Henry Ford
An American Indusrialist and founder of the Ford motor company, Ford nearly perfected mass production by using th assembely line to build. He didn't invent the first automoblie. but he did make the first one affordable to the middle class. -
Marcus Garvey
A strong Jamician Political Leader, helped bring forward the Pan-Africanism and Black Nationalism Movements. He founded the United Negro Improvement Association. -
This was the time period when America went dry. They made drinking alcohol illegal for everyone. This casued people to make speakeaises. -
Clarence Darrow
Being a leader in the ACLU, and a lawyer he helps push American forward. In 1894, he defends Eugene V. Debs. He even saves Richard and Nathan from the death penalty. He hit the peak of his career in the 1920s. -
Tin Pan Alley
The name of a collection of New York City music publishers and lyrics producers who made popular music. They ruled the category for popular music throughout the 1920s-2000s. -
Frances Willard
Suffragist, temperance reformer, and educator. This woman was a national president of the WCTU and kept things in line for about 20 years, She put forth effort to help in the federeal aid and fighting for better conditions for working people. -
Social Darwinism
Onriginally formed in the 1870s when the theory emerged. It was a name given to multiple theories about society and how they came to be. -
The Great Migration
Blacks in the South found that wages in the North double and even tripled the amount they made in the South. In hopes of getting a new job that pays more, thousands of blacks from the South began to move their lives North. -
1st Red Scare
A period of history when the United States had a large fear of Bolshevism and anarchism, because real events iwhich ncluded those such as the Russian Revolution as well as the well-known goal of a worldwide communist revolution. -
Warren G. Harding's "Return to Normalcy"
This was the time period after WW1 when people focused on getting life back to noramal. The goal was to get the US back to the way it was pre-war status. To act as if the war never happened. -
Jazz Music
Jazz music was considered illegal because it originated from people of color. The whites didn't like this because it helped encourage them to rise up. -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
This was a bribery incident. Fall accepted bribes from people trying to buy petroleum reserves and was convicted. He was sent to prison but no one was ever convicted for giving bribes. -
William Jennings Bryan
Serving as a public speaker as well as a secretary for President Wilson, William was a strong being. In 1890, he became a Nebraska congressman and in 1896 he captured the minds at the Democratic convention with his Cross Of Gold speech. -
Scopes Monkey Trial
An case in 1925, a highschool teacher accused of teaching human evolution in schools when it was illegal and went againt the Butler's Act. Scopes was found guilty and fined. He purposely incrimminated himself so there would be a defendant. -
Langston Hughes
A primary person in the Harlem Renaissance, an American Poet and a scoial activist. One of his pieces "Teh Weary Blue" won an award. He wrote many other successful pieces such as, "Fine Clothes to The Jew", "Not Wihout Laughter", and "The Way of White Folks". -
Charles A. Lindbergh
An American aviator, the first man ever to make a solo, no stop flight across the Atlantic. He was given the ick name "Lucky Lindy" or the "Lone Eagle" -
Harlem Renaissance
During this time period, writers, artists, musicians etc. began to bloom. This was a big time for black writers to come out of their shells and express themselves. -
Stock Market Crash "Black Tuesday"
At this time, people lost everything. Billions of dollars went down the drain. Long time investors and stock holders were wiped of their money. This was the day the Great Depression started. -
The Dust Bowl
This was a time period when severe dust storms in the panhandle. Harsh dry wind would carry away nutrient rich top soil leaving the dry ground and causing wind erosion. This made it hard to farm or grow realy anything. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Roosevelt was in term during the Great Depression and WW2. He was elected into office 4 times, he was in term longer than any president ever. He was also diagnosed with polio in 1921. -
20th Amendment
This amendment controls when a elected officials office ends and also who would take place of the president incase he would pass. -
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FCIC)
Insures deposits in the bank to prevent bank failure. Made after the Great Depression to help encourage people to trust the banks again. -
Federal Reserve System
The federal banking system of the United States. fpunded in 1913. After the Great Depression, many changes were made to the system. They managed the new system by maximizing empolyments, stabilizing prices and checking interest rates. -
"Relief, Recovery, Reform"
During Roosevelt's term, he introduced the three r's. These were supposed to address and solve the problems of unemplyment etc. These terms were part of the New Deal, these helped regulate the banks and manage things. -
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Created by the United States to manage aigation, flood control, fertilizer manufacturing etc. This began to develop in the Tennessee area. -
Eleanor Roosevelt
Being President Roosevelts wife, she was oen of the first ladies. But, she changed the role of all the First Ladies after her. She was very involved with politics. When her husband was diiagnosed with polio, she stepped forward to help her husband. -
21st Amendment
The 21st Amendment put an end to the prohibition. This allowed alcohol to be legal once again but it stil regulated things a tiny bit. The law stated you must be 21 to legally drink alcohol. -
Dorothea Lange
During the Great Depression, Lange took pictures of those who were ignored and considered not to be a problem. She did this so she could show the world the reality of what was actually happening and to see how people are suffering. -
Securities & Exchange Commision (SEC)
Created by congress to manage securites in markets. This helped protect investors and watches over corporate takeovers. -
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Made during President Roosevelts term, the SSA watches over the social insurance programs. It covers everything from disability to retirement. -
The New Deal
This was put into place after the Great Depression as a way to rebound the country and get it back to normal. Many organizations were made to help regulate the flow of work happening in the government and prevent another stock market crash. -
The Great Depression
The Great Depression started after the stock market crashed. People rushed in to take thier money out of the bank and the banks soon ran out of money, leaving people with nothing. Thousands lots their jobs and thosands more lost thier homes.