere with snowmobiling and other sports, the resolution was advanced to only feature this extended season in the Southern Zone. -
Archery hunters killed just over 87,000 deer. This was over a quarter of all deer hunted in 2015, a year where the numbers of hunters increased, especially for women hunters. Over the archery season, just under 40 percent of the kills were by crossbow. -
The CDAC passes resolution to have crossbow season from September 15- October 15. The committee noted that many women prefer crossbow hunting to bow hunting, since many cannot pull back a vertical bow. -
The CDAC advanced a providing of incentives for landowners to allow hunting on their property. These incentives would include: “tax breaks, tax deductions, or flat fee deductions for participating in access programs.” The type of hunting allowed on the property would be up to the landowner. -
2016 had an increase in bow hunting and women hunters. With adjusted seasons, for crossbows especially, women hunters increased by 29 percent.